Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

May 28, 2017

In my opinion, the most beautiful Real Techniques brush set is this particular one - Berlin. Last few months it's been sitting being all pretty in my brush collection. There are five brushes in this set, three face brushes and two eye brushes, as you can see.

I have to say, this is the set I wanted the most, because I know as soon as I saw it that I will use every single brush almost every day. Usually in brush sets there is at least one brush that I don't like and I know I just won't use it, but this one is so nicely assembled.

Po meni, najljepši set Real Techniques kistova - Berlin, od prije nekoliko mjeseci krasi moju kolekciju. U setu se nalazi pet kistova, tri za lice i dva za oči, kao što i sama možeš vidjeti. 

Moram reći da je ovo set koji sam najviše željela, jer sam znala da ću svaki od njih koristiti gotovo svakodnevno. Inače u setovima uvijek bude barem jedan kist koji mi se ne sviđa i za koji unaprijed znam da neću koristiti, a ovaj je baš lijepo ukomponiran.

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set

The first brush is the Buffing brush. This is a larger dome shaped brush, so some of you may be thinking it would be great for applying liquid foundation. But let me tell you - it is flimsy and not too dense, so it would soak up so much product. It is perfect for setting the foundation with loose powder. Or for bronzing larger areas of the face of applying blush.

Idemo redom. Prvi kist je Buffing brush. Ovo je veći kist zaobljenog vrha, pa će neke pomisliti da bi bio dobar za nanošenje tekućeg pudera. Ali, dosta je klimav i ne pregusto zbijen, pa ga osobno ne bih koristila za to jer popije previše proizvoda. Bolji je za setanje lica puderom u prahu ili kamenu. Eventualno za bronzanje većih područja lica ili nanošenje rumenila.

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Buffing brush

The second brush is the Stippling brush. In my book, this brush has only one purpose (and it does that better than any other kind of brush) and that is blending anything and everything. That means not for initial application of any product, but for blending everything after I apply the product - the blush, contour, highlighter... Everything that I apply so there wouldn't be any harsh lines.

Drugi kist je Stippling brush, iliti po našem - Bockalica. Hahaha ne znam za vas, ali ovo ime mi je uvijek bilo smiješno, a opet tako točno, jer ovi kistovi baš bodu. Meni ovaj kist ima jednu jedinu namjenu (i btw. taj posao obavlja odlično), a to je blendanje svega i svačega. Znači ne samo nanošenje, nego blendanje nakon što nanesem proizvodse nekim drugim kistom. Blendanje rumenila, konturiranja, highlightera, svega što nanesem na lice da slučajno ne bi ostala koja oštra crta.

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Stippling brush

The next brush is a Contour brush and my personal favorite from this set. This is a smaller rounder brush, that is equally round all the way around. This is also one of those multitask brushes. Even though it says that it is for contouring (who says you have to use any brush just because the name says so?), I also use if for setting the undereye concealer, dusting off the "baking", applying blush od bronzer. The bristles are different lengths so it blends everything easily.

Slijedeći kist je Contour brush i moj najdraži kist iz seta. Ovo je mali okruglasti kist koji ne ide u špic, već je svud jednako zaobljen. Također, ovo je jedan od onih multitasking kistova. Naime, iako na njemu piše da je za konturiranje (tko više koristi kistove samo zato što tako piše na njemu?), koristim ga i za setanje korektora ispod očiju, brisanje "bakinga", nanošnje rumenila i bronzera. Pošto su mu dlačice različitih dužina sa svake strane, s lakoćom blenda svaki proizvod.

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Contour brush

The next one is Deluxe crease brush. This is a round, shorter brush. Even though it should be for applying the crease color, I don't use it for that at all. 

Because the bristles are heavily packed, the brush is dense and picks up a lot of product. Also, it is not actually that good for blending, and I usually need something fluffly and soft when working in the crease. And, it is not small and precise enough for doing the cut crease for example. So I use it mainly for applying the base shadow all over the lid or applying the cream base (like Maybelline Color Tattoos).

Slijedeći je Deluxe crease brush. Ovo je okruglasti kist, kraćih dlačica. Iako bi trebao biti za nanošenje sjenila u pregib kapka, za to ga ne koristim. 

Kako su dlačice dosta gusto zbijene, kist dobiva na tvrdoći, pa pokupi više proizvoda. Isto tako, nije baš za bledanje, a to je nešto što većinom trebam kada radim u području pregiba kapka. Opet, nije niti dovoljno malen i precizan za npr. cut crease, pa ga koristim samo za nanošenje baznog sjenila preko cijelog kapka ili za nanošenje kremaste baze (npr. Maybelline Color Tattoos).

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Deluxe crease brush

The next brush is the type of a brush that I will use for applying the color in the crease, even though his name is Base shadow brush. 

This is more of a tapered flat brush, whose point sits in the crease so perfectly. Because it has shorter bristles on the sides, it blends very well and won't leave you with unblended line in the crease. If I want to blend the color further from the crease, I turn it vertically.

Slijedeći kist je ono što trebam na nanoženje boje u pregib kapka, iako mu je ime Base shadow brush. 

Ovo je više špičast, plosnatiji kist čiji vrh taman sjedne u pregib. Kako su mu dlačice sa strane kraće, pomažu pri blendanju, pa nije da će ostaviti crtu. Ako želim blendati sjenilo izvan pregiba, okrenem ga okomito.

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Real Techniques - Berlin brush set - Base shadow brush

Where to buy: iHerb (link here), DM, Kozmo
Price: 21,00 € - 27,00 €

Gdje kupiti: iHerb (link ovdje), DM, Kozmo
Cijena: 160,00 kn - 200,00 kn

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