
How I fill in my eyebrows

April 26, 2016

Get ready for a long post, BUT, so you don't get bored, I put in a lot of photos. 

You clicked on this and I am assuming you want to know more about eyebrows, but why am I writing this (you can thank Ivana for requesting it :))? I am writing it because eyebrows are becoming more and more popular and also because I personally like to see nice eyebrows. First I have to tell you, there is a difference in filling in and drawing on you eyebrows, some of these products are allowing you to do one and/or both, but remember that you can easily go overboard with eyebrows, so be careful. The good thing is that you can make your eyebrows different every time, thicker or thinner, longer or shorter... Mine aren't exactly the same, but you know that they say: "Eyebrows are sisters, not twins".

I admit that filling in eyebrows (mine and others), takes me too much time, and this is my army for shaping and filling in eyebrows. I know, it seems like a lot, but keep in mind that I don't use all of it at once and that I want you to show you some options.

Danas se spremi na čitanje jednog jako dugog posta, ali da ti ne dosadi, ubacit ću i puno slika. 

Kliknula si na ovaj post jer želiš saznati više o obrvama, a zašto sam ga napisala (možeš zahvaliti Ivani koja ga je tražila :))? Pišem ga jer je ova tema sve popularnija te kako i sama volim vidjeti lijepe obrve. Prvo moram naglasiti razliku između popunjavanja obrva i crtanja obrva, neki od ovih proizvoda dozovoljavaju jedno i/ili drugo, s obrvama se može lako pretjerati pa budi oprezna. Dobra stvar je što uvijek možeš promijeniti oblik obrva, učiniti ih deblijima ili tanjima, kraćima ili dužima... Moje nisu identične, znaš ono: "Obrve su sestre, ne blizanke".

Priznajem da mi popunjavanje obrva (kako svojih, tako i tuđih) oduzme više vremena, a ovo je moj arsenal za popunjavanje i oblikovanje obrva. Znam, čini se puno, ali imaj na umu da ne koristim sve odjednom i da ti želim pokazati koje opcije imaš. 

Let's start with how I shape my eyebrows. They are not too wild, they have natural shape that I like so I don't pluck them too much, just a few hairs now and then. I pluck them with these tweezers in the photo below, it depends which one I grab first. I don't exactly know where I got them, I've had them for years. One of them has straight tip and the other one is a bit slanted and they both do their job. Its is important to say that I never pluck the upper part of the eyebrows, only under them. Also I don't ever touch that part where eyebrows start. They are already enough separated and they aren't that thick on that part. And I don't want my nose to look wider and bigger. Here's a tip for you - if you want your nose to look smaller and more narrow, make your eyebrows closer to each other. I also tried threading and I actually like using that technique on others, but on my self I don't have enough control. Oh yeah, and I also trip them with small scissors, but only the beginning part of the eyebrows. Sometimes I like when they look more natural and bushy so I do this only sometimes. Right now they are trimmed. I brush them upwards and cut every hair that sticks out too much.

No prvo počnimo s oblikovanjem. Moje obrve nisu predivlje, odnosno imaju prirodni oblik koji mi se sviđa, tako da ih ne čupam previše. Tek poneku dlačicu tu i tamo, kad primijetim da je izrasla. Čupam ih s ove dvije pincete dolje, kako koju dohvatim. Ne znam odakle su, imam ih već godinama. Jedna ima kosi rub, druga ravni i ono najbitnije, rade svoj posao. Bitno je napomenuti da nikada ne čupam gornji dio obrva, samo donji. Isto tako, ne diram unutarnji početni dio, u sredini. Dosta su razdvojene i nisu baš guste na tom dijelu. A i ne želim ih razmaknuti previše pa da mi nos izgleda veliko. Eto ti savjet - ako želiš da ti nos izgleda manje i uže - nemoj previše razdvajati obrve. Probala sam threading - ono koncem, i na drugima mi to super ide, ali na samoj sebi baš ne uspijevam jer nemam dovoljno kontrole. Inače i još i podrezujem malim škaricama, ali samo početni dio. Nekad volim da izgledaju malo čupavije, pa ih onda pustim. Trenutno su podrezane. Počešljam ih prema gore i odrežem sve što previše strši.

Currently, my eyebrows look like this:
Trenutno mi obrve izgledaju ovako:

The brushes I use to fill in my eyebrows are shown in the photo below. I don't use all of them at once, of course. It depends on the product I use. Most of them are from BH brush set (link for Pink Panda webshop) (link for BH webshop) and two of them are Essence.

Što se tiče kistova koje koristim, evo ih na slici ispod. Ne koristim sve odjednom, naravno. To ovisi o vrsti proizvoda koji koristim. Većina kistova je iz BH seta (link na Pink Pandi) (link za BH webshop) i nekoliko Essence.

Spoolie is a must have because every shaping starts with it. I use 2 different types of angled brushes, the one thicker and two ones that are thin. The second brush in the photo, BH brush, is a bit thicker than the next two, so I use it to fill in the first part of my eyebrows. The next two are smaller, more precise brushes. The pink one I use for applying gel products (I will tell you more about that later), and the green one for precise applying on the end of the eyebrows (that part from the arch to the end).

Spoolie ili češljić su obavezni i s tim započinje svako oblikovanje obrva. Koristim nekoliko vrsta kosih kistova, nekih debljih, nekih tanjih. Drugi po redu, BH kosi kist je nešto deblji od slijedeća dva, pa njega koristim na početnom dijelu obrva. Slijedeća dva su precizni mali kistovi, jedan koristim za proizvode u gelu (kasnije ću napisati koji točno proizvod), a drugi za preciznije nanošenje proizvoda na rep obrve (od luka prema kraju).

The next two brushes are the ones I use for cleaning the mistakes I made and I don't use them very often. Both of them are BH. The smaller one I use to clean up above and under the arch of the eyebrow by applying a small amount of Catrice camouflage cream concealer that is the same shade as my skintone. The second, larger brush I use to clean up that part between my eyebrows, above the nose to make that nice faded begining of each eyebrow and so that they don't look like squares and like they were cut. You can do this with a spoolie, but I noticed that it only smudges the product all around.

Slijedeća dva kista su za čišćenje i ne koristim ih toliko često. Oba su BH. Manji koristim za popravke iznad i ispod luka obrve i to tako da nanesem Catrice kamuflažu koja nije jako svijetla i popravim pogreške. Drugi, veći kist koristim za čišćenje onog dijela između dvije obrve, iznad nosa, kako bi napravila lijepi prijelaz i kako obrve ne bi izgledale kockasto i odrezano. Ovo možeš napraviti i spoolie četkicom, ali primjetila sam da ona najčešće samo razmlja proizvod svud okolo obrve.

So let's start with the option that gives the most natural look to your eyebrows. That is using powder type products - eyeshadows. This is the way I fill in my eyebrows 98% of the time. For that I use Catrice Eyebrow set which is so loved that the name on it is rubbed of. I've been using this particular product for 5 years straight and I repurchased it so many times. I don't allow myself to run ot of it so most likely I always have one backup. It is the best powder product there is and I really tried many of them.

Krenimo prvo s opcijom koja daje najprirodnije izgled obrva. To je korištenje praškastih proizvoda, odnosno sjenila. Ovaj način je ujedno i način na koji popunjavam obrve 98% vremena. Za to koristim Catrice Eyebrow set koji se toliko izlizao da se ne vidi pročitati naziv. Ovaj proizvod koristim već punih pet godina, ovo mi je tko zna koja kutijica po redu. Ne dozovoljavam si da ostanem bez njega, pa najčešće uvijek imam jedan na zalihi. Najbolji je praškasti proizvod za obrve po mom mišljenju, a zaista sam isprobala svakakve.

Catrice eyebrow set

You get two shades in it, darker and lighter ashy brown and both of them have cool undertones, which I like. It will last you a long time because they are very pigmented. And it has small hidden part that has a small tweezers and double sided brush. Both of them you can use on the go and sometimes I fix my eyebrow using it when I'm in a car and I don't have anything else.

Unutra se dobiju dvije nijanse, tamnija i svijetlija pepeljasto smeđa, te su obje hladnog tona, što mi se sviđa. Sporo se troše jer su dosta pigmentirane. Uz to ima mali pretinac u kojem dobiješ malu pincetu i dvostrani kistić. Oboje se može koristiti ako nemaš ništa drugo i često sam znala s kistićem popravljati obrve u autu.

Catrice eyebrow set

Catrice eyebrow set

Catrice eyebrow set

Catrice eyebrow set

I use both shades on my eyebrows. First I start with a thicker angled brush and lighter shade and I drag a line on begining lower part of my eyebrows. Then I start to flick the brush upwards to fill in the gaps. When I get to the arch, I take darker shade on a thinner, more precise angled brush and fill in the rest. 

Koristim obje nijanse i to tako da kosim debljim kistom npovučem crtu svijetlijom nijansom na početni donji dio obrva. Onda okrenem kist okomito i počinjem popunjavati ostatak. a onda kad dođem do luka, prebacim se na precizniji tanji kist i tamniju nijansu.

Then I start filling in the part of the eyebrow towards the arch, then when I get to the actual arch I switch to the thiner angled brush and the darker shade. You can see that I am missing hairs on the tail of the eyebrow, that is just the way they always were, so I brush the hairs downwards to see where I need to fill in.

Dalje popunjavam dio prema luku te, kad dođem do samog luka obrva, prebacim se na tanji precizniji kosi kist i tamniju nijansu.  Možeš vidjeti da na repu obrve imam dijelova na kojima uopće ne rastu, jednostavno su takve, pa ih počešljam prema dolje da bi bolje vidjela gdje ih trebam popuniti.

When they are all filled in and when I blend the begining part, this is what they look like: 

Kad su skroz popunjene i kad je početak blendan s kistićima za popravke, ovako izgledaju:

The other way I fill in my eyebrows with whom you can get natural, but also heavier look of the eyebrows is by using pencils. I use Catrice Eyebrow stylist in the shade 020 Date With Ash-ton (Catrice always has the coolest names). On one side of the pencil you get a spoolie brush. I don't use this pencil that often because I am too lazy to sharpen it every time to get that precise tip to fill in the tail of the eyebrow, but you can really get that nice looking eyebrows with it. When I do use it, I don't put too much pressure on it because then it can look like I have drawn on eyebrows, but I use gently feathery strokes to mimic the natural hairs.

Slijedeći način koji koristim s kojim se može dobiti prirodniji, ali i malo teži izgleda obrva su olovke za obrve. Koristim Catrice Eyebrow stylist u nijansi 020 Date With Ash-ton (Catrice uvijek ima super nazive). S jedne strane je olovka, s druge spoolie četkica. Ovu olovku ne koristim toliko često jer mi se neda šiljiti olovku da bude lijepo precizna za popuniti rep obrve, ali s njom se zaista lijepo može popuniti obrve. Kada ju koristim, ne pritišćem ju jako jer onda izgleda kao da sam nacrtala obrve, već lagno iscrtavam kratke linije kako bi oponašala izgled dlačica.

Catrice eyebrow stylist pencil - 020 Date With Ash-ton

Catrice eyebrow stylist pencil - 020 Date With Ash-ton

I fill in my eyebrows with this product just like with the powder before. This is what they look like when they are all done (left eyebrow) compared to the one filled in with powder (right eyebrow)

S ovim proizvodom ih popunjavam na isti način kao i sa sjenilom. Ovako izgledaju kad su gotove (lijeva obrva) u usporedbi s sjenilom (desna obrva):

The next product I use to get more dramatic look on my eyebrows. It is Catrice Longlasting brow definer pen in the shade 030 Chocolate Brow'nie (you can already tell that Catrice has great eyebrow products). This is not a typical pen, but it has a small precise brush. For a long time I was complaining that I got dried out one and that I can't use it, but then Nela told me that she stores her pen upside down, so that the liwuid inside soaks the brush and my pen was suddenly fixed! Some say that it is waterproof, but I don't think it is. It only lasts a longer time than the options I mentioned before. 

Slijedeći proizvod je za malo postizanje malo dramatičnijeg izgleda obrva. U pitanju je Catrice Longlasting brow definer olovka u nijansi 030 Chocolate Brow'nie (već možeš zaključiti da Catrice ima odlične proizvode za obrve). Ovo nije tipična olovka, već ima kistić koji je jako precizan. Dugo sam se žalila da sam kupila polu osušenu olovku i da ju ne mogu koristiti, ali ona mi je Nela rekla da svoju olovku okrene naopako, tako da tekućina koja je unutra natopi kistić i moja olovka je proradila! Neki kažu da je vodootporna, ali meni se čini da nije, nego da samo traže duže nego prethodne opcije. 

Catrice Longlasting brow definer - 030 Chocolate Brow'nie

Catrice Longlasting brow definer - 030 Chocolate Brow'nie

I use it when I need to quickly fill in my eyebrows and only on the tail (I don't use it on the whole eyebrow because it is like a sharpie), usually when I don't have any makeup on my face but I still want my eyebrows to look nice Then they look like this:

Koristim ju kad na brzinu trebam popuniti obrve i to samo na repu (ne koristim ju na cijeloj obrvi jer može izgledati kao da si markerom nacrtala obrve), najčešće kad nemam šminke na licu, a ipak želim da mi obrve malo ljepše izgledaju. Onda izgledaju ovako:

The last techinque for filling in eyebrows is using gel products (or creame). I have to tell you that this way gives very dramatic and the elast natural look to the eyebrows and it requires practice and a light hand. I use this technique rarely, only when I need dramatic eyebrows for taking photos of dramatic eye makeup. There are, for example, ABH Dipbrow pomade, Freedom Pro brow pomade, Essence eyebrow gel etc. I haven't tried them so I can't tell if they are any good but I did tried Beauty Uk Pro gel eyeliner in the shade no. 2 Espresso Brown. Yes, eyeliner. It is a decent product, it dries quickly and doesn't move. The shade is a bit too dark for me, which is another reason I don't use it in the "real life". 
I also tried using Maybelline Color Tattoo in the shade Permanent Taupe. It works, but the shade is not for me - it is too ashy and ashy for my eyebrows, so if you can pull off that greyish eyebrwo look (if your hair is ashy and has cooler undertones), there's a suggestion.

Slijedeći način za popunjavanje obrva je korištenje proizvoda u gelu (ili kremastih proizvoda). Samo da ti napomenem da ovaj način daje najdramatičniji i najneprirodniji izgled obrvama i zahtijeva puno vježbe i laganu ruku. Ovu tehniku koristim zaista rijetko, samo ponekad za slikanje makeupa na očima kada to neki teži look zahtijeva. Za to postoje npr. ABH Dipbrow pomade, Freedom Pro brow pomade, Essence gel za obrve i slično. Nisam ih probala, pa ti ne mogu reći kakvi su, a inače koristim Beauty UK Pro gel eyeliner u nijansi no. 2 Espresso Brown. Da, eyeliner. Dobar je, brzo se suši i ne mrda. Nijansa mi je malo pretamna, što je još jedan razlog zašto ga ne koristim "u stvarnom životu". 
Isprobala sa koristiti i Maybelline Color Tattoo u nijansi Permanent Taupe. Također je odličan, ali mi nijansa ne odgovara - prehladna je i pre siva za moje obrve, pa ako možeš isfurati taj look sivkastih obrva (ako ti je kosa pepeljasta i hladnijih tonova), eto jedan prijedlog.

Beauty UK Pro gel eyeliner - no. 2 Espresso Brown

Beauty UK Pro gel eyeliner - no. 2 Espresso Brown

Beauty UK Pro gel eyeliner - no. 2 Espresso Brown

The way of appliying is the same as previous ones but this time I make sure that I am applying just a small amount of product.

Postupak je isti kao i uvijek, ali pazim da nanosim malo po malo proizvoda.

This is what they look like filled in and blended (the brow on the righ). The left one is filled in with the previous mentioned Catrice Longlasting brow definer so you can see the difference

Ovako izgledaju kad su popunjene i kad je početak blendan (desna obrva). Lijeva je samo s prethodnim Catrice Longlasting brow definerom da vidiš razliku:

The last phase in filling in eyebrows (and I do skip it sometimes) is to set everything you applied. For that you use eyebrow gels. You use them to brush the eyebrows so everything looks nice and that brows aren't bushy. I use 3 gels, 2 of them are fillers which means that they have tiny particles that immitate hairs and make your eyebrows look thicker and fuller. The first one is Catrice Eyebrow filler perfecting & shaping gel that I used until I recently discovered Essence Make me brow gel mascara in the shade 01 Blondy Brows. Both of them are fillers, but the Essence one has a lot smaller brush so you can be more precise. Essence also holds the shape better and I use it even when I go overboard and want to make my eyebrows a bit lighter. 
The next one is THE gel of the gels - her majesty Anastasia Beverly Hills Tited brow gel in the shade Caramel. Once you brush your eyebrows with it, they stay like that the whole day and I think they would until tommorow if you don't take your makeup off before bed (don't do that!). The shade doesn't match me 100%, so I apply a thin layer so it isn't noticable.

Zadnja faza popunjavanja obrva (koju nekad i preskočim) je sve što smo nanijeli setati. Za to služe gelovi. S njima ćeš lijepo počešljati obrve tako da to sve lijepo stoji i da nisu raščipane. Koristim 3 takva gela, a dva od njih su filleri koji imaju sitne čestice koje imitiraju dlačice s kojima obrve izgledaju gušće. Prvi je Catrice Eyebrow filler perfecting & shaping gel koji sam koristila dok nisam nedavno otkrila Essence Make me brow gel mascara u nijansi 01 Blondy Brows. Oba su filleri, ali Essence ima puno manju četkicu pa dobivaš na preciznosti. Essence također bolje drži obrve. Također ga koristim i kada malo pretjeram, pa želim mrvicu posvijetliti obrve. 
Slijedeći je gel svih gelova - njegovo veličanstvo Anastasia Beverly Hills Tinted brow gel u nijansi Caramel. Jednom kad počeljaš obrve s njim, one tako ostanu cijeli dan i mislim da bi izdržale do sutra ako ne skineš šminku prije spavanja (nemoj to raditi!). Nijansa mi ne odgovara 100%, pa ga nanosim u tanjem sloju i tako se ne primijeti.

Catrice Eyebrow filler perfecting & shaping gel & Essence Make me Brow gel mascara

Catrice Eyebrow filler perfecting & shaping gel & Essence Make me Brow gel mascara

Catrice Eyebrow filler perfecting & shaping gel & Essence Make me Brow gel mascara

Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel - Caramel

Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel - Caramel

A whole buch of information, isn't it? If you know me, you know how much attention I give to eyebrows because they can really change the look and give that something special to the face. Despite that, I don't fill in my eyebrows every single day because I don't wear makeup every single day, but when I do, eyebrows are a must have. Some of you might need a little more filling and shaping, and some of you need less, but even the ones that don't need it at all, that have beautiful natural eyebrows, just shaping them with a eyebrow gel can make a huge difference. I suggest you try it, no matter how sceptical you might be. 

I tried so many eyebrow products and this is my pick of the best products for shaping and filling in eyebrows, and you can choose which one you like the most and which look you're going for. Tell me in comments how and what do you use to fill in your eyebrows.

Puno podataka zar ne? Ako me poznaš, znaš koliko pažnje pridajem obrvama jer zaista mogu promijeniti izgled lica i dodati ono nešto. Unatoč tome, ne popunjavam obrve svaki dan, jer se ne šminkam svaki dan, ali kad se šminkam, obrve su obavezne. Nekima je potrebno malo više, nekima malo manje, a čak i onima kojima ne treba popunjavanje, koje imaju predivne prirodne obrve, samo počešljati obrve gelom čini razliku i predlažem svima da probaju, ma koliko skeptični bili. 

Isprobala sam sve i svašta i ovo je moj izbor najboljih proizvoda za oblikovanje obrva, a ti možeš odabrati onaj koji ti se najviše sviđa i kakav izgled želiš postići. U komentarima mi reci kako i s čim ti popunjavaš svoje obrve.

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3 komentari

  1. 😱sve ove cetkice za sminkanjr obrva? iskreno tebi ,i mislim i svima...sve to ne treba prirodan sveźi luk je najlepsi.

    1. Ne koristim sve odjednom. Svaki kist ima svrhu, ovisno o tome kakav efekt zelim postici.

      Postujem misljenje, samo nije rijec u potrebi, nego zelji.

  2. tvoje obrve su lepse bez sminke


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