Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base
April 12, 2016
Today we are going to talk about eyeshadow primers. For a
long period of time I didn't even buy the real eyeshadow base because I was
using the concealer leftovers on a brush after I applied it to the under eyes
and setting it that with loose powder. It seemed like it did what it was
suppose to do - prime the eyelids. And then she came around. The best eyeshadow
base. Her name is Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base.
She comes in a small matte plastic packaging, with the black lid and the rest of it shows the true color of the primer inside. Catrice always has nice packaging.
Danas pričamo o bazama za sjenila. Jedno vrijeme čak nisam ni kupovala pravu bazu za sjenila jer sam u tu svrhu koristila ono što ostane na kistu nakon što nanesem korektor, te setala puderom u kamenu ili prahu. Činilo mi se da dođe na isto kao i s bazom. A onda je došla ona. Baza nad bazama. Ime joj je Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base.
u malom plastičnom mat pakiranju, crnog čepa i ostatka boje koja
prikazuje kakve je boje primer unutra ustvari. Catrice uvijek lijepo
zapakira svoje proizvode, tako je i ovaj put.
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
It comes with a sponge applicator that is flat on the one side, so you can easily apply the base on you eyelids. I like this kind of applicators because they are more handy than the ones in a jar.
Dolazi sa spužvastim aplikatorom, koso rezanim, s kojim bazu možeš izravno nanijeti na kapak. Ovakve vrste aplikatora više volim jer ih je lakše koristiti nego one u posudici.
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
The color of the base is pale nude, beige but when you blend it, it doesn't leave any color. It doesn't cover and imperfections, discoloration or veins on the lids so if you are looking for something that will cover all that, this base is not for you. For all of you that have this problem, I suggest you try out the technique I mentioned in the beginning of the post - with the concealer.
It has creamy but liquid texture, when you first blend it it feels a bit greasy under fingertips.
Pigmentation wise, I already mentioned that is has some color in it but that doesn't show up at all on the lids.
It has a light chemical scent, but it goes away as soon as you apply it.
Baza je bež boje, jako blijede, ali kad ju razmažeš ne vidi se i ne ostavlja nikakav trag. Ne prekriva baš nesavršenosti na kapku - diskoloraciju, vidljive žile i slično, pa ako imaš problema s ujednačavanjem područja oko očiju, ova baza ti neće pomoći i moj prijedlog je da isprobaš onu tehniku s korektorom koju sam spomenula na početku posta.
Kremaste je teksture, ali dosta rijetke, pomalo masne pod prstima kad ju tek blendaš.
Što se tiče pigmentacije, već sam spomenula da ima boje u sebi, ali se ona ne vidi nakon blendanja.
Ima neki blagi miris kemikalija, ali ništa strašno i ne osjeti se nakon nanošenja.
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
So finally now goes that part of the post where you can see how it actually works. I apply it with the applicator directly on the lid and I tap it and blend with my fingers. Then I wait a few seconds for it to dry and apply the eyeshadow. If you apply the eyeshadows the second you applied the base, while it is still sticky, it can make blending harder.
I don't know if it prolongs the wear of the eyeshadows because most of the eyeshadows I wear last a pretty decent amount of time with the concealer, but it sure makes the colours more intense. On the photos below you can see how the eyeshadows apply with and without the base. The swatches were made in one swipe and I used some higher and lower quality eyeshadows from 4 different palettes.
Napokon dio gdje možeš vidjeti kako djeluje. Ja ju nanosim s aplikatorom te potom razmažem i utapkam prstima na kapak. Pričekam da se malo osuši, par sekundi te normalno nanesem sjenilo. Ako sjenila naneseš iste skunde dok je baza još ljepljiva, može otežati blendanje.
Ne znam koliko i da li produžava trajnost sjenila jer sjenila koja inače nosim traju sasvim pristojno vremensko razdoblje na mojim kapcima i samo s korektorom, ali svakako poboljšava njihov intenzitet. Na slikama ispod možeš vidjeti kako sjenila izgledaju sa i bez baze. Swatchewi su napravljeni u jednom nanosu te sam koristila sjenila bolje i lošije kvalitete iz četiri različite palete.
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Eyeshadow swatches made with the Catrice eyeshadow base (the middle ones) and without |
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Eyeshadow swatches made with the Catrice eyeshadow base (the middle ones) and without |
Isn't a picture worth a thousand words? This is one great eyeshadow base, it does what it is suppose to do, the eyeshadows don't crease and it doesn't feel dry on the lids. If you are struggling to find something that will enhance the color of that eyeshadows that aren't that pigmented (and we all have ones that look great until you actually try to apply them), I suggest you try out this base, it may suprise you.
Zar slike ne govore više od tisuću riječi? Ovo je jedna sasvim dobra baza za sjenila, radi ono što bi trebala, sjenila se ne creasaju i ne isušuje kapke. Ako tražiš nešto za poboljšati ona sjenila koja baš i nisu najpigmentiranija (a svi imamo takva koja izgledaju super dok ih ne naneseš), probaj ih koristiti preko ove baze, možda te ugodno iznenadi.
Cijena je oko 27,90 kn (5ml), a možeš ju pronaći na svim Catrice prodajnim mjestima.
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