How I manage to grow my hair so long and keep it healthy?
January 16, 2018
I changed my hairstyle recently, not because it was damaged so I had to, but because I wanted shorter hair. But, I took some photos to show you how it looked few weeks ago and gather up all the advice and answers to your questions on how I manage to grow my hair so long and how I keep it healthy.
So I wouldn't repeat myself on what I went through in growing my hair and getting it to this condition, you can read more details in this post.
In the photos below you can see how it looks the day I washed it. It is lightened and I did have pink hair for some time, so you can still see some pinky orange residue.
Nedavno sam se ošišala, ne zato jer sam morala radi oštećenja, već jer sam željela. Ali, poslikala sam kosu kakva je bila prije par tjedana i odlučila na jedno mjesto staviti savjete i odgovore na sva vaša pitanja o tome kako održavam kosu tako dugom i zdravom.
Da se ne ponavljam o tome što sam sve prošla dok sam stigla do ovakve kose, sve možeš pročitati u ovom postu.
Na slikama ispod možeš vidjeti stanje kose nakon što je tek oprana. Posvijetljivana je te se još vide ostaci roze polutrajne boje koju sam nosila neko vrijeme (iako se tu čini više narančasta).

The shampoo I still use and love is Afrodita nettle and panthenol. It is great if you notice that you hair is falling out (more than usual), but also it makes your hair grow faster. I am not kidding. This is one of those shampoos that you can find on the bottom shelves in stores, and even the low price doesn't make you even think that this is a great shampoo. Give it a chance. :)
Šampon koji još uvijek koristim i volim je Afrodita kopriva i pantenol koji utječe na smanjivanje ispadanja kose, ali i na rast kose. Ozbiljno ti kažem, od njega kosa zaista brže raste. Ovo je jedan od onih šampona koji se u trgovinama nalaze na najdonjim policama, a ni cijena od 20kn za 1 litru ne daje naslutiti da je ustvari odličan. Nemoj imati predrasude. :)
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Afrodita Kopriva i pantenol šampon |
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Afrodita Kopriva i pantenol šampon |
The thing I really love about it is that is leaves the hair clean. Not just seemingly clean, but squeaky clean. Because I do use some products with silicones, that tend to build up on the hair over time, every now and then, I have to wash them out, and you do too. With this or any other deep clean shampoo.
If you use it and you think that I dried out your hair, it didn't. It just washed away any build up product (like oils, hair spray, mousse etc.) and left it like it really is. So, if you think it is dry, damaged, not shiny, that is because it really is. It is just that there isn't anything to camouflage that. Don't worry, you will bring life back to it, for now the most important thing is that it's clean.
Ono što još volim kod njega je što mi kosu ostavlja čistom. Ali ne onako prividno čistom, već "škripi pod prstima" čistom. Kako koristim i proizvode na bazi silikona, koji se s vremenom nakuplja na kosi, potrebno ih je svako toliko skinuti, bilo ovim, ili nekim drugim šamponom za dubinsko čišćenje.
Ako ti se čini da ti je isušio kosu, zapravo i jest i nije. S nje je isprao sve nakupine proizvoda kao što su ulja, gelovi, lakovi, pjene... pa čak i prirodna ulja koja svaka kosa ima i ostavio ju u onakvom stanju kakva zaista je. Pa, ako ti se čini suha, bez sjaja ili oštećena, to je zato što u ovom trenu zaista i jest. Zato je nakon ovakvih šampona potrebno vratiti život kosi.
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Afrodita Kopriva i pantenol šampon |
I shampoo my hair twice and don't use too much of it, especially the second wash. This shampoo is very liquidy and you will probably spill it everywhere the fist time you use it. :)
And also, you only need to shampoo your scalp, especially if you hair is really long and dry, not the whole lenght. And let me make it clear, if you wash your hair every day (you shouldn't, but hey), this is not the best shampoo for you. It can be too much and dry out your scalp. You can use it every other wash, just to make sure you are not stripping you hair of natural oils that are there to protect the scalp and the hair. If you wash your hair af often as I do, twice a week, you can use it every second wash or even less if you feel like you don't need it as often.
Kosu šamponiram dva puta, ne s prevelikom količinom šampona, pogotovo ne za drugo šamponiranje. Tada ti je potrebna još manja količina. Ovaj je dosta tekući, pa postoji velika šansa da ćeš ga prilikom prvog korištenja razliti posvuda. :)
Također, potrebno je šamponirati samo tjeme, a ne cijelu dužinu kose, pogotovo ako imaš dužu, suhu kosu. Samo da napomenem, ako pereš kosu svaki dan (ne bi trebala, ali ako moraš - moraš), ovo nije najbolji šampon za to. Može biti previše jak i skinuti sva prirodna "ulja" iz kose i tjemena koja su tu da ju zaštite i održe zdravom. Ako pereš kosu kao ja, dva puta tjedno, možeš ga koristiti svako drugo pranje ili čak rjeđe, ako primijetiš da ti nije potreban.
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Afrodita Kopriva i pantenol šampon |
The next shampoo I love is Kemon Actyva. The main reason I love it is because it is really gentle. It works well on thin and fine hair, it doesn't weight it down but it doesn't give volume. To be fair, I don't believe that any shampoo can give you volume just by itself, at least I haven't found it yet.
I usually use it every other wash, switching between the two, unless I notice that my hair is dry - then I only use Kemon to balance the scalp.
Slijedeći šampon koji volim je Kemon Actyva. Ovo je blagi šampon koji odlično paše tankoj kosi, ne otežava ju onako da bude slijepljena uz glavu, ali niti ne daje neki volumen. Iako, ne vjerujem da ijedan šampon može dati volumen, barem ja do sada nisam naišla na takav.
Koristim ga otprilike svako drugo pranje, odnosno rotiram ga zajedno s prethodnim, osim ako osjetim da mi je tjeme suho - onda koristim samo Kemon kako bih ga vratila u normalu.
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Kemon Actyva shampoo |
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Kemon Actyva shampoo |
As far as I know, you can't buy it in any stores, but only in some hair salons.
And let me say it right here and right now, this shampoo is maybe more expensive than the shampoos you are used to, but it is worth it because you only use a tiny bit every time you wash your hair. Really, the size of a small coin it more than enough. I repeat, you shampoo only the scalp twice.
Koliko sam upoznata, ne može se kupiti u svakoj trgovini, već samo u specijaliziranim salonima.
I da, odmah tu i sada ću ti reći da je skuplji nego što si možda navikla platiti za šampon, ali u jednu ruku se isplati jer je potrebna mala količina. Ali baš onako mala, veličine 50 lipa do 1kn, ovisno o tome koliko je kosa prljava. Ponavljam, šamponira se dva puta i to samo tjeme.
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Kemon Actyva shampoo |
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Kemon Actyva shampoo |
I can't speak for you, but for me, almost every conditioner works the same. That is why I usually bought a new one every time, but I also switched to masks instead of conditioners. Why? Because it feel that masks are conditioners on steroids. So why buy just the regular conditioner?
But let's be realistic here, there are only few masks / conditioners that I bought more than once in a row. Cien Intensive repair mask is one of them. Which means I like it. Cien is a brend that can be found in Lidl and this mask makes my hair just shiny and soft enough, bu doesn't make it tangle more or weight it down. This is usually the minimum requirements that a good conditioner / mask has to achieve (in my book), but for everything else that is suppose to deeple nourish the hair, I rely on homemade masks I mix using different oils because - silicones. More on that later.
Nisam sigurna kako za tebe, ali meni su skoro pa svi regeneratori isti. Zato ih često mijenjam, ali često i koristim maske umjesto regeneratora. Zašto? Jer imam osjećaj da su maske regeneratori na steroidima. Zašto onda davati novce za obični regenerator?
No dobro, budimo realni, rijetko koju masku / regenerator kupim više puta zaredom, a Cien Intensive repair maska je jedna od njih. Što znači da mi je dobra. Cien je Lidlova marka, a ova maska mi sasvim dovoljno omekša kosu, bez da ju zapetlja i oteža. To je uglavnom neki minimum koji tražim od regeneratora ili maske, a sve dodatno hranjivo, dobivam iz maski koje sama radim od različitih ulja jer - silikoni. O tome malo kasnije.
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Cien Intensive Repair mask |
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Cien Intensive Repair mask |
Conditioners and masks should be applied on the whole length of the hair, avoiding the scalp (if you don't want to make it more greasy). That is also how I use it.
Oh, and just because it says to leave it on for 2 minutes, that doesn't mean you have to rinse it of after 2 minutes. I think that is just a suggested time but if you leave it on longer (for example, 15 minutes), it could only work better and sink into the hair more... Not confirmed, that are only my thoughts. :)
Regeneratori i maske se, (ako ne želiš dodatno zamastiti tjeme), nanose na cijelu dužinu kose, izbjegavajući tjeme. Tako ih i ja koristim.
Također, to što na njemu piše određeni broj minuta, ne znači da ju ti moraš držati na kosi toliko. Mišljenja sam da je to samo predloženo vrijeme, te ako proizvod ostaviš na kosi malo duže (15-ak minuta), samo će se još bolje upiti... Nije potvrđeno, već je to samo moje mišljenje. :)
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Cien Intensive Repair mask |
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Cien Intensive Repair mask |
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Cien Intensive Repair mask |
The hair mask I also use is Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask. I repeat, I'm not sure how well it really nourishes the hair, but it makes it soft, light and alive. Enough for me. :)
Maska koju također koristim je Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask. Ponovno kažem, nisam sigurna koliko zaista hrani kosu, ali ju omekša, ne bude otežana niti slijepljena... meni dovoljno. :)
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Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask |
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Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask |
But, I do see the difference between this and the previous mask. The Kemon one makes my hair even more lightweight and bouncy, and I can feel that fake slippery residue when rinsing it off unlike the Cien one.
I am mentioning it because it is much more expensive than the Cien one, so I am giving you a choice if you can justify the price difference for a few more benefits that Kemon mask gives.
Ipak, vidim razliku između ove i prethodne maske. Kemon maska mi čini kosu lepršavijom te, kada ju ispirem, nemam onaj umjetno skliski osjećaj pod prstima kao kod prethodne, odnosno ne osjetim da je ostao skliski film na kosi.
Ipak spominjem ju zato što je i više je nego duplo skuplja od Cien maske, odnosno dajem ti izbor ako si razlikom u cijeni možeš opravdati dodatnih par benificija koje Kemon maska pruža.
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Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask |
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Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask |
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Kemon Actyva Nutrizione ricca mask |
Yes, I have another mask I use. It is Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque with shea butter and honey.
It does everything the other two do, but there is a difference. This mask feels heavier on the hair and you have to rinse it off very well so it doesn't make the hair sticky. I suggest rinsing it off much better and longer under running water than what you think is enough. That is because you can feel the leftover residue on the hair, so it seems like you can't really rinse it off, no matter how hard you try.
But, it makes the hair easier to comb trough. But, there is but, my hair gets greasy quicker than usual when I use it.
It has a weird scent, like chemicals, far from anything like honey, but luckily it doesn't stay in the hair for long.
________________________________________________________________________________It has a weird scent, like chemicals, far from anything like honey, but luckily it doesn't stay in the hair for long.
Da, u rotaciji se nalazi još jedna maska. Riječ je o Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque s karite maslacem i medom.
Također, u konačnici radi isto što i prošle dvije, ali postoji razlika. Ova maska je najteža na kosi, te se mora dobro isprati kako kosa ne bi bila otežana i slijepljena nakon pranja. Predložila bih malo dulje ispiranje nego inače, za svaki slučaj, jer cijelo vrijeme prilikom ispiranja možeš osjetiti film na kosi, pa ti se i čini da se ne ispire. Ipak, s njom je raščešljavanje najlakše. Ali, postoji ali, kada ju koristim, kosa mi se brže zamasti i postane nekako "repasta".
Ima čudan miris, meni po nekim kemikalijama, nikako ne po medu, ali sreća pa se ne zadržava dugo na kosi.
Ima čudan miris, meni po nekim kemikalijama, nikako ne po medu, ali sreća pa se ne zadržava dugo na kosi.
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Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque |
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Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque |
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Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque |
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Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque |
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Le Petit Marseillais Nutrition masque |
So lets begin with the oil that you can buy as it is. It is (I swear Kemon is not sponsoring me hahah) Kemon Actyva Bellessere oil.
So we finally came to the product that makes the biggest difference in how my hair looks and feels. No matter what conditioner or mask I use, there is nothing that can make my hair feel soft and good like this oil. It is great for thin hair because it is lightweight and non sticky, so it spreads easily over the whole length - avoiding the roots. One to maximum three pumps (for long hair) are enough. It also makes my hair easier to comb through for the next few days, until I wash it again.
I apply it when my hair is still damp.
Slijedeće je ulje koje možeš kupiti kao takvo u trgovini. Najdraže mi je (Kemon me ne sponzorira hahah) Kemon Actyva Bellessere oil.
Napokon smo došli do proizvoda koji čini najveću razliku u tome kako moja kosa izgleda i kakva je na dodir. Nije bitno koju masku ili regenerator koristim, ništa mi ne napravi kosu mekanom kao ovo ulje. Odlično je za tanku, laganu kosu jer nije ljepljivo niti teško te se lako se distribuira po kosi - izbjegavajući tjeme. Dovolja je jedna do maksimalno tri pumpice za dugu kosu. Ne samo da ju čini mekšom, već olakšava svako slijedeće raščešljavanje, slijedećih nekoliko dana dok ju opet ne operem.
Nanosim ga na još vlažnu kosu, tek posušenu ručnikom.
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Kemon Actyva Bellessere oil |
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Kemon Actyva Bellessere oil |
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Kemon Actyva Bellessere oil |
The next thing changed my life. Yes. I'm not being over-dramatic. The longer the hair, the easier is for it to tangle, especially it the ends are dry, so it was a real struggle for me to brush it. I used many types of brushes - the classic ones, combs, the ones specificly made for detangling like Tangle Teezer etc., but nothing came close to this one.
Acca Kappa Extension hair brush is, like the name suggests, made for brushing the extensions. That is why it is really gentle and glides though the hair without pulling the hair and destroying it. If there are tangles in the hair, it doesn't get stuck, but it is like it skips over and slowly detangling it at the same time. Not to go into the materials used in making of the bristles now, I actually think that is because it has many different length bristles coming out of one whole. It is marvelous, I'm telling you.
It can be fund in professional hair salons.
Slijedeća stvar je nešto što mi je promijenilo život. Da. Ne preuveličavam. Kako se duga kosa inače više petlja, a pogotovo ako su vrhovi suhi, bila mi je muka raščešljavati ju. Koristila sam svakakve klasične četke, češljeve, četke za lakše češljanje, tipa Tangle Teezer i slično, ali ništa nije kao ova.
Acca Kappa Extension hair brush je, kako joj i ime kaže, namijenjena za češljanje ekstenzija. Samim time je blaga i samo klizi kroz kosu, bez čupanja i trganja. Ako naiđe na petlju, ne zapne, već ju u isto vrijeme kao da i preskoči, i lagano otpetljava. Da te sad ne zamaram time od čega je napravljena, mislim da je to radi toga što ima više zubaca iz jedne rupe koji su razdvojeni i različitih dužina. Čudo jedno, kažem ti.
Može se kupiti u određenim frizerskim salonima.
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Acca Kappa Extension hair brush |
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Acca Kappa Extension hair brush |
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Acca Kappa Extension hair brush |
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Acca Kappa Extension hair brush |
Like I mentioned before, I like to use homemade masks. With that said, I mainly use coconut oil, on its own or as a mixing base. If you use it on its own, you have to melt it down in your hands before appliying it to the hair (that is not the problem because it melst as soon as you touch it). On the other hand, if you want to use it as a base in which you will add other oils, then you can melt it down in a microwave or leave it in any warm corner (like near the radiator, but in the summer, it melts on its own in the jar).
The oils I tend to use are almond, castor, argan, olive and avocado oil. They're all good. Often times I mix few of them but I always mix them in the coconut oil base. It is important to know that this is the time you should use pure oils, whichever you like, not some mixture from the stores. You can check that in the ingreedients list on the bottle. All of the oils I mentioned here make the hair healthier and nicer if used regulary (I use the them once every two weeks, which is roughly every fourth wash).
I also like to use honey, but it needs to be completely melted in warm water, so it would apply much easier and it wouldn't make the hair sticky. I also tried to use apple vinegar disolved in water a few times. It makes the hair a bit shinier but I feel like it doesn't nourish, so I stopped using it.
The masks like this should be applied from the roots to the ends. You can keep them on as long as you like it, sometimes I even leave then on over night, just make sure the pillowcase you're sleeping on is protected. :) Then it shoud be rinsed of as usual, shampooing twice and following with the conditioners as normal.
Kako sam prije spomenula, volim koristiti i maske koje sama smiksam doma. Za to najčešće koristim kokosovo ulje, bilo samo ili kao bazu. Ako ga koristim samo, potrebno ga je otopiti na rukama i onda nanositi na kosu (što nije problem jer se topi čin da dotakneš). Ako ga pak koristim kao bazu u kojoj miješam druga ulja, onda ga lagano rastopim na nižoj temperaturi u mikrovalnoj ili gdje god je toplije (npr. ako ga ostavim pokraj radijatora, dok se preko ljeta otopi samo i u staklenci).
Ulja koja općenito koristim na kosi su bademovo, ricinusovo, arganovo, maslinovo i ulje avokada. Sva su dobra za kosu. Često ih kombiniram, ali gotovo uvijek ih umiješam u bazu od kokosovog ulja. Bitno je napomenuti da kod ovih ulja radije koristiš čisto ulje, što možeš provjeriti na popisu sastojaka koji piše na svakoj bočici. Sva navedena ulja čine kosu općenito ljepšom i zdravijom kada se redovito koriste (ja ih stavljam jednom svaka dva tjedna, što je otprilike svako četvrto pranje kose).
Također, volim koristiti i med, ali ga je potrebno prethodno rastopiti u malo mlake vode, kako bi se lakše nanio i kako ne bi slijepio kosu. Probala sam stavljati i jabučni ocat pomiješan s vodom. Kosa bude sjajnija, ali ne njeguje ju, pa to ne prakticiram.
Ovakve maske se nanose od korijena pa do vrhova, možeš ih držati na kosi koliko god dugo želiš. Često i prespavam s njima na glavi, ali sjeti se zaštititi jastučnicu. :) Potom se ispiru šamponirajući kosu dva puta, kao i inače, te nastaviti s njegom kao i uvijek.

To conclude, I have some general advice based on my personal experience that can help you.
Realize that there is only one solution for damaged hair - you have to cut it of. Nothing, no product or treatment can heal and glue together split ends. So don't fall for that and stop wasting your money. If you can't handle cutting you hair so drastically, cut off the ends every month, focusing on not damaging the hair furthermore and encouraging the growth of new, healthy hair. Oh, and hope that the damage won't travel up towards the scalp while you are taking time to cut off all the split ends.
So, if you don't treat split ends - read: cut off, they will "travel", in other words, split up more towards the scalp and then you will have to cut off even more length because it will be damaged more. Don't let it come to that.
If you notice some small white dots on the hairs, usually towards the ends of the hair, that is the spot where the hair will break off - that is the spot where the damage is. The result is usually that when it breaks off in that spot, it will start to split in more than 2 strands, which means - severely damaged hair with split ends. This tends to happen if you use heat on the hair, especially hot tools. If you notice these spots, it is time to trim the hair.
If you're saying that your hair isn't growing at all and you notice that you have white spots of death or split ends, you're wrong. Maybe you're not willing to cut the hair stating that the hair grows from the scalp, not the ends, you're right. But! The hair still grows, but the ends are constantly breaking off, so it seems like it is always the same lenght. So, keep those ends healthy and only one end coming from each strand of hair.
I don't really think you have to cut the ends every 2 months like they say if you want it to be healthy. I do believe, on the other hand, in regular trims that depend on each person and many factors. If you are growing your hair out, you should decide for youself in which condition you want your hair to be and according to that, trim it just enough to keep it healthy. I would rather have shorter and healthy hair, than long and damaged. But, I generally go by one rule: if your hair is starting to look thin and strandy at the ends like the photo below, it is time to trim it. Unless you recently got a haircut and it is suppose to look like that. :) All I'm saying is that - if you didn't cut it in a long time and it looks like that, that usually means it is so damaged that it is thinning at the ends. Keep in mind that the blunt ends make the hair look healthier and fuller.
Za kraj sam ostavila nekoliko općenitih savjeta kojih se ja pridržavam, a nadam se da će i tebi pomoći.
Shvati da uništenoj, oštećenoj kosi samo jedan tretman može pomoći - šišanje. Ništa, nikakav proizvod niti čarobni tretman ne može zaliječiti i ponovno spojiti jednom ispucale vrhove kose. Zato ne nasjedaj na te fore i ne bacaj novce u vjetar. Ako ne možeš podnijeti šišanje, šišaj malo po malo svaki mjesec dana fokusirajući se na to da ju ne uništavaš dalje i da potičeš rast nove, zdrave kose. I nadaj se da oštećenje neće putovati prema tjemenu.
Zatim dolazimo do toga da, ako se ispucali vrhovi ne "liječe" - čitaj: odrežu, putovat će po dužini kose prema tjemenu i onda ćeš morati ošišati još više kose jer će oštećenje biti visoko na kosi. Ne dozvoli si to.
Ako primijetiš bijele točkice na kosi, obično pri vrhovima, to je dio na kojem će se dlaka odlomiti. Može proći dan - dva, a može i par tjedana, ali će puknuti kad - tad jer je to mjesto na kojem je oštećena. Vrlo je lako moguće da će se, kada se odlomi, dlaka rascvjetati na nekoliko strana, što opet znači - ispucali vrhovi. Ovo se često događa ako koristiš vruće alate na kosi - peglu, uvijač, fen... Ako primijetiš točkice - vrijeme je za šišanje kako bi spriječila daljnu katastrofu.
Samim time što kosa puca, bilo od ispucalih vrhova ili kada nastanu smrtonosne bijele točkice oštećenja (ne znam kako ih drugačije nazvati), čini ti se da kosa ne raste. I možda ti je za izbjegavanje šišanja argument da kosa raste iz tjemena, a ne iz vrhova, što je točno. Ali! Kosa raste iz tjemena, ali se donji dio konstantno odlama, pa ti se čini da stoji na jednoj dužini. Zato vrhove treba održavati zdravima i u jednom komadu.
Ne vjerujem u ono što kažu da se moraš šišati svaka 2 mjeseca ako želiš zdravu kosu. Vjerujem u redovita šišanja, ali da učestalost ovisi o mnogo faktora. Ako puštaš kosu, svatko bi za sebe trebao odlučiti kakvo stanje svoje kose želi i sukladno tome ju šišati kako bi konstantno bila zdrava. Ja bih radije imala kraću, a zdravu kosu, nego dugu i uništenu. Ali, držim se nekog pravila: ako je kosa jako "repasta" pri vrhovima kao što je na slici ispod, vrijeme je za šišanje, osim ako nisi nedavno išla na šišanje i namjerno napravila takvu frizuru. :) Ako se nisi šišala duže vremena, a kosa ti je u takvom stanju, to najčešće znači da je toliko ispucala da se stanjila. Također, imaj na umu da ravnije odrezani vrhovi čine da kosa izgleda zdravije i punije. To ne znači da ne smiješ imati stepenastu kosu s puno slojeva, već ti je to znak da trebaš šišanje, pogotovo ako ti kosa nije prirodno tako tanka.
Lets talk more about damaging the hair - avoid using heat and hot tools. Also,
dyeing, esepcially going lighter, damages (some process more, some
less) and dry put the hait. I'm sure you already know that, but I feel
obligated to say it. It is almost impossible to keep the hair at the
same length and condition if you bleach your hair every 3 weeks.
I also don't recomend using extra strong shampoos, like Head & Shoulders very often. If you do use it, maybe you've noticed that the dandruff comes back as soon as you stop using it, so you keep coming back to it. Don't, push throught that and find some gentle shampoo that will deal with dry scalp and dandruff or give your hair moisture and nutrition in a form of masks.
A tip making the most out of you regular conditioner: if you want better results, leave it on for a few minutes longer, 15-20 minutes, and wrap you hair in a warm towel, then rinse it off.
Brush your hair before wahing it. Never, I repeat NEVER brush the hair when it's wet. Not even with those wide tooth combs. They are better than other ones but still... Don't. That is when the hair is at its most fragile state. If you have to, use your fingers while you're waiting for the conditioner to work its magic.
Never rub you hair raughly with the towel. And don't try to get the water out by turning the sides like when you wring out the hand washed clothes. Try to gently squeeze it, but not pulling it in any way. Then wrap it in the towel and let it soak up water. Never use heat on wet hair because that burns the hair. Also, if you let the towel soak up as much water as it can, it will be easier and quicker for you to dry it completly.
Silicones. Some avoid them, some don't. I don't, because I have the shampoo that cleans every lefover residue or build-up. They make the hair seemingly nicer than it is. In other words, they smoothe out the hair, making it softer to the touch and shinier, but they don't actually nourish the hair. Which is a good temporary solution to make you hair look nice. But, not all silicones are the same. Some of them are easier so rinse of and they don't build up in the hair as others do. It all depends on your hair and how it reacts on different ingreedinets. But generally speaking, they can build up and make the hair heavy, lifeless and looking greasy.
Try to avoid often wahing (like every day) so you don't dry out the hair, even resulting in producing even more oils. I admit, in crisis I go for a dry shampoo, but that is rare. They can iritate the scalp, dry it out, cause dandruff and itchyness.
Don't put your hair up in the tight ponytail in the same spot every day. That way you're pulling your hair so much, than it can start to fall out, and you are causing breakage by tieying it in the same spot every time. Loose ponytails, buns or any other hairstyle like that are much better. Or just switch up the spot you tie it. Also, try not to go through the hair with fingers if it gets greasy quickly. And change your pillowcase often.
If you have really long hair, the best way to make sure it doesn't tangle during night, is to put it in a braid. Not ponytail, but loose braid.
And the last one - heathy diet works wonders for hair.
________________________________________________________________________________And the last one - heathy diet works wonders for hair.
Žene čine
Nastavljamo se na oštećivanje kose - izbjegavaj oblikovanje vrućim alatima što više možeš. Također, bojanje kose, pogotovo posvijetljivanje, oštećuje kosu (neki procesi više, neki manje) i isušuju ju. Mislim da to već znaš, ali moram napomenuti. Teško da možeš održavati kosu na istoj dužini i "blajhati" ju svaka 3 tjedna bez da ju barem malo oštetiš.
Ne preporučujem učestalo korištenje extra jakih šampona kao što je npr. Head & shoulders. Ako ga koristiš, možda si primijetila da ti se perut vrati čim ga prestaneš koristiti, pa te to natjera da mu se vratiš. Nemoj, izdrži taj period ovikavanja. Postoje blaži šamponi koji to rješavaju ili probaj vratiti njegujuće tvari u tjeme kroz maske.
Mali trik za izvlačenje maksimuma iz običnih regeneratora: ako želiš bolje djelovanje, neka stoji duže od toga što je navedeno, čak i 15-20 min, s kosom zamotanom u topal ručnik.
Kosu dobro počešljaj prije pranja. Nikad, ponavljam NIKAD ne češljaj mokru kosu. Čak ni onim češljevima sa širokim zupcima. Ustvari, i ti su bolji od ostalih... Ali opet, nemoj. Tad je kosa najosjetljivija i najpodložnija oštećenjima. Ako baš moraš, lagano pročešljaj koristeći prste i to kada staviš regerator.
Nikad ne trljaj divljački kosu ručnikom. I nemoj ju cijediti onako da zavrneš obje strane kao što se nekad odjeća cijedila kad bi se oprala na ruke. Zašto? Jer je mokra kosa najosjetljivija. Iscijedi višak vode laganim pristiskanjem, bez da vučeš kosu po dužini, te ju na kraju umotaj u ručnik i pusti da upije višak vode. Nikad ne koristi izvor topline na jako mokru kosu jer ju tako spaljuješ. Također, ako ju umotaš u ručnik koij pokupi što više vode, skratit ćeš si vrijeme sušenja - ušteda vremena i manje oštećenja.
Silikoni. Toliko govora za i protiv njih. Ja ih ne izbjegavam jer sam svjesna da ih treba dobro isprati, za što treba ispravan šampon. Oni prividno čine kosu boljom nego što je, odnosno površinski zaglađuju te čine kosu mekšom i sjajnijom, ali ne njeguju dubinski. Što je dobro privremeno rješenje. Ipak, nisu svi silikoni isti. Neki od njih se lako ispiru i ne nakupljaju toliko brzo kao ostali, ali sve ovisi o tvojoj kosi i kako reagira na koji sastojak. Općenito govoreći, radi tog nakupljanja kosu s vremenom čine teškom, beživotnom i slijepljenom.
Probaj izbjeći učestalo pranje kose (ne svaki dan) kako ne bi isušivala kosu i kako ti se ne bi još brže mastila. Iako još uvijek tu i tamo koristim šampone za suho pranje kad je baš alarmantna situacija, gotovo sam ih u potpunosti izbacila jer iritiraju tjeme, isušuju, stvaraju perut ili svrbež općenito.
Ne veži kosu u rep svaki dan, pogotovo ne na istom mjestu. Time što zatežeš kosu, uzrokuješ ispadanje, a time što ju vežeš na istom mjestu, uzrokuješ pucanje jer stalno opterećuješ taj dio dlake. Lagani repovi, punđe i slične frizure na različitim visinama su bolji izbor. Također, izbjegavaj previše dirati prstima po kosi ako ti se lako zamasti i češće mijenjaj jastučnicu.
Ako imaš jako dugu kosu, najbolji način na koi ćeš izbjeći petljanje tijekom spavanja je da ispleteš pletenicu. Ne rep, već slabu pletenicu.
I za kraj samo još jedno - ispravna prehrana igra veliku ulogu u zdravlju kose.
Ako imaš jako dugu kosu, najbolji način na koi ćeš izbjeći petljanje tijekom spavanja je da ispleteš pletenicu. Ne rep, već slabu pletenicu.
I za kraj samo još jedno - ispravna prehrana igra veliku ulogu u zdravlju kose.
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