New in #7

August 11, 2016

Long time no New in post? :) In today's there are some products that I already reviewed (some of them are LE products so I figured I would write a review while you can still buy them).

Dugo nije bilo New in posta, zar ne? :) U današnjem ima neke proizvode koje sam već recenzirala (neki su LE pa sam što prije htjela izbaciti recenziju dok je još u trgovinama).

List of Products: / Popis proizvoda:

  • Catrice Even skin tone foundation - 010 Even Vanilla & 030 Even Sand
  • Catrice Liquid Metal eyeshadow - 020 Gold n' Roses, 120 Satina Van Der Woodsen & 030 We are the Champagnes
  • Catrice Absolute eye color - 490 Vanessa's Paradise & 270 Grey's Philosophy
  • Top Lash false eyelashes
  • CV Young Milder Reinigungsschaum
  • Essence The Beach House Beach Glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun
  • Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit
  • Cien All-in-one BB cream - Light
  • Essence Little Eyebrow Monsters eyebrow lifter - 01 Lift'em Up in White
  • Essence Cinderella nailpolish - 02 Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo
  • Catrice Ultimate Colour lipstick - 360 MATTraction & 390 On The Pink Side Of Life
  • Catrice Ultimate Shine Gel colour lipstick - 060 Don't Pink And Drive
  • Makeup Revolution New-trals VS Neutrals eyeshadow palette
  • Makeup Revolution Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette

Catrice Even skin tone foundation - 010 Even Vanilla & 030 Even Sand

This is my favorite foundation that is being discontinued so I had to get backups. I usually mix the lightest and the darkest shade to get the perfect shade.

Ovo je moj najdraži puder koji Catrice povlači iz prodaje pa sam se opskrbila. Miješam najsvijetliju i najtamniju nijansu kako bih dobila onu koja mi paše.

Catrice Liquid Metal eyeshadow - 020 Gold n' Roses, 120 Satina Van Der Woodsen & 030 We are the Champagnes

Catrice Liquid Metal eyeshadow - 020 Gold n' Roses, 120 Satina Van Der Woodsen & 030 We are the Champagnes

Beuties from Catrice that are also being discontinued. I wrote a review on first two shades
(here), and the last one I bought in the meantime. I gotta say, that one is my favorite one. You can use them as eyeshadows or as highlighters because they are shiny, but not glittery.

Predivna catrice sjenila koja također povlače. O prva dva sam već napisala recenziju (ovdje), a reći sam kupila u međuvremenu i mogu reći da mi je ta nijansa čak najljepša. Možeš ih koristiti kao sjenila, ali i kao highlightere jer su sjajni, ali nemaju šljokica.

Catrice Absoulte eye color - 490 Vanessa's Paradise & 270 Grey's Philosophy

Catrice Absoulte eye color - 490 Vanessa's Paradise & 270 Grey's Philosophy

Two of the Catrice Mono eyeshadow that were in that basket on the register with bunch of other products on sale. The one is a turquoise with glitter and the other one is greyish purple - perfect as a transition color. I am still to test them out and see the quality.

Dva Catrice Mono sjenila koja sam pronašla u onoj košari na blagajni gdje su sniženi proizvodi. Jedno je tirkizno sa sitnim šljokicama, drugo je mat ljubičasto sivo - savršeno za pregib kapka. Tek ih moram isprobati da vidim da li su kvalitetna.

CV Young Milder Reinigungsschaum & Top lash false eyelashes

This CV face wash is a real deal. Since I bought it, I use only this and micellar water to take off my makeup. It takes all the face makeup off in seconds, and I use micellar water to take of the mascara and eyeliner.
Also, I've heard so many good things about Top Lash lashes. They're from Ebay (link here). They seem pretty nice and soft.

CV umivilica je pravo otkriće. Odkad sam ju kupila, šminku skidam samo s njom i micelarnom vodom. U sekundi skine svu šminku s lica, a micelarnu koristim samo za skidanje maskare i tuša.
Za ove Top Lash trepavice sam čula samo riječi hvale. Inače su s Ebaya (link ovdje).
Čine se lagane i mekane.

Essence The Beach House Beach Glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun & Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit

If you follow me on social media (links are on the right sidebar if you don't), you know that I was on a hunt for this two Catrice and Essence limited edition collections. Mainly because of these two right here. Both of them are liquid highlighters. The Essence one is darker and more bronze with glitter. The Catrice one is a lighter, more gold and doesn't have any glitter (review here). ________________________________________________________________________________

Ako me pratiš na društvenim mrežama (linkovi profila su s desne strane ako ne pratiš), znaš da sam bila u potrazi za ove dvije Catrice i Essence limitirane kolekcija. Najviše radi slijedeća dva proizvoda. Oba su tekući highlighteri. Essence je tamniji, brončani i ima šljokice, Catrice je svjetliji, više zlatni i nema šljokica (recenzija ovdje).

Cien All-in-one BB cream - Light

I didn't know that Lidl sells makeup until recently and I've heard some of you actually like their products. After trying two of their lip glosses, I decided to try their BB cream. I was afraid that the shades of this BB cream may be too dark and orange, so I got the lighter one. Now it is too light for me so I can't use it on its own. For now, I've been using it with a foundations that are a bit too dark or too heavy for me and it seems nice.

Donedavno nisam znala da Lidl drži šminku, a od nekih sam čula da je čak i dobra. Nakon dva sjajila (koja su stvarno odlična), odlučila sam isprobati i BB kremu. U strahu da će nijanse biti pretamne i narančaste, uzela sam svijetliju i sada mi ne paše pa će pričekati. Zasada ju koristim zajedno s puderima koji su mi mrvicu presvijetli ili preteški i čini se dobra.

Essence Little Eyebrow Monsters eyebrow lifter - 01 Lift'em Up in White & Essence Cinderella nailpolish - 02 Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo

The Essence Cinderella nailpolish is also from that basket on the register with past collections. The shade is pretty but this is a matte nailpolish. It doesn't say anything on the bottle though.
And this eyebrow lifter suprised me because it is really shiny and glittery. I don't think I'll be using it on my browbone, but as an eyeshadow... 

Essence Cinderella lak za nokte je također iz one košare na blagajni sa sniženim proizvodima iz prošlih kolekcija. Boja je super, ali je mat, što nigdje ne piše.
ovaj eyebrow lifter me skroz iznenadio jer je stvarno sjajan i stvarno ima puno šljokica. Ne vjerujem da ću ga koristiti ispod obrva, ali kao sjenilo...

Catrice Ultimate Colour lipstick - 360 MATTraction, 390 On The Pink Side Of Life & Catrice Ultimate Shine Gel colour lipstick - 060 Don't Pink And Drive

I don't really own that many Catrice lipsticks and I decided to change that. The first one, 360 MATTraction is being discontinued and it is now on sale. The shade is cold toned reddish pink and the other two I got in the magazine Ljepota & Zdravlje here in Croatia. Both of them are different shades of pink, but the shade 060 Don't Pink and Drive is a sheer formula which I don't really like.

Nemam puno Catrice ruževa i to sam odlučila promijeniti. Prvi, 360 MATTraction povlače iz prodaje te je bio na sniženju. Nijansa je hladna crveno roza i mat je, a ostala dva su dobivena uz časopis Ljepota & Zdravlje. Oba su različite nijanse roze, s tim da je 060 Don't Pink and Drive proiziran što baš i ne volim.

Makeup Revolution New-trals VS Neutrals eyeshadow palette

I really like MUR eyeshadow palettes. This one is New-Trals VS Neutrals and has a beautiful range of red and neutral shades. I wrote a review here.

Volim MUR palete sjenila, a ovo je New-Trals VS Neutrals s crvenkastim i neutralnim tonovima. Recenzirala sam ju ovdje.

Makeup Revolution Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette

Another MUR eyeshadow palette that I ordered with the previous one, just because it was on sale on Pink Panda. All the shades are matte but the color range and difference is not that great.

Još jedna MUR paleta sjenila koja je kupljena zajedno s prethodnom, samo zato jer je bila na sniženju na Pink Pandi. Sve nijanse su mat, ali razlika u bojama i nije neka pa i nisam pretjerano oduševljena.

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1 komentari

  1. Nadam se da će ti se svidjeti koliko i meni. :) Da, začudo Cien kozmetika je stvarno dobra!


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