Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

August 09, 2016

Catrice has a few different primers but none of them really impressed me so far. That is why I was testing one of them for a few months now. There were times I loved it, and there were times I didn't even use it. That is why it took me so long to write a decent review. It is Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer in a pink tube. I wrote a review about a green one here so you can compere the two.

Catrice u svojoj ponudi ima nekoliko različitih primera, a nitijedan me se do sada nije dojmio. Zato sam zadnjih nekoliko mjeseci testirala jedan koji bi na trenutke voljela, a na druge uopće ne bi posezala za njim. Baš mi je zato trebalo ovoliko dugo da složim jednu recenziju. Riječ je o Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primeru u rozoj tubici. O zelenom sam pisala ovdje pa ih možeš usporediti.

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

It comes in a (shape wise) identical tube like the green version, but this one is baby pink. It is easy to apply and squeeze just the right amount of product and I generally like products in this packaging because you don't have to stick your fingers in it and it doesn't get all dirty.

This is a illuminating light pink primer and Catrice says that you can use it like that or on its own.

Dolazi u (oblikom) identičnoj tubici kao i zelena verzija, ali je ovaj baby pink boje. Lako se dozira i općenito volim proizvode u tubicama jer ne moraš zabijati prste u njih i prljati ih.

Ovo je iluminirajući primer, svijetlo roze boje za koji Catrice navodi kako se može koristiti kao primer, ali i samostalno.

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

It has a creamy and silicone-y texture, it is not too liquidy and easy to spread on the skin. It does have a light scent but it doesn't last on the skin more than a few minutes.
Also, it gives the skin that glowy look but it doesn't have glitter (unlike the green one).

Kremasto silikonske je teksture, ne pre tekući, a ne pre gust te se lako razmazuje. Ima blagi ugodan miris koji se ne zadržava dulje od nekoliko minuta na koži.
Daje koži blagi sjaj ali ne sadrži šljokice (za razliku od zelenog primera).

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

It takes a few seconds after you apply it to set on the skin and during that time, the glow if gives to the skin becomes more and more subtle.

Kada se razmazuje, potrebno mu je nekoliko sekundi da se upije i kroz to vrijeme, sjaj koji daje koži postaje sve suptilniji.

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

As far as its illuminating side, yes, you can see it gives a sheen to the skin, but you can get that just by using a good moisturizing cream. If you do use it on its own on the whole face, you can look a bit greasy so I don't like to use it like that.

As far as it goes for using it as a primer, it doesn't prolong the wear of your makeup (I even noticed that my foundation disappears from some parts of my face even faster) and it doesn't blur the pores.
The thing is, if I use it just like a primer, you can't see that sheen underneath the foundation, which is the reason I don't put any pictures how it looks on the skin because... it doesn't make any sense. If I mix it with a foundation (like I did in that moments I mentioned that I loved it), if you put a normal amount of product, it doesn't give that glow that I want and if you put a bit more, it sheers out the foundation and lowers the coverage. If I use it as a liquid highlighter, that glow is not intense enough as I want my highlighter to be. So... this product is not that good for me.

It is around 5,30€ for 30ml.

Što se tiče njegove iluminirajuće (jel' se tako kaže?) uloge, da, vidi se da daje lagani sjaj, ali isti rezultat dobijem i korištenjem obične hidratantne kreme. Ako se pak koristi na cijelom licu, lice može izgledati masnjikavo pa ga na tak način ne volim koristiti.

Što se pak tiče njegovog djelovanja kao primer, ne produžuje trajanje šminke (štoviše, primijetila sam da mi s nekih dijelova lica puder nestane i prije nego inače) te ne zaglađuje lice niti popunjava pore.
Stvar je u tome da, ako ga koristim samo kao primer, taj sjaj se ispod pudera ne vidi, što je i razlog zašto nisam slikala kako izgleda na licu jer... pa, nema smisla. Ako ga miješam s puderom (što sam radila u onim trenucima za koje sam spomenula da sam ga voljela), u normalnim količinama ne daje baš sjaj koji želim, a u onim malo većim razrijedi puder i automatski ima slabije prekrivanje. Ako ga koristim kao tekući highlighter, taj sjaj nije dovoljno intenzivan kakav tražim od highlightera.

Cijena mu je oko 40,00kn za 30ml.

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