Garnier tissue masks

April 02, 2017

Sheet face masks are that thing you never thought you needed until you see all the hype around them. They aren't anything new and innovative really, but here in Croatia they were harder to find (at least I didn't saw that many of them in drugstores). The first ones that got popular here are the Garnier Tissue masks. They come in three versions: Moisture + Aqua Bomb (the blue one), Moisture + Freshness (the green one) and Moisture + Comfort (the pink one). And of course, I tried all of them.

If you don't know what sheet masks are, they are actually a cloth tissues in a shape of a face, with openings for eyes, mouth and nose, and they are soaked with all the good ingredients. You are suppose to "wear" them for 15 minutes. Garnier says that one sheet mask is equivalent of one week of hydrating serum. So, I used one every week or so. Sometimes even week and a half. The thing that got me confused is the fact that on the back of each mask it says that it was tested on women that applied it three times in one week. You can clearly see that it is different from what it says on the front - one mask is enough for one week of hydrating serum, in concentration. Then why would I have to use it every two to three days?

Sheet maske za lice su jedna od onih stvari za koje ni ne znaš da postoje dok ne počne opća pomama za njima. Iako nisu novost, kod nas u Hrvatskoj se baš i nisu mogle pronaći (bar ih ja nisam viđala u masovnim količinama na policama drogerija). Prve koje su postale mega popularne i korištene su upravo ove, Garnier Tissue maske. Dolaze u tri verzije: Moisture + Aqua Bomb (plava), Moisture + Freshness (zelena) i Moisture + Comfort (roza). Naravno, isprobala sam ih sve.

Ako ne znaš što su sheet maske, to su zapravo nešto kao platnene maramice u obliku lice koje imaju otvore za oči, nosi i usne, a natopljene su hranjivim sastojcima. Trebale bi se držati na licu 15 minuta, a Garnier kaže i da je jedna maska natopljena hidratantnim serumom u količini i koncentraciji koja bi bila potrebna za jedan tjedan. Zato sam koristla jednu tjedno. Ponekad čak i tjedan i pol. Ono što me malo zbunilo je da na pozadini svake maske piše da je testirana na ženama koje su je nanosile tri puta tijekom jednog tjedna. I sama vidiš da se ovo malo kosi s onim što piše na prednjoj strani - jedna maska je dovoljna za jedan tjedan, bar po koncentraciju hidratantnog seruma. Zašto bih ih onda nanosila svaka dva do tri dana?

Garnier tissue masks

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Comfort

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Comfort

The first one I tried is the pink one just because this word "comfort" was calling my name. On that day the skin on my face was feeling extra tight, uncomfortable and itchy because of allergies. So I needed that something that will bring back that comfort to the skin.

Garnier says that it is great for hydrating and soothing the feeling of tightness of the skin. Great, that is exactly what I needed. It has a chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid and hydrating serum. It is good for dry and sensitive skin.

This mask has the lightest scent of them all, a bit powdery, reminds me of a baby wipes. After using it my redness and irritation was still there, it didn't soothe the tightness or anything like it promised to do. Actually, it didn't do anything to my skin. Even all that moisture from the serum disappeared in 5 minutes but the skin didn't feel moisturized. I had to apply the moisturizer.

Prva koju sam isprobala je roza i to samo zato što me ovo "comfort" u nazivu privlačilo. Taj dan me lice baš zatezalo, alergije su uzela maha i baš mi je trebalo nešto što će mi koži vratiti taj "comfort".

Kaže da je za super hidrataciju i umirivanje kože - a trebala bi i smiriti taj osjećaj zatezanja. Može, to mi treba. Sadrži ekstrakt kamilice, hijaluronsku kiselinu i hidratantni serum. Pogodna je za suhu i osjetljivu kožu.

Ova maska ima najblaži miris, puderast, meni miriši na baby maramice. Nakon korištenja nije mi smanjila crvenilo, iritacije niti olakšala zatezanje, što je obećavala. Zapravo, nisam primijetila da je napravila išta za moju kožu. Čak i sva ova vlaga iz seruma kojom je maramica natopljena je nestala u roku 5 minuta, a koža nije izgledala hidratizirano. Morala sam nanijeti hidratantnu kremu.

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Comfort

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Comfort

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Freshness

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Freshness

After a week and a half of nothing, I decided to use the green mask. 

This one should hydrate the skin intensively, refresh and tighten the pores. It has a green tea extract, hyaluronic acid and hydrating serum. It is good for normal to combination skin.

Out of them all, this one has my favorite scent. A mild one, not too over powering, but like artificial green tea. After using it, my skin feels tacky and after the serum sinks in, the skin is less dewy that after using the pink mask. But - it isn't fresher nor are the pores less visible. When it got on the skin closer to my eyes, I felt tingling sensation that went away in a few minute. Masks or any skin product like this shouldn't be doing that. I also had to use moisturizer.

Nakon otprilike tjedan i pol ničega, odlučila sam da je vrijeme isprobati slijedeću, zelenu masku.

Ova maska bi trebala intenzivno hidratizirati i osvježiti kožu te učiniti pore manje vidljivima. Sadrži ekstrakt zelenog čaja, hijaluronsku kiselinu i hidratantni serum. Pogodna je za normalnu i mješovitu kožu.

Od svih, ova mi ima najdraži miris. Miriši blago, nenapadno, ali po umjetnom zelenom čaju. Onako, standardni sintetički miris zelenog čaja. Nakon korištenja lice je ljepljivo, a nakon što se serum upio, koža mi je malo manje dewy nego s rozom maskom, ali niti je svježija niti primijećujem da su mi pore manje vidljive. Kada mi je došla na područje oko očiju, primijetila sam lagano peckanje kroz nekoliko minuta. Ovakva jedna maska ili proizvod za lice ne bi trebao peckati. Također sam morala nanijeti hidratantnu kremu.

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Freshness

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Freshness

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Aqua bomb

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Aqua bomb

After two fails, I didn't expect much from the last mask. After few hours spent under the spring sun (with SPF), my skin looked dry and I had red patches on my face so I decided it would be a perfect time to try the blue mask. I needed an aqua bomb indeed.

This mask is suppose to hydrate intensively, replump the skin and boost radiance. It has extract of grenade, also hyaluronic acid and hydration serum like those two before. It is good for dehydrated skin.

I have to admit that this mask has a bit unpleasent scent. It is not gross or anything, but I personally don't like it. After using the mask I didn't see any difference in m skin, but after the serum soaked into the skin my skin was dewy just like after the pink mask, but this time I didn't feel the need to apply the moisturizer. But, after half an hour to an hour I felt that my skin needs extra moisture so I applied the moisturizer. I used the same one I used after previous two masks, just to make the testing more relevant and results to be more accurate duting testing al of them. After 9h I noticed that my t-zone started to get a bit shiny (which for me happens only during the summer and after wearing makeup for 8+ hours) and that the rest of my face was dewy, unlike after trying previous two masks. Which means it did something, but nothing like my favorite moisturizing mask does for my skin (I wrote about it here.

Nakon dva faila, od poslijednje koja mi je ostala za isprobavanje nisam očekivala ništa. Nakon nekoliko sati provedenih na proljetnom suncu (sa SPF-om), koža mi je izgledala suho i crveno i tad sam odlučila isprobati plavu masku, baš mi je trebala aqua bomb.

Ova maska bi trebala intenzivno hidratizirati, revitalizirati i utjecat i na elastičnost kože, učiniti ju jedrom i potaknuti sjaj. Sadrži ekstrakt nara, hijaluronsku kiselinu i hidratantni serum, kao i prethodne dvije. Pogodna je za dehidriranu kožu.

Moram priznati da mi ova maska ima pomalo neugodan miris. Nije neizdržljiv, ali meni se osobno ne sviđa. Nakon korištenja nisam primijetila nikakve posebne promjene na koži, ali nakon što se serum upio lice je bilo dewy kao i nakon roze maske, samo ovaj put nisam osjećala potrebu odmah nanijeti hidratantnu kremu. Ipak, nakon pola sata do sat vremena, osjećala sam da mi koža traži nekakvu kremu i nanijela sam ju. Nanosila sam istu kremu kao i poslije prethodne dvije maske, tako da uvjeti testiranja sve tri maske budu podjednaki. Nakon 9h primijetila sam da mi se koža počela lagano mastiti na t-zoni (što se događa samo preko ljeta i kada nosim šminku 8+ sati) i da je ostatak lica dewy, za razliku nakon korištenja prethodne dvije maske. Što znači da je učinila nešto, ali neusporedivo s mojom najdražom hidratantnom maskom o kojoj sam pisala ovdje.

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Aqua bomb

Garnier tissue mask - Moisture + Aqua bomb

The one thing all of them have in common is that about 20 minutes after application I feel that the skin is tighter and I can feel that there is something on my skin that is all dried up. Also, when I would go over the skin, there is a greasy slippery residue on the fingers that I don't like.

All of them are soaked in the serum that has a gel like consistency, which sinks into the skin pretty fast and leaves the skin feeling tacky for the next few minutes. The tissues are pretty soaked with that serum so after I would take the tissue off, there is lot of it so I would massage it into the face and also the neck, chest area, hands... Everywhere, hoping it would do something. And they didn't do much.

Conclusion? Not worth the hype.

Ono što je zajedničko svim maskama je da 20ak minuta nakon nanošenja koža pomalo zateže, odnosno osjetiš da imaš nešto na koži što se osušilo. Također kada bih prešla rukom po licu na prstima bi mi ostao neki masnjikavo klizavi osjećaj i to mi se ne sviđa. 

Sve tri maske su natopljene serumom gelaste, lagane teksture, koji se brzo upija i ostavlja kožu ljepljivom na dodir slijedećih nekoliko minuta. Kako se seruma dobije dosta, odnosno maramice su baš jako natopljene njime, nakon što bih ga razmazala i umasirala u lice, razmazala bih ga i po vratu, dekoletu, rukama... Gdje god, u nadi da će napraviti nešto. Ali ništa. 

Zaključak? Hype nije opravdan.

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3 komentari

  1. Nisam probala,jer mi se nije svidio sastav...koliko se sjećam ima alkohola u jednoj od njih koju sam gledala ( bilo je to tek kad su došle kod nas)..
    I sad nakon ovog sigurno ih neću isprobati..

  2. Draga Aneta, hvala ti! Kod mene samo iskreno, sve moje recenzije su realno napisane onako kako je, bilo dobro ili loše :)

    Drago mi je da si našla čak dvije koje ti odgovaraju. :)


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