New in #8
August 27, 2016
Without further ado - I've been waiting to get some of products for this New in post have for a long time and I finally got them. I got a chance to buy some of the USA only makeup (thanks to Čoksa, Ana and Vlado) and I decided to get only things that are on the top of my wishlist. Yet, try try not to spend millions of dollars, you know.
Bez puno odugovlačenja - neke od proizvoda za ovaj New in sam dugo čekala, ali sam i dočekala. Dobila sam priliku kupiti nešto šminke iz SAD-a (hvala Čoksa, Ana i Vlado) i odlučila sam se kupiti samo ponešto što me najviše zanima, a da ne potrošim milijardu kuna.
List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Makeup Revolution Flawless eyeshadow palette
- Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette
- Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant
- Makeup Revolution Radiant Light - Exhale
- Aura Bronzer - contour brush
- Catrice Velvet Matt eyeshadow - 070 Princess Mattleine
- Catrice Absoulte Eye Colour eyeshadow - 350 Starlight Expresso
- RCMA No - color powder
- Colourpop Super Shock Cheek - Wisp
- Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip - Lumiere 2
- Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip - Stingraye
- Morphe - M439
- Morphe - E6
- Morphe - M441
- Morphe - M139
- Morphe - M149
- Morphe eyeshadow palette - 35N
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Makeup Revolution Flawless eyeshadow palette |
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Makeup Revolution Flawless eyeshadow palette |
After I already ordered the MUR Flawless Matte palette from Pink Panda, they put the Flawless on the sale. This was my first choice from all the MUR eyeshadow palettes and after some research on the quality and color pay off, here it is. I really like the color selection - the copper ones, burgundy, browns... and I know I will put it to the good use during this fall.
Nakon što sam s Pink Pande naručila Flawless Matte paletu, i Flawless je bila na sniženju. Kako sam prvotno i željela kupiti nju, nakon malo nagovaranja, evo je. Sviđaju mi se nijanse, pogotovo ove crvenkasto bakreno smeđe i znam da ću ju često koristiti, pogotovo sad na jesen.
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Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette |
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Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette |
I've read some good and some not so good reviews on Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette and honestly, I wouldn't even get it if it wasn't on sale on Pink Panda webshop. The shades seemed too orange in the photos and more like bronzers, not so much like something you would like to contour with. In real life, they aren't that warm toned, but I am yet to try it.
O Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour paleti sam čitala neke bolje i neke lošije recenzije, a iskreno, ne bih ju ni kupila da nije bila na sniženju na Pink Pandi. Nijanse su mi se na slikama činile prenarančaste i više kao bronzeri nego nešto za konturiranje. Uživo nisu toliko narančaste, ali tek ih moram isprobati.
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Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant |
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Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant |
This highlighter is the bomb! You look at the photos online and think - meh, and then you have it in your hands and you swatch it...
It has 5 different shades strips and you can use it on their own, or swirl you brush in all of them. This is one of that "in your face" intense highlighters that make your skin really glowy.
Ovaj highlighter je čudo! Onako ga gledaš na slikama i misliš - meh, a onda ga dobiješ i swatchaš... Ima 5 različitih nijansi i može se koristiti svaka posebno, ali i sve zajedno te je jedan od jačih, sjanijih highlightera s kojim ćeš blještati.
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Makeup Revolution Radiant Light - Exhale |
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Makeup Revolution Radiant Light - Exhale |
Unlike the previous one, this in one of the highlighters that looked very promising on the photos, but in real life is just - meh. Glittery and when you apply it a blend a bit, it disappears into nothing.
Za razliku od prethodnog, ovo je jedan highghter koji je obećavao na slikama online, a uživo je - meh. Šljokičast, naneseš ga i kreneš malo blendati, a on jednostavno nestane.
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Aura Bronzer - contour brush |
I have to say - I've been on a hunt for this particular brush ever since Aura came to Croatia. I've been in Kozmo drugstore in Rijeka and Zagreb and couldn't find it and then, Čoksa found one in Dubrovnik (seems like they have everything there). I already tried it and it is great for applying bronzer, blush and for contour.
Malo je reći da ovaj kist tražim mjesecima - odkako je Aura došla u Hrvatsku. U Zagrebu i Rijeci, kad god bi došla u Kozmo, nije bilo ni jednoga. I onda ga je Čoksa našla u Dubrovniku (ispada da u Dubrovniku ima svega). Već sam ga isprobala i odličan je za nanošenje bronzera, rumenila i konturiranje.
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Catrice Velvet Matt eyeshadow - 070 Princess Mattleine & Catrice Absoulte Eye Colour eyeshadow - 350 Starlight Expresso |
Both of these eyeshadows were a recommendation form Čoksa. The Velvet Matte eyeshadows are really great but discontinued so if you can still find them, grab a few shades. You will like them. Starlight Expresso is the same shade as the lighter one in a Catrice eyebrow set. I never finish the darker one so I have many of the eyebrow sets laying around with only half used darker shade. So now I don't have to buy the whole set just for one shade, but I think this mono eyeshadow is also being discontinued. Not cool, Catrice, not cool.
Oba sjenila su preporuka Čokse. Velvet matte sjenila su stvarno dobra, ali su povučena iz prodaje. Ponegdje se još mogu pronaći, pa ako uspiješ, kupi pokoju nijansu. Svidjet će ti se. Starlight Expresso je ustvari ista nijansa iz Catrice eyebrow seta - ona svijetlija. Kako nju najviše i koristim, uvijek ju potrošim prvu i onda mi ostane set s napola punom tamnijom nijasom koju nikada ne potrošim. Zato kupiš ovako samo jednu nijansu koja ti treba. Mislim da i ovu nijansu, nažalost, povlače.
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RCMA No - color powder |
This in one of those setting powders everyone was raving about. Ever since Kathleen Lights mentioned it in one of hers videos, it is impossible to find it in stock. Somehow, we managed to place a pre order on Beautylish and get some. I can't wait to try it.
Ovo je jedan od onih setting powdera o kojem svi rejvaju. Odkako ga je Kathleen Lights spomenula u jednom od svojih videa, nemoguće ga je naručiti i rijetko kad je in stock. Nekim čudom smo uspjela napraviti preorder na Beautylishu i kupiti ga. Sad ne mogu dočekati da ga isprobam.
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Colourpop Super Shock Cheek - Wisp, Ultra Matte Lip - Lumiere 2 & Stingraye |
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Colourpop Super Shock Cheek - Wisp |
Colourpop highlighters, Super Shock Cheek are one of the most loved low end highlighters between american beauty bloggers. I decided to get the shade Wisp because, even though it seems to be a very dark shade in the pot, is is actually such a pretty gold shade. Some say it remides them of the Jaclyn Hill's Champagne Pop (color wise). Say no more!
Colourpop highlighteri, odnosno Super Shock Cheek su jedni od najvoljenijih jeftinijih highlightera u inozemnoj beauty blogosferi. Odlučila sam se naručiti nijansu Wisp jer, iako se čini dosta taman ovako u posudici, zapravo je predivne zlatne nijanse za koju kažu da je slična Jaclynovom Champagne Popu (barem što je nijanse tiče). Dovoljno rečeno?
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Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip - Lumiere & Stingraye |
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Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip - Lumiere & Stingraye |
Two of the Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip liquid lipsticks in the shades Lumiere 2 and Stingraye. Lumiere 2 is a shade made in the collab with Kathleen Lights and Stingraye is made in the collab with also an beauty vlogger from the channal Its My Raye Raye. Similar shades, but yet very different. Stingraye is a bit darker and warmer mauve pink with a hint of red and brown. Lumiere 2 is more of a cooler toned mauve shade.
Dva Colourpop tekuća ruža, Ultra Matte Lip u nijansama Lumiere 2 i Stingraye. Lumiere 2 je nijansa koju je napravila Kathleen Lights, a Sitngraye je nijansa još jedne beauty vloggerice s kanala Its My Raye Raye. Slične nijanse, ali opet različitih podtonova. Stingraye je mrvicu tamija i toplija, ima malo crvenkasto smeđeg u sebi, dok je Lumiere 2 hladnija, mauve roza nijansa.
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Morphe - M439, E6, M441, M139 & M149 |
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Morphe - M439, E6, M441, M139 & M149 |
Morphe brushes are well known makeup brushes from the low end side, although I would say they are not that inexpensive for our life standars here in Croatia. But, they really are one of the best ones out there.
M439 and E6 are foundation brushes, M441, M139 and M149 are eye brushes. I still haven't tried them or even washed them, they just sit here, you know, being all pretty and stuff.
Morphe kistovi su također jedni od poznatijih low end kistova, iako bih rekla da su za naše standarde jedni od skupljih. Isto tako, jedni su od najboljih.
M439 i E 6 su kistovi za nanošenje tekućeg pudera, dok su M441, M139 i M149 kistovi za oči. Još uvijek iz nisam oprala niti koristila, nego onako, stoje i divim im se.
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Morphe eyeshadow palette - 35N |
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Morphe eyeshadow palette - 35N |
Besides makeup brushes, Morphe is well know for their eyeshadow palettes. 35N is one of them. All shades are matte, warm toned and in huge pans. I am used to small little palettes that you can get in our drugstores or order from Pink Panda and this i quite a suprise. Also, I have no doubts about the quality.
Osim kistova, Morphe je poznati i po paletama sjenila. 35N je jedna od njih. Sve nijanse su mat, toplih tonova i ogromnih panova. Navikla sam na malecke palete koje možeš kupiti u našim drogerijama ili naručiti s Pink Pande i ovo je pravo iznenađenje. Ne sumnjam da je i kvaliteta sjenila odlična.
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