Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion
April 03, 2017
I like trying new highlighters, especially drugstore ones, so a long time ago I bought Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder in the shade 010 Light Infusion. Actually, I bought it as soon as it came out because it seemed like a nice neutral shade that I will go for on a daily basis. When I swatched it in a store, I noticed that there is some glitter in it but I didn't mind that because when I stepped outside in a natural light, they weren't that visible. And I brought it home... After a many months of having it in my collection I noticed that I don't use it that often. And I have a good reason why.
In my opinion, drugstore highlighters are either a hit or a miss, and if you want to know in what category this one goes, keep reading.
Kako volim isprobavati highlightere, pogotovo drogerijske, davno sam kupila Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder u nijansi 010 Light Infusion. Ustvari kupila sam ga odmah kad je izašao jer mi se činilo da je odlične neutralne nijanse i da ću posezati za njih svaki dan. Prilikom swatchanja u trgovini sam primijetila da ima sitne šljokice ali mi to nije smetalo jer, kada sam izašla na dnevno svjetlo nisu se toliko vidjele. I donijela sam ga doma, da bih nakon koliko-ga-već-vremena-imam primijetila da ga ne koristim često i da imam dobar razlog zašto.
Po meni su drogerijski highlighteri ili pogodak ili potpuni promašaj, a ako želiš znati u kojuu kategoriju svrstavam ovaj, nastavi čitati.
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
It comes in one shade, pretty big pan and also bulky packaging with that round top that takes up so much space. I like the clear lid with silver details, and on the back there is a sticker showing you the color of the highlighter. It is totally misleading - that is not the color you will get on your skin. But we'll get to that.
This is a baked highlighter, which means it has that specific texture, dry, crumbly and has a lot of kick off.
It doesn't last long on my skin, it starts to fade in a few hours and leaves a chaos on my face - we'll get to that in a bit too.
It is not pigmented when speaking of color payoff, but it is pretty shiny and can be build up.
Highlighter dolazi u samo jednoj nijansi, dosta velikom panu, ali također i velikom pakiranju zaobljenog poklopca koji zauzima dosta mjesta. Sviđa mi se prozirni poklopac sa srebrnim detaljima, a iza je naljepnica koja prikazuje nijansu samog proizvoda. Iako je potpuno misleading - nijansa na koži nije takva. Ali doći ćemo i do toga.
Kako je ovo baked highlighter, ima tu posebnu teksturu, suhu, mrvi se pod prstima i ima dosta kick off-a.
Na meni ne traje dugo, već nakon nekoliko sati počne blijediti i za sobom ostavi kaos - i o tome ćemo kasnije
Nije pigmentiran što se tiče klasične boje koju ostavlja, već je dosta sjajan i može se nadograđivati.
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
This is one of those highlighters that you can see skin through it when you look at it from a different angle and in some lights. I actually like that. I don't like it when you can see the stripe and color showing where my highlight is even when I'm looking straight at you. But you know, when I tilt my head to the side, then it can shine and blind you.
The problem I have with this product is when I go to apply it and blend it, the glitter falls all over my face and ruins my makeup. I do like glitter, but not all over my face when I'm trying to keep it matte! And the worst part is when after few hours of wars, that glow fades and all that is left behind are that stubborn glitter that makes the whole makeup look look messy. That is why I use it just when I want extreme glow just for a few short hours (which is almost never, to be honest). Like for a night out, not on daily basis.
Ovo je jedan od onih highlightera kroz koje možeš vidjeti kožu pod određenim kutom, odnosno ne vidi gde na koži dok baš ne uhvati izravno svjetlo. To zapravo volim. Ne volim kada se crta i boja highlightera vidi i dok gledam ravno, nego onako, tek kad okrećem glavu, onda nek blješti.
Problem koji imam s ovim proizvodom je što se prilikom nanošenja, odnosno blendanja na lice, šljokice razlete posvuda. Volim šljokice, ali ne na cijelom licu dok se trudim da ostane mat! A što je još gore, nakon što ga nosim nekoliko sati, sjaj izblijedi, a ostanu šljokice i izgleda neuredno. Zato ga koristim samo za one trenutke kada trebam ekstreman sjaj na nekoliko kratkih sati (što je gotovo nikad, da budem iskrena). Eventualno za izlaske, ali nikako ne na dnevnoj bazi.
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
In comparison with my favorite pink baked highlighter (Beauty UK Baked blush in the shade no. 3 Halo (I wrote about it here), Catrice High Glow is lighter in shade, more intense and has less pink in it. Actually, I would say that this is a pure silver shade, because this is how it looks on my skin, even though in the pan you can see that it has a hint of a pink and beige.
In texture, they are also different. Catrice has a rougher texture that you can feel under the fingers (because of the tiny glitter that's in it). Overall, Beauty UK one is creamier and easier to blend.
U usporedbi s mojim najdražim baked highlighterom rozog podtona - Beuty UK Baked blush u nijansi no. 3 Halo (o kojem sam pisala ovdje), Catrice High Glow je svijetliji, intenzivniji i ima manje rozog u sebi. Rekla bih da je nijansa ustvari srebrna, jer tako izgleda na koži, iako u panu izgleda kao da ima nešto malo rozog i bež.
Što se pak teksture tiče, Catrice je malo grublji i to pripisujem činjenici da sadrži sitne čestice šljokica. Također, Beauty UK je kremastiji i lakše se blenda.
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
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Catrice High Glow mineral highlighting powder - 010 Light Infusion |
2 komentari
Ovo je bio moj prvi highlighter! Prije nego sam poludila za njima i kupila ih još 15-ak. :) Sada ga pored ovih koje imam duuugo nisam ni takla, ali sjećam se da mi je onda na početku bio super. Doduše malo frosty, ali bio mi je jako drag.
To je valjda tako, uvijek nađeš nešto bolje :)