New in #10
February 27, 2017List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Eveline Volumix Fiberlast mascara
- Eveline Volume Celebrities mascara
- Essence Matt Matt Matt Longlasting lipgloss - 03 Girl Of Today
- Beauty UK Lips Matter - No. 3 Curious Coral
- Eveline Mini Max nailpolish - 685
- Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige
- Catrice Glam Fusion eyeshadow - 010 Jon Snows Favorite
- Essence eyeshadow - 03 Rosie Flamingo
- Essence eyeshadow - 13 The Grammy Goes Glammy
- Balea Aqua wasser spray
- Real Techniques Berlin brush set
- Real Techniques Mini Eraser sponges
- Real Techniques Multitask brush set
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Eveline Volumix Fiberlast & Volume Celebrities mascaras |
These are my favorite mascaras ever and I've been using them since high school (the gold one). But, I weirdly I haven't been using them for almost a year because I got dragged in Lash Sensational - mania. Back to the roots now.
Ovo su moje dvije najdraže maskare koje koristim još od srednje škole (pogotovo ovu zlatnu). Ipak, nisam ih koristila skoro godinu dana jer me uhvatila Lash Sensational - mania. Back to the roots now.
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Essence Matt Matt Matt Longlasting lipgloss - 03 Girl Of Today, Beauty UK Lips Matter - No. 3 Curious Coral |
I've been loving Essence "lipglosses", or, as I call them - lip creams, for years now. It is almost a rule that I have to try every version that they come out with. (The review on previous ones is here).
And the one drugstore liquid lipstick that I already know it will suck the life out of my lips, but I bought it anyway - Beauty UK Lips Matter. I choose the color that I wouldn't usually pick, but hey.
Kako već godinama volim Essence "lipglosses", odnosno lip creams, kako bih ih ja nazvala, bilo je vrijeme da isprobam novu verziju. (O prijašnjima sam pisala ovdje).
Jedan drogerijski tekući ruž za koji unaprijed znam da će isušiti moje usne i izvući zadnju kap hidratizacije koju imam, ali opet sam ga kupila - Beauty UK Lips Matter ruž. Namjerno sam uzela nijansu koja je izvan moje comfort zone.
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Eveline Mini Max nailpolish - 685, Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige |
Random Eveline nailpolish because I like their formula. Also, I really liked the color, it is more dirty pink than it is on the photo.
A few months ago I decided that I wouldn't buy any new foundation until I use up some of the ones I already own. Recently I finished one and I gave my mum two new foundations that I haven't been using. So there is room for more new ones. The first one is Catrice HD Liquid Coverage.
Jedan Eveline lak za nokte jer volim njihovu formulu. Također mi se svidjela boja, iako je puno više ona prljavo roza nego što je ispala na slici.
Prije par mjeseci sam odlučila da neću kupovati nove pudere dok ne potrošim barem nekoliko starih koji su pri kraju. Nedavno sam potrošila jedan te sam mami proslijedila dva koja kod mene nisu korištena. Znači ima mjesta za nove! Prvi koji isprobavam je Catrice HD Liquid Coverage.
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Catrice Glam Fusion eyeshadow - 010 Jon Snows Favorite, Essence eyeshadow - 03 Rosie Flamingo & 13 The Grammy Goes Glammy |
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Catrice Glam Fusion eyeshadow - 010 Jon Snows Favorite, Essence eyeshadow - 03 Rosie Flamingo & 13 The Grammy Goes Glammy |
If you are on a hunt for eyeshadows that are more like highlighters, search no more. Honestly, I would buy the Catrice one just because of the name, but the shade is actually gorgeous.
Both of the Essence single eyeshadows are being discontinued so you better get then while you can. I love the light pink one, but this beige vanilla is actually pretty similar to The Balm Mary Luminizer.
Ako si u potrazi za sjenilima koje možeš koristiti kao highlightere, ne traži dalje. Iskreno, Catrice sjenilo bih kupila samo radi imena, ali nijansa je ustvari predivna.
Obje nijanse Essence sjenila izlaze iz asortimana i predlažem ti da ih nabaviš. Rozi je predivan, a ovaj drugi je jako sličan The Balm-ovom Mary Luminizeru.
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Balea Aqua wasser spray |
Balea water spray is something so simple (and great alternative for much expensive Evian spray that Nikkie Tutorials raves about), but so efficient as a setting spray and the way to get rid of the powdery finish on the face.
Balea voda u spreju je nešto sasvim obično (i odlična zamjena za puno skuplji Evian sprej o kojem priča Nikkie tutorials), a opet tako djelotvorno za setanje šminke i rješavanje praškastog diniša na licu.
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Real Techniques Berlin brush set |
Real Techiques came in my local Kozmo store and I couldn't pass on this makeup set. Just look at it! The design is pretty, but also this is one of the rare sets that I will actually be using and loving every single brush.
Real Techniques se pojavio u mom lokalnom Kozmu te nisam mogla ne kupiti ovaj set kistova. Pogledaj ih samo! Print je odličan, ali ovo je ujedno i jedan od rijetkih setova iz kojega bih bap svaki kist koristila.
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Real Techniques Mini Eraser sponges |
When I do makeup on other people, I find it really hard to blend the concealer just under the eyes or it takes really long time with a normal size sponges and beauty blenders simple because they are too big. I hope these two mini sponges form Real Techniques will make my life easier.
Kada šminkam druge, uvijek mi je problem blendati korektor ispod očiju (ili predugo traje) s normalnim spužvicama i beauty blenderima baš zato jer su - preveliki. Nadam se da će se ove dvije minijaturne Real Techniques spužvice iskazati.
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Real Techniques Multitask brush set |
As I already said, this is one of those brush sets that I wouldn't normally buy because I know I wouldn't use every brush. I bought it mainly because the second brush. It reminds me of their Setting brush that I use for highlight. I wanted something a bit bigger for setting the under eye area and this seemed perfect.
Kako sam već napisala, ovo je jedan od setova kojih inače ne bih kupila jer znam da neću koristiti sve kistove. Set sam kupila najviše radi srednjeg kista, koji podsjeća na njihov Setting brush koji koristim najviše za highlight. Željela sam nešto mrvicu veće za setanje korektora ispod očiju i ovaj mi se činio savršenim.
4 komentari
Otkako sam nabavila RT multitask set koristim ga svakodnevno. Četkice rotiram i isprobavam njihovo korištenje sa svakakvim proizvodima. Srednji kist koristim i za konturiranje i za highlighter pa čak i za rumenilo. A Berlincima se divim dok ne stigne moj set.
ReplyDeleteTakođer sam ga kupila najviše radi srednjeg kista. Baš je svestran! :)
Delete"These are my favorite mascaras ever and I've been using them since high school (the gold one)." .... thank you, thank you, thank you! :) You are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteYou are wonderful! Thank you for taking time to read the post and comment! :)