Most used products of 2016
January 28, 2017
I find yearly favorites posts and videos to be too long and, in my case, repetitive. I (try to) do seasonal favorites every few months and all of the products mentioned in those kind of posts sure are also my yearly favorites. In sake of narrowing down the list, I decided to go through my makeup collection and pick one most used product from each category.
Često su mi postovi i videi o godišnjim favoritima pomalo dosadni i ponavljajući, bar za mene. Pokušavam pisati sezonske favorite svakih nekoliko mjeseci i svakako se podrazumijeva da su svi proizvodi navedeni u tim postovima također i moji godišnji favoriti. Kako bih skratila popis i bila što preciznija, odlučila sam izabrati po jedan proizvod iz svake kategorije.
Popis proizvoda: / List of products:
- Nivea Men sensitive aftershave balm
- Loreal Infallible 24-h Matte foundation - 11 Vanilla
- Catrice Liquid camouflage concealer - 020 Light Beige
- Manhattan Soft mat loose powder - Natural 1
- Essence I heart nude eyeshadow - 05 My Favorite Tauping
- Essence Pure nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight
- Essence Matt Touch blush - 30 Rose Me Up!
- Morphe 35N eyeshadow palette
- Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer
- Essence Waterproof Gel eye pencil - 01 Black Blaze & 06 Cocoa Bean
- Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black
- Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black
- Fing'rs Precision lash adhesive
- Top Lash false eyelashes
- Catrice Eyebrow set
- Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel - Caramel
- Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030 Wood You Love Me
- Kiko Smart lip pencil - 703
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Nivea Men sensitive aftershave balm, Loreal Infallible 24-h Matte foundation - 11 Vanilla, Catrice Liquid camouflage concealer - 020 Light Beige, Manhattan Soft mat loose powder - Natural 1 |
Nivea Men sensitive aftershave balm is the primer that I used the most. For detailed review click here.
Loreal Infallible 24-h Matte foundation is the foundation that I liked the most this year. I use the shade 11 Vanilla that is too light for me at first, but it does oxidize to more suitable shade. It is matte and has full coverage that can get even better if you use a dense foundation brush.
Catrice Liquid camouflage concealer is great, and the shade 020 Light Beige has a yellow undertone which I like.
I can't tell you how sorry I am that Manhattan is discontinued here in Croatia. Manhattan Soft mat loose powder is the best and the only powder that last a whole day on my face. It is also the only one that sets my under eye concealer so it doesn't crease and sets in the fine lines. I use the shade Natural 1 and I have less than a half of the container so I use it only on special occasions. Also I haven't find anything similar yet.
Nivea Men sensitive aftershave balm je primer koji sam najviše koristila tijekom cijele godine, a detaljnije sam o njemu pisala ovdje.
Od tekućih pudera me oduševio Loreal Infallible 24-h Matte foundation. Koristim nijansu 11 Vanilla koja mi je pomalo presvijetla, ali oksidira u željenu nijansu. Mat je i ima jako prekrivanje koje se može još poboljšati korištenjem kista s gusto zbijenim dlačicama.
Catrice Liquid camouflage concealer u nijansi 020 Light Beige je odličan, a nijansa ima lagani žuti podton koji preferiram.
Jako mi je žao što su Manhattan povukli iz prodaje ovdje u Hrvatskoj jer je Manhattan Soft mat loose powder najbolji i jedini puder koji mi traje cijelu vječnost na licu. Jedini seta korektor ispod očiju i sprečava nakupljanje pudera u sitne linije na licu. Koristim nijansu Natural 1 i imam ga manje od pola pa štedim na njemu, a dosad mu nisam našla zamjenu.
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Essence I heart nude eyeshadow - 05 My Favorite Tauping, Essence Pure nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight, Essence Matt Touch blush - 30 Rose Me Up! |
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Essence I heart nude eyeshadow - 05 My Favorite Tauping, Essence Pure nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight, Essence Matt Touch blush - 30 Rose Me Up! |
For contouring I used an eyeshadow. That is Essence I heart nude eyeshadow
- 05 My Favorite Tauping. The name is all rubbed off. This is a
neutral, grey toned shade and, of course, Essence already discontinued
Another Essence product that is my must-have is Essence Pure nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight. Perfect for everyday, not so intense and the color is suitable for most skin tones.
I guess I loved Essence. Essence Matt Touch blush - 30 Rose Me Up! is a perfect everyday shade that goes with everything and it is matte.
Essence I heart nude eyeshadow
- 05 My Favorite Tauping sam najviše koristila za konturiranje. Ovo je
neutralna, sivo smeđa nijansa koju je Essence nažalost ukinuo.
Još jedan Essence proizvod koji je moj must-have je Essence Pure nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight. Savršen za svaki dan, nije prejak, a nijansa odgovara većini tonova kože.
Očito je da volim Essence. Essence Matt Touch blush - 30 Rose Me Up! je odlična svakodnevna nijansa koja ide uz svaki look i - mat je.
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Morphe 35N eyeshadow palette, Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer, Essence Waterproof Gel eye pencil - 01 Black Blaze & 06 Cocoa Bean |
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Morphe 35N eyeshadow palette, Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer, Essence Waterproof Gel eye pencil - 01 Black Blaze & 06 Cocoa Bean |
I have been using Morphe 35N eyeshadow palette ever since I got it. So almost everyday. The review and the swatches are here.
Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer is fairly new addition to my makeup collection but it is so good that it beats ever other eyeshadow primer that I have. The review is here.
Essence Waterproof Gel eye pencil - 01 Black Blaze & 06 Cocoa Bean are also discontinued but you can still find them in those little baskets near the register in Kozmo and Dm. I use one of them almost every time I do my makeup. The review of the black one is here.
Morphe 35N paletu sjenila nisam ispustila iz ruku otkako sam ju dobila i koristim ju skoro svaki dan. Recenzija i swatchevi su ovdje.
Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer je noviji dodatak mojoj makeup kolekciji ali je toliko dobar da gotovo više nitijedan primer za sjenila ne koristim. Recenzija je ovdje.
Essence Waterproof Gel eye pencil - 01 Black Blaze & 06 Cocoa Bean su također povučene iz prodaje, ali ih možeš pronaći u nekim Kozmima i Dm-ovima u onim košarama uz blagajne sa sniženim proizvodima. Gotovo svaki put kad se šminkam koristim jednu od ove dvije nijanse, a recenzija crne je ovdje.
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Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black, Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black, Fing'rs Precision lash adhesive, Top Lash false eyelashes |
Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black is my favorite version of this mascara and most used one. the review is here.
I am telling you, Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black is the best drugstore liquid eyeliner. You can read why is that here.
Fing'rs Precision lash adhesive is the most long lasting one that I found so far, so it has a place on this list.
This style of Top Lash false eyelashes is the one I wore the most. They aren't too thick so you can still see the work you did on the lid through them and they aren't heavy on the lids.
Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black je moja najdraža verzija ove maskare, a ujedno i najkorištenija. Recenzija je ovdje.
Kažem ti da je Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black najbolji drogerijski tuš. Bez previše objašnjavanja, zašto je najbolji možeš pročitati ovdje.
Fing'rs Precision lash adhesive se pokazalo kao najizdržljivije ove godine, pa je zaslužilo mjesto na popisu.
Top Lash umjetne trepavice i to baš ova verzija sam najviše nosila. Nisu jako guste pa možeš vidjeti sjenilo koje imaš na kapku kroz njih, a nisu niti teške na očima.
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Catrice Eyebrow set, Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel - Caramel, Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030 Wood You Love Me, Kiko Smart lip pencil - 703 |
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Catrice Eyebrow set, Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel - Caramel, Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030 Wood You Love Me, Kiko Smart lip pencil - 703 |
Catrice Eyebrow set is my holy grail product for filling in the eyebrows, while Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel in the shade Caramel is something I didn't use that much at the beginning of the year because my hair was too dark. Since I've gone lighter, this is the only brow gel I use. It keeps the hairs in the place whole day long and I love to use it for that "messy brow" look. I wrote about both of them here. The orange tint started separating and I have just a bit left.
It was really hard to choose one favorite lipstick but the one I kept reaching for over and over when I wanted a nude look is Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030 Wood You Love Me. I like the formula and the color.
Kiko Smart lip pencil in the shade 703 is my ultimate most used lipliner. The formula of their lip pencils are great and comfortable to wear on their own, and this shade has a special place in my heart. For a review and swatches click here.
Catrice Eyebrow set je moj holy grail proizvod zapopunjavanje obrva, dok je Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel u nijansi Caramel nešto što isprva nisam koristila jer mi je nijansa bila prenarančasta i svijetla u odnosu na kosu, ali odkako je ona svjetlija, koristim samo njega. Obrve drži počešljanima cijeli dan i volim ga koristiti za onaj "neuredne obrve" stil. O oba proizvoda sam pisala ovdje. Narančasti pigment se počeo razdvajati ali ionako je još malo ostalo u bočici.
Bilo je jako teško odabrati najdraži ruž, ali onaj kojemu sam se stalno vraćala kada sam željela nude look je Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick u nijansi 030 Wood You Love Me. Volim i formulu i nijansu.
Kiko Smart lip pencil u nijansi 703 je najkorištenija olovka za usne. Formula ovih olovki mi je odlična i ugodna za nošenje samostalno, a ova nijansa ima posebno mjesto mjesto u mom srcu. Za recenziju i swatcheve klikni ovdje.
1 komentari
Baš raznovrsni favoriti i nimalo dosadni. Obožavam L'Oreal Infallible mat, dugo nisam naišla na ovako dobar matirajući puder a plus sam još i pogodila savršenu nijansu.