Essence XXXL longlasting lipglosses - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie
April 28, 2016
Let's continue with the reviews. Everybody knows that I like Essence. Every now and then they come with some great product that sweeps me off my feet and becomes my "all time favorite". Like it usually goes, the second I go to repurchase some product I really like, it gets discontinued. Essence is well known for that. They discontinue so many products all the time, but they also give us so many new ones. Some of them even make a comeback in similar shape. Today I have three of them.
Do you remember small Essence Stay Matt lip creams? They were my first glance into the world of creamy liquid lipstick. The history repeats itself, I liked them, and they got discontinued. I still treasure the last two shades that I have left. Luckily for me (and all of us), they decided to bring them back in the shape of Essence XXXL Longlasting lipglosses.
I own and know, as I like to call them, 3 generations of this product in this packaging. The shades are: 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red and 17 Hot Brownie. The are positioned in the order that they came out and, even though they came out at different times and were part of some seasonal collections, the shades and the formula is (more or less) the same. The only thing they have different is the sticker on the cap.
Idemo dalje s recenzijama. Svi već znaju da volim Essence, a svako toliko izbace neki proizvod koji me obori s nogu i postane moj "all time favourite". Kako to već biva, taman kad zavolim proizvod i dođem ga kupiti ponovno, oni ga povuku. Kod Essence-a to brzo ide. Puno stvari izbace iz astortima, a ali puno dodaju i novih. Neki se čak i vrate u istom i sličnom formatu. Danas imam čak tri takva.
Sjećaš li se malih Essence Stay Matt lip creams? Oni su bili moje prvo otkriće i uvid u svijet kremastih tekućih mat ruževa. Priča se ponavlja, zavolim proizvod, a Essence ih povuče s polica. Još uvijek čuvam zadnje dvije nijanse koje su mi ostale. Na moju (našu) sreću, odlučili su ih vratiti i to pod nazivom Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss.
Poznajem i posjedujem, kako ih ja već zovem, tri generacije ovog proizvoda u ovom obliku sjajila. Nijanse su slijedeće: 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red i 17 Hot Brownie. Poredani su redom i, iako su izašli u različito vrijeme i bili dio sezonskih kolekcija, nijanse i formulacija su im (manje-više) iste. Jedino u čemu se razliku su naljepnice na čepu.
Poznajem i posjedujem, kako ih ja već zovem, tri generacije ovog proizvoda u ovom obliku sjajila. Nijanse su slijedeće: 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red i 17 Hot Brownie. Poredani su redom i, iako su izašli u različito vrijeme i bili dio sezonskih kolekcija, nijanse i formulacija su im (manje-više) iste. Jedino u čemu se razliku su naljepnice na čepu.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
They come in a classic long plastic packaging, typical for all Essence lip glosses but don't let that fool you. Even though is says "lip gloss" on them, they certainly aren't that. They are a true lip creams, like more moussey and less drying version of liquid lipsticks. The packaging is quite sturdy, with the transparent bottom part so you can see what the shade inside is really like.
Dolaze u klasičnom dugačkom pakiranju koja inače imaju sva Essence sjajila, ali neka te to ne zavara. Iako piše "lipgloss" na njima, ona to nisu. Ovo su pravi lip creams, odnosno, pjenastija i manje isušujuća verzija tekućih ruževa. Pakiranje je dosta čvrsto, s prozirnim donjim dijelom na kojemu se može vidjeti kakva je nijansa zaista.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
They have a flat sponge long applicators that pick up just enough product and spread it nicely on the lips, but they can be less precise. The only difference I can notice is that the 3rd generation has more flimsy applicator that the old ones.
They have a scent and its a pretty strong one actually. It is sweet, like a mix between coffee, vanilla and caramel. I don't mind it, but if you are worried and you think it may bother you, I can tell you that it goes away completely after you apply it on the lips.
Aplikatori s kojima dolaze su plosnati spužvasti dugački aplikatori koji lijepo pokupe i razmazuju proizvod, ali mogu biti neprecizni. Jedina razlika koju primijećujem je da su na 3. generaciji aplikatori malo klimaviji nego na starijima.
Ova sjajila svakako imaju miris. I to podosta jak. Miriše slatkasto, kao mješavina kave i vanijile, onako karamelasto. Ne smeta mi miris, a ako te brine da ti se neće svidjeti, neka te utješi to da on potpuno nestane nakon nanošenja na usne.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
The shade 06 Soft Nude is repacked old shade that existed in first Lip creams, similar to Max Velvet Teddy, but more pink. Čoksa said to me the other day to check out if it is a dupe for Manny MUA x Ofra liquid lipstick in the shade Aries, but we don't own Aries, so we can only compare it to the pictures. :)
Nijansa 06 Soft Nude je ponovljena nijansa koja je postojala u prvim Lip creams, slična Mac Velvet Teddy-ju, ali više roskasta. Čoksa mi neki dan kaže da pogledam, da je dupe za Manny MUA x Ofra liquid lipstick u nijansi Aries, ali nemamo Aries, pa možemo uspoređivati samo preko slika. :)
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude |
The shade 07 Silky Red is another old shade that already existed. It is the most perfect bright orange red and my personal favorite of all three of them. I don't wear bright red lips that often, but when I do, 99% of the time it is this shade.
06 Silky Red je još jedna ponovljena stara nijansa. Ovo je savršena žarka narančasto crvena nijansa i meni osobno, najdraža. Ne nosim često kričavo crveno na usnama, ali kad nosim, 99% vremena to je ova nijansa.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 07 Silky Red |
The last shade, 17 Hot Brownie is a dark wine red that looks like burgundy with hints of purple in different light. This shade is less opaque than the other ones, can look patchy on the lips so it has to be applied in a few layers.
Poslijednja nijansa, 17 Hot Brownie je tamnija crvena boja vina, skoro pa burgundy sa primjesama ljubičaste na određenom svjetlu. Ova nijansa je najrijeđa od sve tri, ponekad zna izgledati mrljasto pa ju je potrebno nanijeti u nekoliko slojeva.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 17 Hot Brownie |
They have pretty good pigmentation, the first two shades are a bit better and more pigmented than the last one, but that one you can build up, so it is nothing to worry about.
The texture is like mousse, they feel comfortable on the lips and they aren't sticky at all.
They last longer than the regular lipsticks, but nothing like real liquid lipsticks or the 1st generation of Essence Lip creams. Here you have to sacrifice the longjevity for the fact that they are non drying and feel very comfortable on the lips. They won't survive eating and drinking and there is a big chance that they will smear all around the lips.
Pigmentacija im je dobra, kod zadnje najtamnije nijanse malo lošija, ali se da nadograditi.
Tekstura je pjenasta, ugodna na usnama i ne čini ih ljepljivima.
Traju malo duže od običnih ruževa, ali ni približno kao tekući ruževi ili prva generacija Essence Lip creams. Kako ovdje žrtvuješ trajnost za to što su ugodni na usnama i ne isušuju, neće preživjeti jelo i piće, štoviše, postoji velika šansa da će se razmrljati svuda oko usana.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
Essence changed the formula, so the new lip creams are more moussey and drier than the old ones, but they never actually dry completley to the matte finish, so they can easily smudge. They last shorter on the lips than the old ones, but the are less drying also. The photo below is taken 10 minutes after appication, so you can see for youself that they never dry down and turn matte like it says on the sticker.
Essence je
promijenio formulu, pa za razliku od starih Lip creams, ova sjajila su
više pjenasta, suša, ali kako se zapravo nikada ne osuše do kraja, nisu u
potpunosti mat i mogu se razmazati. Kraće traju na usnama, ali i i
manje isušuju. Slika ispod je slikana 10ak minuta nakon nanošenja, pa možeš vidjeti da se nisu osušila i da nisu mat kao što kaže naljepnica.
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
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Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, 07 Silky Red & 17 Hot Brownie |
If you had enough of liquid lipsticks that dry out you lips and after wearing them, you have to put on big amounts of lip balms, I suggest you try these "lipglosses". If you already did try them, tell me what do you think. Do you like them?
Ako ti je dosta tekućih ruževa koji isušuju usne i poslije kojih usne moraš hraniti hrpom Labella, a ipak želiš isproabati nešto trajnije na usnama, predlažem ova "sjajila". A ako si ih već isporabala, reći mi što misliš. Sviđaju li ti se?
Cijena im je 19,90 kn (4,5 ml), a možeš ih pronaći na svim Essence prodajnim mjestima
2 komentari
Čula sam za njih da su dosta dobri..cijena im je smiješna..moram si nabaviti koju nijansu...
ReplyDeleteSviđa mi se što ne isušuje..imam u kolekciji puno matt ruževa što uzašno isuše usne..
Istina, ovi su baš pjenasti pa ne isušuju uopće, ali i kraće traju :)