Favorites #4 - Summer 2017
October 02, 2017
I'm late on this, I know. The adult life takes so much time and energy. But I did manage to gather summer 2017 favorites.
Kasnim, kasnim, znam. "Odrasli život" mi oduzima previše vremena. No, evo, uspjela sam okupiti favorite ljeta 2017.
List of products / Popis proizvoda:
- Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette
- E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Sand
- E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Natural (Porcelain)
- E.L.F. Illuminating palette
- Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory
- Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight
- Terra Naturi Shimmer Powder for body and face - 01 Golden Highlight
- Makeup Revolution Vivid baked blush - All I think About Is You
- Wet'N'Wild Coverall primer
- Kiko Extra Sculpt mascara
- Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 020 Flashy Brows
- Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 030 Chocolate Brow'nie
- Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude
- Essence Longlasting Lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino
- Essence lipstick - 06 Barely There!
- Catrice Liquid Luminizer Strobing Pen - 020 Ready For Champagne!
- Catrice Iconails nail polish - 23 Nice Cream
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Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette |
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Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette |
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Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette |
Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte eyeshadow palette is the only eyeshadow palette I took with me when I was traveling. I really like it because it has shadows grouped by color, but I have to admit, I mostly used the rose mauve and orange shades (4th and 5th column)
I really like matte on eyes - you can't go wrong with that. Review is here.
Makeup Revolution - Flawless Matte paleta sjenila je jedina paleta sjenila koju sam nosila sa sobom kad sam putovala. Volim ju je ima različite skupine nijansi, poredane po stupcima, iako, moram priznati, najviše sam koristila ove roze i narančaste ( 4. i 5. stupac). Isto tako, jako volim mat nijanse na očima - s njima ne možeš pogriješiti. Detaljnija recenzija je ovdje.
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E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Sand & Natural (Porcelain)
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E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Sand & Natural (Porcelain) |
E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Sand & Natural (Porcelain) are a fairly new foundations to me, but I knew I'd like it as soon as I tried it for the first time. It reminds me so much of an dicsontinued Catrice BB cream - the only BB cream I liked. Ever. And I liked it as much as I did because it was more like a foundation, not so much a cream.
This summer, I was using just a tiny bit of both shades mixed together to match me perfectly. It is thick, sets quickly and has a nice coverage, perfect of hot weather and the SPF is such a bonus!
E.L.F. Oil Free Flawless Finish foundation - Sand & Natural (Porcelain) je relativno nova tekuća podloga za mene, ali sam znala da ću ju voljeti čim sam ju prvi put isprobala. Jako me podsjeća na jednu ukinutu Catrice BB kremu - jedinu BB kremu koju sam voljela. A voljela sam ju toliko jer je bila više kao tekući puder.
Ovo ljeto miješala sam ove dvije nijanse da bih dobila onu savršenu, a bila mi je potrebna zaista mala količina jer je dosta gust i ima dosta dobro prekrivanje. Brzo se suši na koži, pa je odličan kada su vrućine, a zaštitni faktor je odličan bonus!
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E.L.F. Illuminating palette, Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory
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E.L.F. Illuminating palette, Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory |
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E.L.F. Illuminating palette, Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory |
E.L.F. Illuminating palette is a hybrid between setting powders and highlighters. But, if you expect it to be a classic highligter, is most certanly isn't. It doesn't blind you like highlighters that are popular these days, but gives such a subtle, natural, perfect glow. I mostly used the first shade in the first row as a highlight, and the second and third shade fot setting the face when I didn't want it to be completley matte.
I will tell you more about this palette soon in a detailed review, but just know that this is one of the top 10 makeup products I have in my collection. Maybe even a top 5.
On the other hand, I used Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory when I wanted my face to be more matte, but not powdery, chalky matte. The fact that I already hit the pan on this powder, proves how much I love it. It is really, really good for setting the undereye area - it doesn't make it look crusty and dry like many other powders.
E.L.F. Illuminating palette je nešto između praškastih pudera za setanje i highlightera. Ali, ako očekuješ klasičan highlighter, ova paleta to nije. Ne zaslijepljuje kao highlighteri koje smo navikle viđati danas, već daje licu lagani, zdravi, ma savršeni sjaj. Najčešće sam koristila prvu nijansuu kao highlighter, a drugu i treću za setanje lica kada nisam željela potpuno matiranje.
Više ću pisati o njoj u recenziji koju spremam, ali znaj da mi je ovo jedan od top 10 proizvoda u mojoj makeup kolekciji. Ako ne i top 5.
Kiko Radiant Fusion baked powder - 01 Ivory sam pak koristila kada bih željela jače matirati lice, a da opet ne bude praškasto i kredasto. Koliko ga volim, dokazuje i činjenica da mu se već nazire dno. Jako, jako dobar i za setanje područja ispod očiju - ne izgleda suho i kredasto kao većina pudera.
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Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight, Terra Naturi Shimmer Powder for body and face - 01 Golden Highlight, Makeup Revolution Vivid baked blush - All I think About Is You
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Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight, Terra Naturi Shimmer Powder for body and face - 01 Golden Highlight, Makeup Revolution Vivid baked blush - All I think About Is You |
I don't even have to tell you about Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be My Highlight. I love it and it's one of the best highlighters I ever tried. During the summer, I use it a lot more because, it is too dark for me when I don't have a tan. So I have to be careful and apply just a little bit because it is too dark for me. I have to stop here, it is discontinued and I think we should start a petition to get Essence to bring it back. What do you think?
Terra Naturi Shimmer Powder for body and face - 01 Golden Highlight is the discovery of the year. Another one of the top 5 highlighters for me, but I see that all of you who also bought it when I recommended it, like it as well. Completly understandable - the formula is great, looks great on the skin and the price is also great - around 5 € in Muller.
Makeup Revolution Vivid baked blush - All I think About Is You is that one product that finds its way in many of my favorites., but it really is that good. It gives a glow to the cheeks, but it is not so pigmented that you have to be careful when applying it. And the shade works well for so many skin tones.
Ne moram niti pričati o Essence Pure Nude highlighteru - 10 Be My Highlight. Volim ga i jedan je od najboljih highlightera koje sam isprobala. Preko ljeta ga koristim u puno većim količinama jer mi je za hladnije vrijeme (kad mi koža nije toliko tamna), pretaman, pa ga ne smijem natrpati puno na lice. Da ne duljim o njemu, povučen je iz prodaje i mislim da bi trebali pisati peticiju Essence-u da ga vrate. Što misliš?
Terra Naturi Shimmer Powder for body and face - 01 Golden Highlight je otkriće godine. Još jedan od mojih top 5 highlightera. A vidim da se i vama koje ste ga kupile po preporuci, jako sviđa. Kako i ne bi, divna formula, divno izgleda na koži, a cijena mu je isto tako divna - 35 kn u Mulleru.
Makeup Revolution Vivid baked blush - All I think About Is You mi se stalno provlači kroz favorite, ali zaista je toliko dobro. Daje sjaj, nije pretjerano pigmentirano da se moraš bojati kako će izgledati na koži, a nijansa odgovara svima.
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Wet'N'Wild Coverall primer, Kiko Extra Sculpt mascara, Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 020 Flashy Brows & 030 Chocolate Brow'nie
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Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 020 Flashy Brows & 030 Chocolate Brow'nie |
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Kiko Extra Sculpt mascara |
I like Wet'N'Wild Coverall primer because of a one thing - it prolongs the makeup wear. That is why I like to use it during the summer, when my skin is oilier, the weather is warmer and the makeup just melts off the skin. Hey, it does the job. The review is here.
When I first tried Kiko Extra Sculpt mascara, it didn't leave in awe. My lashes were clumpy because the formula was too wet (which I usually like on mascaras), and the brush was too big to use on the go. A few months after I opened it, it dried up a bit, and I learned how to work with it - if you don't want your lashes to be all sticked togehter and spider - like, apply only one coat. The second is too much and doesn't look good.
But, that is why I like it - I don't have to wait for first coat to dry, I can apply one and be ready to go. But the large brush still is a problem for me, to be honest. I have to be careful not to get if all over the lids. It doesn't smudge during the day, it doesn't make the lashes longer, but it does give volume.
Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 020 Flashy Brows & 030 Chocolate Brow'nie. I used them together, the lighter one on the begining of the eyebrow, and the darker one on the tail. I wore them on the days when I knew I won't be able to touch up my makeup during the day, because it is longwearing. Me being me, leaning on my hands and eyerything, somehow I manage to wipe off my eyebrows every time. The markers are semi waterproof. That means that you can't easily get them off with just water, but sea water takes them off without a problem. I don't ever wear makeup to the beach, but I did my eyebrows that one time just to test them out.
Wet'N'Wild Coverall primer volim samo radi jedne stvari - produžuje trajanje šminke na licu. Baš zato ga najviše koristim preko ljeta, kada mi je koža masnija, toplije je, i kada u nekoliko sati šminka sklizne s lica. I taj posao obavlja dobro. Recenzija je ovdje.
Prvi put kada sam isprobala Kiko Extra Sculpt mascara, nije me oduševila. Slijepila mi je trepavice, bila je previše mokra (što inače volim kod maskara), a četkica je bila prevelika i nespretna. Nekoliko mjeseci nakon otvaranja, formula se malo posušila, a ja sam naučila raditi s njom - ako ne želiš slijepljene i paukaste trepavice - nanosi samo jedan sloj. Već dva su previše i ne izgleda dobro.
Ali, baš ju zato volim, ne moram čekati da se osuši, nanositi sloj za slojem, ali me još uvijek malo muči ogromna četkica. Moram biti pažljivija da maskara ne završi na kapcima. Inače, ne razmazuje se tijekom dana, ne produžuje previše, ali daje volumen.
Catrice Longlasting Brow Definer - 020 Flashy Brows & 030 Chocolate Brow'nie. Koristila sam ih zajedno, svjetliju na početku obrva, a tamniju na "repu". Nosila sam ih one dane kada sam znala da neću moći popravljati šminku tijekom dana jer dugo traje, a ja kakva sam - naslanjam se na sve i svašta, pa nekako obrve prve obrišem. Proizvod je polu - vodootporan. To zapravo znači da se ne može tako lako oprati samom vodom, ali ga morska voda skida bez problema. Nikada se ne šminkam za plažu, ali sam popunila obrve taj jedan put samo da testiram trajnost.
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Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, Essence Longlasting Lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino, Essence lipstick - 06 Barely There!
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Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude |
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Essence Longlasting Lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino |
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Essence lipstick - 06 Barely There! |
Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude is not a liquid lipstick, but has a creamy mousse like formula. That means it is not that longwearing, but I like it because it does't dry out my lips. And the shade... The shade is just gorgeous. The review is here.
Essence Longlasting Lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino. I really like these lip pencils, as much as I love the old Essence lip pencils with silver cap. Even thought I do wear them on their own, this particular shade I combined with the previous lipstick. Together they make such a beautiful nude shade that goes with everything.
I also wore Essence lipstick - 06 Barely There! with the previously mentioned lip pencil when I wanted more of a darker nude lips. The only thing is - these lipstick aren't longearing. The review is here.
Essence XXXL Longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude nije tekući ruž, već kremasto - pjenasti. Nema toliku trajnost, ali ga zato volim jer ne isušuje usne. A nijansa... Nijansa je predivna. Recenzija je ovdje.
Essence Longlasting Lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino. Jako volim ove olovke, jednako kako i staru formulu Essence olovki sa srebrnim čepom. Iako ih nosim i same, ovu nijansu sam najčešće kombinirala s prethodnim ružem. Zajedno čine predivnu nude kombinaciju koja ide uz sve.
Essence lipstick - 06 Barely There! sam također kombinirala s prethodno spomenutom olovkom, ali kada bih željela tamnije nude usne, više boje mesa. Jedini mali minus je taj što ovi ruževi nisu dugotrajni. Recenzija je ovdje.
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Catrice Liquid Luminizer Strobing Pen - 020 Ready For Champagne!, Catrice Iconails nail polish - 23 Nice Cream
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Catrice Liquid Luminizer Strobing Pen - 020 Ready For Champagne! |
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Catrice Iconails nail polish - 23 Nice Cream |
Catrice Liquid Luminizer Strobing Pen - 020 Ready For Champagne! is a liquid highlighter that I wore with minimum makeup. Sometimes I wore only this highlighter, filled in the eyebrows and sometimes added the mascara. The shade is really pretty and you can get it to be subtle or more intense because it just melts in the skin. The only downside is that it dries very, very quickly. And you have to apply it with the damp beauty sponge.
Catrice Iconails nail polish - 23 Nice Cream was the statement nail polish for this summer. This shade is gorgeous, but I can't figure this formula. This particular one is great and lasts for such a long time on my nails, but some other shades I have in this collection chip the second day?! Catrice, please, explain this incosistency?
Catrice Liquid Luminizer Strobing Pen - 020 Ready For Champagne! je tekući highlighter koji sam nosila s minimalno šminke, čak sam često nosila samo njega i popunjene obrve, eventualno maskaru. Nijansa je jako lijepa, može se dozirati, ovisno o tome koliki intenzitet želiš, jer se stopi s kožom. Jedina mana mu je što se jako, jako brzo suši. I moraš ga nosositi vlažnom spužvicom.
Catrice Iconails nail polish - 23 Nice Cream je lak koji je obilježio ovo ljeto. Ova nijansa je predivna, ali ne mogu shvatiti formulu ovih lakova. Ovaj je odličan i traje jako dugo na mojim noktima, dok neke druge nijanse iste kolekcije koje imam, ne traju ni 2 dana?! Molim neka mi Catrice objasni ovu nekonzistenciju u formuli?
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