Essence I ♡ Extreme waterproof volume mascara
May 15, 2016
Today we're going to talk about a mascara. Recently I don't even use mascara every time I put on makeup, I focus on the face - a bit of foundation or BB cream to even out the skin, slightly filled in eyebrows and highlighter. When I do want to wear more makeup, I put on some brighter color lipstick and go minimal on the eyes - just mascara. Right now I am trying out a few different ones and I am trying to find the one that will give me volume and lenght I want. So I tried Essence I <3 volume mascara in waterproof version.
Danas je na radu recenzija jedne maskare. U zadnje vrijeme ih čak i ne koristim stalno, znam izostaviti šminkanje očiju i usredotočiti se samo na lice - malo pudera ili BB kreme da mi izjednači ten, lagano popunjene obrve i highlighter. Kada želim nositi nešto jači makeup, na usne stavim neku jaču boju ruža dok oči ostavim minimale - samo maskara. Trenutno u rotaciji imam i isprobavam nekoliko maskara i tražim onu koja će mi dati i volumen i produživanje trepavica. Tako sam isprobala i Essence I <3 Extreme volume maskaru u vodootpornoj varijanti.
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Essence I ♡ Extreme volume mascara - waterproof |
Essence says that this is an ultra black mascara and that it gives extreme volume to the lashes. I admit that I have never used a waterproof mascara until now simply because I don't have time to bother with removing the waterproof makeup at the end of the day. I have to use different makeup remover and soak my lashes in it. I also have to rub my eyes to get all the mascara out and sometimes I noticed that my lashes were breaking off and falling out. And nobody likes to see that their lashes are falling out.
Essence kaže da je ova maskara ultra crna te da daje extreman volumen trepavicama. Priznajem da do sada nisam imala ni jednu vodootpornu maskaru jer mi se jednostavno neda zezati s njima kada dođe vrijeme da uklonim svu šminku. Moram imati posebni skidač, a nekada i on nije dovoljam pa moram trljati trepavice i onda primijetim da ispadaju i da se lome. Nitko ne voli vidjeti da mu trepavice ispadaju, zar ne?
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Essence I ♡ Extreme volume mascara - waterproof |
The packaging of the Essence products are always colorful and all over the place, but this mascara, we can agree that it looks childish. The color selection, the font and a huge tube. I don't judge a products on the packaging if the product itself is good, but the pretty packing is a bonus. When I am in the drugstore, I will try the products in appealing packaging first and I assume most of you do too.
I was pretty hesitant to try this mascara out. The other reason was the size of the wand. It is really huge, just like the tube itself. I am used to using mascaras with small rubber wands with whom I can coat all the shorter lashes and get to the roots of them. Also with smaller wands I don't have to worry about getting mascara all over my eyelids.
Pakiranje većine Essence proizvoda je šareno i veselo, ali ova maskara, možeš slobodno reći da izgleda djetinjasto. Od izbora boja, do natpisa, pa do ogromne tubice. Ne sudim proizvode na temelju pakiranja ako je proizvod dobar, ali da je lijepo pakiranje plus, svakako je. Kad sam u drogeriji, prije ću isprobati nešto u lijepom, privlačnom pakiranju, a vjerujem da i većina vas isto tako.
Bila sam neodlučna u isprobavanju ove, a još jedan razlog tome je ogromna četkica. Sama tubica je velika, debela, a i četkica je isto takva. Navikla sam na gumene četkice te više volim one koje naginju na tanju stranu. S njima mogu lijepo obuhvatiti sve trepavice i doći do samog korijena te ne zamrljam sve oko očiju s maskarom.
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Essence I ♡ Extreme volume mascara - waterproof |
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Essence I ♡ Extreme volume mascara - waterproof |
The formula on this mascara really is black as they say. It doesn't give any extra lenght to the lashes although but it doesn't claim that it should. It claims to give extreme volume and for me, it doesn't really that much. You get just enough product on the wand, but it is so big that it makes my lashes clumpy and they all stick together. I am guessing that is because the bristles on the wand aren't very dense. Every time I applied it I had to go back and comb out the lashes with a spoolie to separate the lashes. Besides that, the mascara itself is pretty decent. It holds the curl very well, it doesn't flake off or smudge.
On the waterproof side, it did survive a bit of crying, so I can say it really is waterproof. It didn't drip down the face and it flaked off just a little bit when I touched the lashes with my fingers.
On the next 2 photos, I applied it in one coat and comb the lashes a bit to separate them.
Formula maskare zaista je crna kako kažu. Ne produžuje trepavice, ali to joj ni nije svrha. Svrha joj je dati volumen, a meni osobno ni to baš ne radi kako treba. Na četkici ostane sasvim dovoljno maskare, ali je toliko debela da mi slijepi trepavice i redovito sam ih morala raščešljavati svaki put kad bi ju nanijela. Na stranu to, sama maskara je dobra. Solidna. Dobro drži uvijenost, ne trusi se i ne razmazuje.
Što se tiče vodootpornosti, preživjela je plakanje, tako da mogu reći da je stvarno vodootporna. Nije curila po licu, a ostavljala je tragove tek kad bi trepavice dotakla prstima.
Na slijedeće dvije slike nanesena je u jednom sloju, s malo raščešljavanja i razdvajanja.
In the next photo, I applied it in 2 coats. Even though I did comb out the lashes, you can see that they are still a bit clumpy and sticked together.
Na slijedećoj slici je, pak, nanesena u dva sloja. Iako sam raščešljala trepavice, vidi se da su pomalo slijepljene.
I know many of you like this mascara, but it just didn't work out for me.It is a decent mascara, but not one of my favorites. Personally, I like mascaras that give me length and curls, and this one just gives me some volume.
Maybe if I learn how to use that big wand better and get to the roots of the lashes, maybe it would give more volume and I would like it more. But for now, all that I can say is that is just ok. If you did try it, tell me in the comments what do you think - did you like it or not?
Znam da mnogi vole ovu maskaru, ali ne dijelim oduševljenje. Dobra je maskara, ali imam i boljih. Osobno, od maskare prvenstveno tražim produživanje i uvijenost, a ova pruža malo volumena.
Možda i kad bih bolje naučila baratati s ovako velikom četkicom i uspjeti doći skroz do korijena trepavica, možda bi i dala više volumena i više bi mi se sviđala. Ovako ima samo prolaznu ocjenu. Ako si ju ti isprobala, napiši mi u komentarima što misliš, jesi li jedna od onih kojima se sviša ili dijeliš moje mišljenje.
Možeš ju pronaći na svim Essence prodajnim mjestima, a cijena joj je oko 23,00 kn (2.99 €) (12ml).
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