Top 5 - Catrice
November 15, 2017
If you follow me on Instagram, you are familiar with my recommendations live from the drugstores. You ask me to show you the best and worst from the brands, and you keep asking for more! But because Instagram stories last only for 24 hours, I think this it the best way to show you what's good.
So here it is - the top 5 products from Catrice. I really like them as a brand and I like most of their products, but I decided to show you five of them (actually 6 + a little bonus ;)).
Usually, I tend to take photos of products as soon as I get them, before I start swatching them and using them, just because the photos of new products look nicer, but this time, the condition of some products will show you that I really use them almost every day and that I genuinely love them.
Kako često po Instagramu stavljam preporuke o kozmetici direktno i live iz drogerija, često me tražite da pokažem nabolje i najlošije proizvode po brendovima. Kako Instagram storiji traju samo 24 sata, mislim da je bolje da vam to pokažem u ovom formatu.
Danas sam se odlučila za Catrice jer ih zaista volim i kao brend, a i njihove proizvode. Slijedi top 5 (6 + mali bonus ;)).
Iako inače pokušam poslikati sve proizvode čin ih kupim, prije nego što ih "pokvarim" swatchanjem i korištenjem, kako bi fotke bile što ljepše, ovaj put će ti stanje nekih proizvoda dokazati da ih zaista koristim gotovo svaki dan i da ih obožavam.
Iako inače pokušam poslikati sve proizvode čin ih kupim, prije nego što ih "pokvarim" swatchanjem i korištenjem, kako bi fotke bile što ljepše, ovaj put će ti stanje nekih proizvoda dokazati da ih zaista koristim gotovo svaki dan i da ih obožavam.
You already knoooow this first favorite! Catrice Eyebrow set is my absolute favorite thing for filling in the eyebrows. I've been using it since forever, almost since I started using makeup in general. And I will continue to use it, for sure :). The writings on the box are all rubbed off and destroyed, which means I really love it.
You can see that I use both shades. Which are both cold brown greys that can work with so many skin tones and hair colors. The formula is also great and blendable, so I also use them as eyeshadows. The first, lighter shade, I use on the first part of my eyebrows, and as I go towards the tail of the brow, I switch to the darker shade. You even get tiny little double ended brush with this set - which I almost never use, once in a while when I'm traveling and I forget to pack my own brushes. You also get tweezers, but it is very hard to use because it is so tiny.
Za prvi favorit već sviiiii znaju, Catrice Eyebrow set. Ovo je definitivno moj nadraži proizvod za obrve i to bez konkurencije! Koristim ga već puno godina, skoro pa od kada sam se počela šminkati. I ne namjeravam prestati :).
Ova kutijica je sva izlizana, a unutra možeš vidjeti da koristim obje nijanse. Obje su hladne smeđe - sive koje odgovaraju većini, formulacija je odlična i lijepo se blenda, pa se mogu koristiti i kao sjenila. Prvu, svjetliju nijansu koristim na početku i sredini obva, a kako se približavam repu, tako uzmimam tamniju nijansu. I da, uz ovaj set dobiješ i mali dvorstuki kist - koji ne koristim gotovo pa nikada, osim kada sam na putu, u autu, a zaboravim ponijet svoje kistove. Također dobiješ i pincetu koju je jako teško koristiti jer je jako malena.
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Catrice Eyebrow set |
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Catrice Eyebrow set |
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Catrice Eyebrow set |
The next one is the best liquid eyeliner I've found so far. Catrice Liquid eyeliner - 010 Dating Joe Black. There's nothing more to say other than read the full review here. It has a felt tip, it's easy to use, lasts for the whole day, doesn't crack or bleed, really black and matte... Just try it. :)
Slijedeći proizvod je najbolji tekući tuš koji sam dosad isprobala. Catrice Liquid eyeliner - 010 Dating Joe Black. Ništa više ne moram reći, detaljnu recenziju možeš pročitati ovdje. Ima tanki spužvasti aplikator, jednostavan je za nanošenje, ne puca niti se razmazuje tijekom dana, zaista je crn i mat... Idi i probaj sama. :)
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Catrice Liquid eyeliner - 010 Dating Joe Black |
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Catrice Liquid eyeliner - 010 Dating Joe Black |
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Catrice Liquid eyeliner - 010 Dating Joe Black |
Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent is the compact powder that I use to set my t-zone when my skin is normal (not for the under-eyes, I don't like how dry it makes that area look). I didn't test that "waterproof" claims because I don't wear makeup when swimming.
I like to use it on myself when I need that extra something for my t-zone, like I said, because it keeps my skin matte for longer period of time than any other pressed powder. I also like to use it on clients that have oilier skin and I like how it looks and holds.
It does leave a slight white-cast if you apply too much, so be careful. I find the best way to use it to get just a little amount on the brush and tap it on that area that you want to mattify.
Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent je puder u kramenu koji koristim za setanje t-zone kada mi je koža lica normalna (ne ispod očiju, jer mi se ne sviđa kako mi suho to područje izgleda kad ga stavim). Nisam testirala vodootpornost jer se ne kupam sa šminkom.
Na sebi ga koristim kada osjetim da mi je potrebno i drži mi kožu matiranom dulje nego ostali puderi u kamenu. Također ga koristim na curama koje imaju masnu kožu i sviđa mi se kako izgleda i reagira.
Ostavlja lagani bijeli trag ako se nanese velika količina, pa pripazi. Najbolje je uzeti ga samo malo na kist i lagano natapkati na ono područje lica koje želiš matirati.
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Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent |
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Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent |
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Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent |
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Catrice Prime and Fine waterproof Mattifying powder - 010 Translucent |
The next favorites are two types of concealers - camouflages (liquids and creams). I only use Catrice Camouflage cream - 020 Light Beige for covering the imperfections on the face, like pimples and spots. While on the under-eye area, I use Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 005 Light Neutral, 020 Light Beige and 010 Porcellain. I use all three shades depending on my skin tone and the intensity of the highlight I want to achieve.
Just so you know, thick cream concealers like this aren't meant to be used on the under-eye area because they are too heavy and they crease more, but because they usually give more coverage, they are great for covering small imperfections on the rest of the face. It also needs to be the same shade as the rest of the face, not lighter. Opposite of that, liquid concealers, in this case liquid camouflage has medium to full coverage and is meant to be used for covering the under-eye circles, not pimples.
Slijedeći favoriti su dvije vrste korektora - kamuflaže (tekuća i kremasta). Catrice Camouflage cream - 020 Light Beige koristim samo za prekrivanje nepravilnosti u smislu prištića i flekica po licu, dok na području ispod očiju koristim Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 005 Light Neutral, 020 Light Beige i 010 Porcellain. Koristim sve tri nijanse, ovisno o tome koliko mi je koža tamna i koliki efekt posvjetljivanja želim postići.
Inače, ovakvi gusti kremasti korektori se ne bi trebali koristiti na području ispod očiju jer su preteški i još i više upadaju u bore, ali većinom imaju jače prekrivanje pa su oblični za prekrivanje sitnih nepravilnosti. Također, trebali bi biti iste nijanse kao i ostatak lica, ne svjetliji od toga. Baš suprotno, iako tekuća kamuflaža ima srednje do jako dobro prekrivanje, koristi se na području ispod očiju, a ne na prištićima.
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Catrice Camouflage cream - 020 Light Beige, Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 005 Light Neutral, 020 Light Beige, 010 Porcellain |
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Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 005 Light Neutral, 020 Light Beige, 010 Porcellain |
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Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 005 Light Neutral, 020 Light Beige, 010 Porcellain |
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Catrice Camouflage cream - 020 Light Beige |
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Catrice Camouflage cream - 020 Light Beige |
Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige is a really good
foundation for me. I never experienced any bad reactions to it, but I don't
wear it every single day. That is because this is a full coverage
foundation that you don't actually need to wear every day either. But,
on the special occasions, for taking photos or anything like that, this
is great.
It is very liquidy but dries fast and covers up almost
everything. Because it dries quickly and has a matte finish, you don't actually have to set it. So it's a bonus. Also, I love the packaging with the dropper
Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige je tekući puder koji volim. Nikada nisam imala negativna iskustva s njim, ali ga niti ne nosim svaki dan. To je zato što je ovo puder s jakim prekrivanjem koji ni meni, a ni tebi, zapravo ne treba za svaki dan. Ali, za posebne prigode, slikanja i slične događaje, je odličan.
Vrlo je tekuće konzistencije, brzo se suši, a pokriva gotovo sve. Upravo zato što se brzo suši i ima mat finiš, zapravo ga niti ne moraš setati puderom u prahu (kamenu). Što je svakvako plus. Također, jako mi se sviđa pakiranje s pipetom :).
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Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige |
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Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige |
And for the last favorites, I choose to show you two bonus products. I don't really want to talk about them because they were a part of the limited edition collection. But I will, because you can still find this round bronzer in some drugstores.
Generally speaking, Catrice knows how to make good bronzers... If they are part of the limited edition collections. For the regular range, not so much.
Catrice Matt bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze was available two years ago and I loved it. The review is here. I use it sparingly because I really like it and don't want to use it all up because I won't be able to buy it anymore. That's what I though until I saw that they came out with the Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Each And Every Sun. Almost the same formula (the old one is a bit softer and has a cooler shade). I have to mention, these are not for the conturing, only for bronzing the face. You can use the old version for the contouring, but only if you have darker complexion than mine and warm skin tone. The new one is too warm for contouring, but it does remind me of chocolate.
So, if you spot limited edition bronzers like these two, get them.
Za kraj sam ostavila dva bonus proizvoda o kojima zapravo izbjegavam pričati jer su bili dio limitirane kolekcije. Ipak, spomenut ću ih jer se ovaj okrugli bronzer još može pronaći u nekim drogerijama.
Općenito govoreći, Catrice zna napraviti dobre bronzere ako ih radi za limitirane kolekcije. Za stalnu postavu, i ne baš.
Catrice Matt bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze je bio dio kolekcije od prije dvije godine i oduševio me. Recenzija je ovdje. Štedim ga jer mi je dobar i žao mi ga je potrošiti kad više ne mogu do njega. To sam mislila sve dok prije par mjeseci nisu izbacili Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Each And Every Sun. Gotovo pa ista formula (stari je mrvicu mekaniji te malo hladnijeg tona). Da napomenem, ovo nisu proizvodi za konturiranje, već pravi bronzeri koji daju toplinu licu. Starija verzija se može koristiti za konturiranje ako imate topal, tamniji ten, ali nova ne (iako me podjeća na čokoladu).
Zato, ako vidiš ovakve limitirane bronzere, kupuj.
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Catrice Matt bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze, Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Each And Every Sun |
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Catrice Matt bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze, Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Each And Every Sun |
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Catrice Matt bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze, Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Each And Every Sun |
Which brand you want to see next in "Top 5"?
Koji brend želiš vidjeti u slijedećem "Top 5" postu?
2 komentari
Super post! Sve isprobala i ja, osim ovih LE bronzera i tuša jer ne nosim tuš ( niti ga znam stavljati haha). A što se tiče posta, Wet'n'Wild neeext!!!! :D
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