Empties #3
August 07, 2017![]() |
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Purifying Shampoo & Conditioner |
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Purifying Shampoo & Conditioner. These hyped up products didn't have that extraordinary effect on my. Just a regular shampoo and conditioner. Detailed review is here.
Would I repurchase? No.
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Purifying Shampoo & Conditioner. Iako razvikani, mene nisu oduševili. Prosječan šampon i prosječan regenerator. Detaljna recenzija je ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
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L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil Nourishing Conditioner |
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil Nourishing Conditioner - there are two of them because Marinela really likes them and keeps repurchasing them. Me - not so much. Just like the previous one, just a regular middle-ground conditioner that does work but doesn't do wonders to the hair.
Would I repurchase? If I didn't have any better option, yes.
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil Nourishing Conditioner - dva komada jer ih očito Marinela voli i stalno kupuje. Ja baš i ne toliko. Kao i prethodni, i ovo je osrednji regenerator koji radi, ali ne rad čuda na kosi.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? U nedostatku boljega, da.
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Afrodita Kopriva & Pantenol šampon, Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moisture Deep treatment, Schwarzkopf Million Gloss Express Repair conditioner |
Afrodita Nettle & Panthenol shampoo - shampoo that really makes your hair grow faster. For more details read the review here.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moisture Deep treatment - the conditioner that worked very well for me last summer, when my hair was less dry then it is now. Now it's just ok, just like the previous mentioned ones. But, the scent is really good.
Would I repurchase? No.
Schwarzkopf Million Gloss Express Repair conditioner - one of these leave-in conditioner is in every empties post of mine. It seems like they all work the same - they make my hair a bit softer and they smell nice.
Would I repurchase? Yes (not necessary this particular one).
Afrodita Kopriva & Pantenol šampon - šampon od kojega kosa zaista brže raste. Više detalja možeš pročitati ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moisture Deep treatment - regenerator koji sam voljela prošlo ljeto, dok mi je kosa bila manje suha nego sada. Sada je prosječan, kao i prethodna dva. Ipak, miris je fenomenalan.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Schwarzkopf Million Gloss Express Repair conditioner - jedan od ovih leave-in regeneratora se nađe u svakom empties postu. Čini mi se da svi rade nekako isto, malo omekšaju kosu i lijepo mirišu.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da (ne nužno baš ovaj).
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Balea Marshmallow body wash, Dove Deeply Nourishing shower gel |
Balea Marshmallow body wash - just a regular shower gel that barely even has a scent, which is disappointing. It doesn't nourish the skin at all.
Would I repurchase? No.
Dove Deeply Nourishing shower gel - my favorite shower gel. It has a neutral Dove scent that stays on the ski for a little bit. This is the only shower gel that doesn't leave me wanting to lather my skin with body lotion after shower.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Balea Marshmallow body wash - običan gel za tuširanje koji čak gotovo pa i nema miris. Ne njeguje kožu ni malo.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Dove Deeply Nourishing shower gel - najdraži gel za tuširanje. Neutralan Dove miris koji se zadrži na koži i nakon tuširanja. Jedino poslije njega nemam potrebu da kožu odmah namažem losionom za tijelo, što znači da ne isušuje dodatno moju već ionako suhu kožu.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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Balea MED 15% Urea body lotion, Dove Summer Glow beauty body lotion |
Balea MED 15% Urea body lotion - another thing that is always in my empties; I can't imagine being without it. It has thin consistency, nourishes the skin, but I use it mainly because it works for "Keratosis pilaris" which I do have on my arms.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Dove Summer Glow Beauty body lotion - the old version of the body lotion that has a self tanner mixed in. It doesn't nourish the skin too well. I didn't used all of it, but I think it expired. I do have the new version that comes in a tube. Usually I use it in the spring when I'm pretty pale, and regular self tanning product are too much for me. This one makes your skin a bit darker and if you want more intense effect, you have to apply it every day for a few days in a row.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Balea MED 15% Urea body lotion - još jedna stvar koja je konstantno u emptiesima i bez koje ne mogu zamisliti život (ali zaista). Lagan je, hrani kožu, ali ga koristim najviše jer jedini rješava problem s "Keratosis pilaris" koju imam po rukama.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Dove Summer Glow Beauty body lotion - stara verzija losiona koji u sebi ima i proizvod za samotamnjenje. Ne njeguje kožu previše. Nisam ga potrošila cijelog, ali čini mi se da mu je prošao rok trajanja. Imam novu verziju u tubici i koristim ga u proljeće kada sam još dosta svijetla, a obični proizvodi za samotamnjenje su mi previše. Ovaj lagano potamni kožu i za jači efekt ga treba koristiti nekoliko uzastopnih dana.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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Eveline Pure Control SOS Step 1 washing gel + peeling + mask face wash, CV Young face wash, Byphasse Solution Micellaire |
Eveline Pure Control SOS Step 1 washing gel + peeling + mask face wash - another product that always find it's way in empties post because I keep repurchasing it. It is a mild peeling that doesn't leave my skin red and irritated. I notice that, while I use it, my blackheads are less visible and that the dark spots left behind pimples fade faster.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
CV Young face wash - I mainly use it far taking the rest of my makeup off - after I use micellar water. It does work, but don't expect anything more than that. It can dry out the skin.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Byphasse Soultion Micellaire - my favorite micellar water. It doesn't do anything weird - doesn't burn your eyes nor does it leave any film on the skin, and it is affordable. This is the first step in my makeup removing routine and I always rinse it off with some kind of face wash (micellar water is not meant to be just left there to sit on the skin!).
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Eveline Pure Control SOS Step 1 washing gel + peeling + mask face wash - još jedan proizvod koji je stalan u empties postovima jer ga konstantno kupujem. Blagi piling koji mi ne ostavi kožu crvenom i iritiranom. Primijetim da, kada ga koristim, miteseri su manje vidljivi i tamne mrlje koje ostaju nakon prištića brže izblijede.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
CV Young face wash - koristim ju samo za skidanje ostataka šminke i to nakon micelarne. Taj posao dobro obavlja, ali ne očekuj ništa više od toga. Čak je moguće da isuši kožu.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Byphasse Soultion Micellaire- najdraža micelarna. Ne radi ništa čudno - ne pecka, ne ostavlja nikakav čudan film na koži, a relativno je jeftina. Ovo je prvi korak u mom skidanju šminke te ju obavezno isperem nekim gelom za čišćenje (micelarna nije namijenjena da ostaje na koži!).
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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IQ Naturals Alpha Hydroxy Acid Moisturizer, Ziaja Revitalising Face Cream Argan oil, Eveline Cosmetics Laser Precision wrinkle reducing cream concentrate |
IQ Naturals Alpha Hydroxy Acid Moisturizer - really good thin moisturizer. When I used the whole line (review is here), my skin did improve and pimples I got went away faster.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Ziaja Revitalising Face Cream Argan oil - you already know how much I love Ziaja face creams. This is one of top two. Thick, greasy and so nourishing - I apply it in the evening when my skin is extra dry and by the morning it is a good as new. I can't even tell you how many of them I've gone through; I recommend it to everyone that have dry skin or dry patches on their face.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Eveline Cosmetics Laser Precision wrinkle reducing cream concentrate - don't judge the face cream by that age thing that it says on them. Prevention is the key. Eveline generally has good face creams, but this one is my favorite that I tried so far. To be fair, I didn't notice the difference in the fine lines and wrinkles, because I don't have many, but my skin did look better when I used it - it has thin consistency and nourishes the skin.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
IQ Naturals Alpha Hydroxy Acid Moisturizer - jako dobra krema za lice. Kada sam ju koristila zajedno s cijelom linijom (recenzija je ovdje), lice mi je zaista izgledalo bolje i prištići koje bih i dobila, su brže prolazili.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Ziaja Revitalising Face Cream Argan oil - već znaš koliko volim Ziaja kreme za lice. Ovo je jedna od dvije najbolje. Gusta, masna i jako njegujuća. Nanesem ju navečer kada mi je koža posebno suha i do jutra mi je lice kao novo. Ne znam ni sama koliko sam ih već potrošila, a svakako ju preporučujem ako imaš suhu kožu ili suhe dijelove lica.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Eveline Cosmetics Laser Precision wrinkle reducing cream concentrate - nemojte ići za onim oznakama za godine na kremama za lice. Prevencija je ključ. Eveline općenito ima dobre kreme, iako mi je ova najbolja koju sam do sada isprobala. Realno gledajući, nisam primijetila razliku u izgledu bora, jer ih ni nemam toliko, ali koža lica mi je izgledala jako dobro dok sam ju koristila - lagana je i njeguje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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Essence Nail Polish remover Strawberry & Passion fruit fragrance & Coconut & Papaya |
Essence Nail Polish remover Strawberry & Passion fruit fragrance & Coconut & Papaya - nail polish remover that I keep buying over and over again. They do what they are suppose to do, bu this coconut one (that I like better), doesn't have that bad scent like regular nail polish removers do.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Essence Nail Polish remover Strawberry & Passion fruit fragrance & Coconut & Papaya - odstranjivači laka za nokte koje stalno kupujem. Rad ono što trebaju, a ovaj od kokosa (taj mi je i draži), nema toliko neugodan miris kao obični odstranjivači.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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Wilkinson Sword Rasier Shaving Mousse |
Wilkinson Sword Rasier Shaving Mousse - I don't like it. I used it up way too fast because you need so much of the product to make shaving comfortable, but even then, the razor doesn't glide over the skin like it does when I use shaving gels.
Would I repurchase? No.
Wilkinson Sword Rasier Shaving Mousse - ne sviđa mi se. Potrošila sam ju brzo jer trebaš veću koičinu pjene da bi brijanje bilo ugodno, ali ni tada britvica ne klizi dobro uz kožu kao s gelovima za brijanje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
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Rubbing alcohol |
Rubbing alcohol - I decided to include it because this is the one thing that everyone needs. I use it to sanitize anything and everything - from the makeup and makeup tools to my phone. I just pour it in a spray bottle and spray it over and compact, eyeshadow etc. and leave it to dry. Also, you can use it to fix the broken powdery products - just chop up and grind the powder to make it loose, pour some rubbing alcohol in it to soak it completley, and then get the paper towel and press hard to combine everything. Leave it to dry for a few hours. It doesn't look that good as it did before, but it makes it usable again.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Medicinski alkohol - odlučila sam ga uključiti jer je ovo jedna od stvari koje svi moraju imati. Koristim ga za čišćenje svega i svačega - od šminke i pribora, pa do mobitela. Prelijem ga u bočicu sa sprejem i pošpricam preko pudera u kamenu, sjenila i svega sličnog, te ostavim da se osuši. Također, možeš ga korisititi i za popravak polomljenih praškastih proizvoda - usitni prašak što bolje, nakapaj malo medicinskog alkohola kako bi se prah posve namočio, uzmi papirnati ručnik i pritisni odozgo kako bi se sjedinio i staviš da se osuši nekoliko sati. Ne izgleda tako lijepo kao prije, ali bitno da ga možeš opet koristiti.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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Lidera Deo Cream |
Lidera Deo Cream - this is also one of the products I often use, but I don't talk much about it. This is a deodorant cream that doesn't have a scent, but neutralizes all of the unwanted scents. I apply it when I get out of the shower (but not every day, like it says in the instructions), sometimes on its own, but most of the times followed by a regular deodorant (that I apply a few minutes after this cream). That way I'm sure that the deodorant will last even longer and that there won't be any unwanted scents.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Lidera Deo Cream - ovo je također jedan od proizvoda koje često koristim, a o kojima ne pišem toliko često. Ovo je dezedorans u kremi koji nema mirisa, ali neutralizira sve nepoželje mirise. Nanosim ju gotovo nakon tuširanja (ne svaki dan, tako piše u uputama), ponekad bez, ali najčešće sa običnim dezedoransom kojeg nanesem nekoliko minuta nakon što se krema upije. Tako dezić traje još i duže i sigurna sam da se nepoželjni mirisi neće pojaviti.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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Olival Silikonski serum za sjaj kose |
Olival silicone serum for shiny hair - yes, silicone. I don't use it often, but, as much as I try to avoid them, nothing makes my hair shiny as the silicone products do. They do absolutely nothing in hair care, they just make the hair seemingly prettier and shinier, but you need to wash them out good because they tend to build up on the hair. This Oilval did just that - the hair is a bit shinier, but it's nothing special really.
Would I repurchase? Yes, but not necessarily this one.
Would I repurchase? Yes, but not necessarily this one.
Olival Silikonski serum za sjaj kose - da, silikon. Ne koristim ih često, ali koliko god ga izbjegavala, ništa mi ne čini kosu sjajnom kao proizvodi za silikonom. Ne rade apsolutno ništa u smislu njege, već samo prividno naprave kosu ljepšom i sjajnom, ali ih je potrebno dobro isprati jer se znaju nakupljati u kosi. Ovaj Olival serum je radio upravo to - kosa je malo sjajnija, ali ništa posebno.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, ali ne nužno ovaj.
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Garnier sheet masks - Moisture + Aqua bomb, Moisture + Freshness, Moisture + Comfort |
Garnier sheet masks - Moisture + Aqua bomb, Moisture + Freshness, Moisture + Comfort - I don't have anything more to say about these face masks, just read the review here.
Would I repurchase? Absolutely no.
Garnier sheet masks - Moisture + Aqua bomb, Moisture + Freshness, Moisture + Comfort - nemam što reći za ove maske, samo pročitaj recenziju ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Nikako.
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Cien Cleansing & Moisture face mask |
Cien Cleansing & Moisture face masks - two different affordable masks from Lidl that I'm testing out (you get two in the packaging). The cleansing one has clay in it and I didn't like it at all - my face started burning after a minute and I had to take it off. It left my skin hot to touch and red for the next 2-3 hours.
Would I repurchase? No.
The moisture one seems decent, it almost sinks into the skin completely after a few minutes. But, I'm not sure if it really moisturizes the skin or that it seems like it does because of the slightly greasy film that it leaves on the skin. I have to test it out more.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Cien Cleansing & Moisture face masks - dvije različite maske za lice iz Lidla koje isprobavam (u pakiranju dobiješ po dva komada). Cleansing maska sadrži glinu i nikako mi se ne sviđa - lice me počelo neizdrživo peći minutu nakon nanošenja te sam ju morala isprati i imala sam što vidjeti - crvenilo i doslovno vruća koža, što je trajalo 2-3 sata nakon.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Moisture maska je solidna, gotovo pa se potpuno upije u kožu nakon nekoliko minuta. Iako, nisam sigurna da li zaista njeguje kožu ili je to do lagano masnjikavog filma koji ostavlja. Morat ću ju isprobavati još neko vrijeme.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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Catrice All Matt plus foundation - 010 Light Beige & 020 Nude Beige |
Catrice All Matt plus foundation - 010 Light Beige & 020 Nude Beige - just when I went through last of my stash of this foundation, I see that Catrice brought it back (in Muller stores). This is a good everyday foundation, but the shade range is bad (I mixed these two).
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Catrice All Matt plus foundation - 010 Light Beige & 020 Nude Beige - taman kad su mi zalihe ovog pudera potrošene, vidim da ga je Catrice vratio u prodaju (u Mulleru). Dobar je ovo dnevni puder, ali nijanse su loše, pa sam najčešće miješala ove dvije.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
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Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer, Essence Stay all day 16h long lasting concealer |
Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 010 Porcelin - I think I talked about this concealer enough. It is also in my every empties post. For me, this is the best drugstore undereye concealer.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Essence Stay all day 16h long lasting concealer - 10 Natural Beige - in comparision to the Catrice liquid camouflage, this one doesn't have that much coverage, so I used it for everyday oncealer. It covers just enough, but it oxidizes, so get the lighter shade than usual.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 010 Porcellain - mislim da sam dovoljno pričala o ovom korektoru. Također je i u svim empties postovima. Za mene je ovo najbolji korektor za područje ispod očiju koji se može pronaći u našim drogerijama.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Essence Stay all day 16h long lasting concealer - 10 Natural Beige - za razliku od spomenutog Catrice korektora, ovaj nema toliko jako prekrivanje, pa sam ga nosila za svaki dan. Prekriva sasvim dovoljno, ali oksidira, pa uzmi svijetliju nijansu nego što bi inače.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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Catherine Arley Glitter eyeliner - 16, Catrice Nude Illusion Loose Powder transparent matt,Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black |
Catherine Arley Glitter eyeliner - 16 - Lucija from Lux Lucis blog talked about there eyeliners form Offertissima so I got it. This silver one I didn't use up, I dropped it (and didn't notice) so it dried out. So, the packaging is bad. But, it was decend as a liner, but when I tried to apply a few layers it got stiff and I could feel it on my lids.
Would I repurchase? No.
Catrice Nude Illusion Loose Powder transparent matt - a decent loose powder for setting the face, but not o much for the undereye area - the concealer creases with it, only if you apply moore product (if you bake). Doesn't give you a flashback.
Would I repurchase? No.
Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black - do I have to say anything more? The best one I've tried so far! The review is here.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Catherine Arley Glitter eyeliner - 16 - Lucija s Lux Lucis bloga je pričala o ovim tuševima iz Offertissime pa sam ih kupila. Ovaj srebrni nisam potrošila, već mi je pao (što nisam primijetila) i osušio se. Znači, pakiranje je loše. Inače, bio je solidan kao tuš, ali kada bih stavila veću količinu na kapak, nastao bi cijelo sloj koji bi s skorio i mogla sam ga osjetiti na kapcima
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Catrice Nude Illusion Loose Powder transparent matt - solidan puder za setanje lica, ali ne toliko područja ispod očiju - s njim se korektor skupi u borice ispod očiju, osim ako naneseš veću količinu (baking). Nema flashback.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Catrice Liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black - moram li još nešto reći o ovom tušu? Najbolji koji sam isprobala! Recenzija je ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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Catrice Ultimate nail lacquer - 880 Salmon & Garfunkel, 280 London's Weather Forecast |
Catrice Ultimate nail lacquer - 880 Salmon & Garfunkel, 280 London's Weather Forecast - two great shades, but the formula is bad. They chip after a day or two.
Would I repurchase? No.
Catrice Ultimate nail lacquer - 880 Salmon & Garfunkel, 280 London's Weather Forecast - dvije lijepe nijanse, ali formula je loša. Počnu se guliti nakon dan - dva.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
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Essence Nude Glam nailpolish - 07 Ice, Ice Baby!, Essence The Gel nailpolish - 33 Wild White Ways, Eveline Color Edition nailpolish - 914 |
Essence Nude Glam nail polish - 07 Ice, Ice Baby! - sheer formula that I used as a base, because you would need 3 or more coats to show on the nails.
Would I repurchase? No.
Essence The Gel nail polish - 33 Wild White Ways - this is my summer nail polish. I wear it on my toes every summer, for the whole summer. On my hands, it doesn't last more than two days, just like all of the Essence nailpolishes. Sadly, because the color range is great.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Eveline Color Edition nail polish - 914 - also something that is in every empties. What can I do? I like the color, I like the formula.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Essence Nude Glam nailpolish - 07 Ice, Ice Baby! - prozirna formula koju sam koristila kao bazu, jer trebaš tri ili više slojeva da bi se vidio na noktima.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Essence The Gel nailpolish - 33 Wild White Ways - moj ljetni lak. Nosim ga na nogama svako ljeto, cijelo ljeto. Na rukama pak mi ne traje dulje od dva dana, kao i ostali Essence lakovi. Nažalost, jer je izbor nijasi odličan.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Eveline Color Edition nailpolish - 914 - još nešto što je u svim empties-ima. Što mogu kada volim i nijansu i formulu ovog laka.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
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