Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

February 05, 2017

Eyeliners are the one thing that I don't let go when I find a good one. But, every now and then I convince myself to try a new one. So this time I tried Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black and I formed my opinion very fast. If you want to know weather it is a positive or a negative one, keep reading.

Tuševi su nešto što, kada nađem dobar, koristim samo njega. Ipak, nagovorim se da probam neki novi svako toliko. Tako sam isprobavala Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black te sam brzo formirala mišljenje o njemu. Ako te zanima da li je pozitivno ili negativno, nastavi čitati.

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

It comes in a black box with opening on the side and gold lettering. Super simple and pretty. I tend to keep the boxes and packaging of the products while I am testing them put, until I actually publish the review, just in case. I am glad I did the same this time because the product doesn't have any information written on itself, they're all on the original box. So you can see the ingredients down below.

Dolazi u crnoj kutiji s otvorom i zlatnim slovima. Super jednostavno i lijepo. Imam naviku čuvati kutije u kojima proizvodi dolaze sve dok ne napišem recenziju, i drago mi je da sam to i ovaj put napravila. Naime, na samoj olovci nema previše informacija, sve se one nalaze na samom pakiranju, pa ovdje možeš vidjeti i sastav.

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

This is a double sided pencil (like the name suggests), you have a twist - up black pencil on one and eyeliner on the other side. I knew it was a big chance that I wouldn't like the eyeliner side because I don't actually like felt tip applicators, I'm more of a brush tip eyeliner kinda gal. That is because the felt tip might be better and easier to use for beginners because they aren't that flimsy, but I like thinner line and I never manage to get that nice thin flick at the end with felt tip eyeliners. Nevertheless, I did give it a chance.

Ovo je dvostruka olovka (kako i ime sugerira), na jednoj strani je crna twist - up olovka za oči, dok je na drugoj tuš. Odmah sam znala da postoji velika mogućnost da mi se tuš neće svidjeti jer preferiram aplikatore u obliku kista, a ne ovako kao spužve, odnosno flomasteri (znaš na što mislim). To je zato što, iako ovakvi felt tip aplikatori mogu biti bolji za početnike jer se manje savijaju, ali ja više volim tanju liniju i precizan oštar kraj koju nikad ne uspijem dobiti sa spužvastim aplikatorima. Unatoč tome, dala sam mu šansu.

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

You can get thicker or thinner line with this eyeliner, but not that crisp, thin line that you can with the brush. But, it is black enough and pigmented, but not much wet so sometimes I have to go over some parts to get it to be opaque and even and so you couldn't see the skin underneath. You can easily solve this by storing it eyeliner side down, so the liquid would soak the applicator and be ready to use. And the other thing is - it pulls the skin and that means the line is not that straight and crisp the first time around. The good this is that it dries in seconds, doesn't bleed and it's completely matte.
If you don't touch the eyes and you don't cry, it will last a whole day. But if you have watery eyes like I do, it will smudge.

And for the pencil, it just isn't black enough as I would like. When you apply it to the waterline, it fades in an hour, so you have to reapply it.

In the photo below I wear only mascara and eyeliner on the eyes. If you look closely (click on the photo), you can see that the line isn't perfect and precise (even though I did try my best). Also, the flick at the end fades, it's not that sharp crisp line.

S tušem možeš povući crte raznih debljina, ali ne i onu najtanju koju možeš dobiti kistom. Ipak, dovoljno je crn i pigmentiran, ali nije dovoljno mokar, pa ponekad trebam preći po neliko puta po istom mjestu da se koža ispod ne bi vidjela. To možeš riješiti na način da ga držiš naopako, odnosno s ovim dijelom gdje je tuš prema dolje, kako bi se proizvod spustio i natopio aplikator. Isto tako, prilikom nanošenja poteže kožu i samim time linija više nije ravna. Ono što je dobro je da se suši u nekoliko sekundi, ne razlijeva se i potpuno je mat.
Ako ne diraš oči i ne plačeš, izdržat će ti cijeli dan, ali nestaje i na najmanju suzu,

Što se pak tiče olovke, ona jednostavno nije dovoljno crna koliko ih ja to željela. Kada se nanese na waterline, traje maksimalno sat vremena i onda počinje blijediti na nekim dijelovima i potrebno ju je ponovno nanijeti.

Na slici ispod na očima nosim samo maskaru i tuš. Ako ju pogledaš izbliže (klik na sliku), možeš vidjeti da, iako sam se trudila da bude, linija nije savršeno ravna te da kraj više blijedi nego što je oštar i precizan.

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Makeup Revolution Awesome Dual Eyeliner Kohl & Flick - Black

Where to find: TAM Beauty webshop (link here)
Price: £3.92

Gdje pronaći: TAM Beauty webshop (link ovdje)
Cijena: £3.92

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