Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil
July 30, 2017
A few months ago I got to try out some of the Kiehl's products and since then, I've been using them almost every day. No joke. That is because I really like them and during this period I got to know what exactly they do to my skin. This is one of them: Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil*. The newest addition to the line is exactly what the name suggests - cleansing oil. I haven't try any of the cleansing oils, that goes for the makeup removing oils. That is mainly because the though of oily residue that it might leave on the skin made me stay away from them. But I guessed now is the time to give them a fair shot to win me over.
Prije nekoliko mjeseci na isprobavanje sam dobila nekoliko Kiehl's proizvoda i od tada ih koristim gotovo svaki dan. Bez pretjerivanja. To je zato što su mi se zaista svidjeli, ali i kroz ovo vrijeme sam uspjela vidjeti kako i što točno rade mojoj koži. Ovo je jedan od njih: Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil*. Najnoviji dodatak ovaj liniji je upravo ono što naziv kaže - ulje za čišćenje. Do sada nisam isprobavala ulja za čišćenje lica u smislu ulja za skidanje šminke, prvenstveno jer mi se pomisao na masni trag koji pretpostavljam da mogu ostaviti, nije činila ni malo privlačnom. No, dala sam mu šansu da se dokaže.
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
I really like the packaging that it comes in, especially the pump. I appreciate when brands think about making the products easier to use. Even when my hands are wet and greasy, I don't have to grab the bottle to get the product out and make it all greasy too. So - the pumps are great.
Let me contain myself about talking how much I like this blue color that the whole line comes in, so I will tell you about the ingredients (because I assume many of you won't read all the writings on the packaging). But I can't stress enough - always know what you put on your skin.
It contains squalane for skin, a planted - derived lipid with a natural affinity for
skin, Evening Primrose Oil, rich in Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Lavender
Essential Oil. These fragrance ingredients can irritate the skin if you have sensitive skin, but it didn't cause any reaction on my skin. So, if any of you know me a bit more, you know how much I dislike the lavender scent and that it can give me a headache. That it why I thought - even if I do end up liking the product, I won't be able to use it because of the scent. But it wasn't like that. This oil doesn't have that synthetic lavender scent, but nice, pleasant smell that I enjoy (even thought it is intense). So if you share my "non affection" towards lavender, go and smell this Kiehl's line - you might like it.
Sviđa mi se pakiranje u kojem ulje dolazi, pogotovo radi pumpice. Ovo mi je najdraži način doziranja proizvoda i veoma cijenim kada brendovi razmišljaju o pojednostavljenju načina korištenja poizvoda. Čak i kada su mi ruke mokre ili masne od ovog ulja, ne moram uzimati bočicu, izlijevati proizvod i zaprljati ju cijelu. Zato - pumpice su super stvar.
Da ti ne pričam dalje koliko mi se sviđa ova plava boja koja se provlači kroz cijelu liniju, reći ću ti nešto o sastavu jer vjerujem da se nekima neće dati čitati sva ova sitna slova na pakiranju. Iako opet naglašavam - znajte što nanosite na kožu.
Tako sadrži skvalan - biljnu masoću koja poboljšava razmazivost, testuru te upijanje emulzija i uljnih mješavina. Sadrži i ulje noćurka, koje pomaže u održavanju zaštitne barijere kože i čini ju glatkom te eterično ulje lavande. Upravo te mirisne komponente u sastavu mogu izazvati reakcije kod osoba s osjetljivom kožom, ali moju kožu ne iritira. E sada, ako me netko od vas malo bolje poznaje, zna koliko ne volim miris lavande i da mi zna izazvati glavobolju. Upravo sam zato očekivala da, čak i ako mi se prioizvod svidi, neću ga moći koristiti upravo radi mirisa. Ali nije bilo tako. Naime, nema onaj sintetički miris lavande od kojeg (doslovno) boli glava, već fini, ugodan miris u kojem uživam (iako je intenzivan). Tako da, ako ne-naklonost lavandi dijeliš sa nom, probaj pomirišati ovu Kiehl's liniju - možda ti se svidi.
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
But, lets get back to the ingredients. Kiehl's says that this is "non comedogenic, mineral oil - free and ophthalmologist tested for sensitive eye area." Sounds good? But there is more: "lightweight oil emulsifies with water to gently melt and dissolve all traces of dirt, oil, sunscreen, and face and eye makeup;
leaves skin feeling soft, supple and prepped for optimal night time
replenishment." Like I said, just the though that I would have to double
cleanse to get rid of the greasy feeling after using cleansing oils,
made me stay away from them. But this one actually suprised me.
No, vratimo se na
sastav. Kako Kiehl's kaže, ovo je "nekomedogeno ulju koje dubinski
čisti kožu i održava zaštitnu barijeru, a pritom ne izaziva pojavu
akni." Zvuči dobro? No čuj dalje: "Vrlo učinkovito uklanja čestice nečistoće, sebum, sredstva za sunčanje i sve ostatke makeupa,
te zbog toga ne bi trebale imati potrebu za dvostrukim čišćenjem." Kako
sam već rekla, upravo je pomisao da će ostaviti masni trag koji ću
morati oprati s nečim drugim, razlog zašto sam izbjegavala ove tipove
proizvoda. No i tu me ugodno iznenadio.
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
This oil is very liquidy and clear; not the thick, greasy oil you might expect but it reminds me of a serum.
So, let me tell you about the first way I used it: full face of makeup, I took t2 of 3 pumps on my hands and started massaging it on the dry face. I focused on the eye area because that is where I had more makeup and I wanted to see how well will it take off the mascara and eyeliner. When I felt that it melted all of the makeup off, I rinsed my face with lukewarm water and saw (no pun intended) that I made a big mistake. Let me explain, I wear contact lenses and this oil made them so oily and blurred my sight completely, so I had to take them off immediately and rinse them off in contact solution. Even thought I didn't open my eyes, the oil did get in my eyes and made them blurry. It did take the face makeup off very well, but not the eye makeup (so I looked like panda).
I'll stop dramatizing, it is not a big deal. This happens to me with every milk - type makeup removers I use on my eyes, but I really wanted to see if it takes the eye makeup off. But, it did melt it, so I took cotton pad soaked in micellar water and (easily that usual) took the residue off.
Since then, I learned my lesson and I don't use this oil when I wear contacts or (most of the time), I remove the eye makeup before with micellar water and then I go in with this oil on the rest of my face.
When I use it, I feel like it nourishes the skin. That is because it doesn't dry out my skin like many other cleansing products. It makes my skin soft to touch and it really works for me because I have combo to dry skin. I can't really tell you how it would work on a oily skin (Khiel's do say that it is for all skin types). Čoksa did try it one night and it her skin was a bit more oily the other day. But I will say it again - you have to use skincare for a longer period to see the difference and the full effect on the skin.
I would recommend you to be careful and not get the oil in the hair, because it will make it grease (especially if you have a lot of baby hairs surrounding the face like I do). Also, rinse it off with warm water, because oils and cold water don't mix. :) And yes, it really doesn't leave an oily residue on the skin that will make you use different cleanser after. But, I would be Tena if I sometimes still wouldn't go in with another cleanse with a face brush to take all of the makeup off (even thought it isn't necessary - it does take it all off, but just to be sure :)).
je vrlo tekuće i prozirno; nije onako gusto i jako masno kako možda
očekuješ, već me podsjeća na neki serum.
Način na koji sam ga koristila
prvi put je slijedeći: full face makeup, istisnula sam dvije
do tri pumpice ulja na ruke te počela razmazivati po suhom licu. Fokusirala
sam se na područje oko očiju, jer tu nosim najviše šminke i željela sam
vidjeti koliko dobro skida maskaru i tuš. Kada sam dobila osjećaj da se
šminka otopila, isprala sam lice mlakom vodom i primjetila da sam učinila
ogromnu pogrešku. Da objasnim, nosim kontaktne leće i ovo ulje mi je
toliko zamastilo i zamutilo vid, da sam ih odmah morala skinuti i
isprati u otopini. Iako nisam otvarala oči, ulje je završilo na lećama i zamastilo ih. Šminku s lica je skinulo, ali ne i svu šminku s očiju
(pa sam bila panda).
No dosta dramatiziranja (haha),
ništa strašno, ovo mi se događa sa svakim mlijekom i sličnim proizvodima za skidanje
šminke oko očiju, ali sam zaista željela vidjeti koliko dobro će
očistiti šminku s očiju. Ipak, otopilo ju je, pa sam samo uzela
blazinicu natopljenu micelarnom i skinula ostatke lakše nego inače.
tada sam naučila lekciju, pa ovo ulje ne koristim na očima kada nosim
leće, ili (najčešće), šminku s očiju skinem s micelarnom otopinom, a
ostatak s uljem.
Dok ga koristim, imam osjećaj da njeguje
kožu, jer ju ne isušuje kao ostali proizvodi za čišćenje, već ju čini
mekanom i nježnom na dodir, a posebno mi odgovara jer imam mješovito
suhu kožu. Ipak, ne bih ti znala reći kakav je na masnoj koži (Kiehl's kaže da je za sve tipove), Čoksa ga
je probala jednom i sutradan joj je lice bilo masnije. Ali opet
ponavljam, proizvode za njegu kože treba koristiti duže vrijeme da bi se
vidjela razlika i pravi utjecaj koji na nju ima.
Svakako bih ti preporučila da paziš da ti ne ode u kosu, pogotovo ako imaš baby hairs oko lica kao ja, jer će ju zamastiti. Također, ispiri ga u toploj vodi, jer ulje i hladna voda ne idu zajedno. :) I
da, zaista ne ostavlja nikakav masni trag na koži radi kojega bi morala
dodatno ispirati lice, ali ja ne bih bila ja pa ga ipak ponekad dodatno ne očistim
gelom i četkom za lice (iako je gotovo pa nepotrebno jer skine sve
tragove šminke, but just to be sure :)).
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Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Botanical cleansing oil |
Where to find: in Croatia - Kiehl's stores in City Center one Zagreb West, Arena Centar Zagreb, City Center one Split
Price: around 32€
Gdje pronaći: u Hrvatskoj - Kiehl's trgovine u City Center one Zagreb West, Arena Centar Zagreb, City Center one Split
Cijena: 245kn
3 komentari
Vec neko vrijeme mi je ovo ulje na wl, iako sumnjam da mi ista moze skinuti Clarinsov cleanser s narancom, ne znam jesi ga probala, al to cudo skida i najtezu zbuku gotovo samo jednom blazinicom 🤘
ReplyDeleteNisam, čak prvi put čujem za njega! Baš ću škicnuti :)
DeleteNisam, čak prvi put čujem za njega! Baš ću škicnuti :)