
Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

July 26, 2016

What do I recommend to anyone that asks me which eyeshadows to use as a base eyeshadows? I always say - Maybelline Color Tattoos. Although I only have 4 shades in my collection, three of them (the matte ones) I use very often instead of eye primer.
The shades I have are:  Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold and 40 Permanent Taupe.

Što preporučam svima koji me pitaju koja sjenila koristiti kao bazna sjenila? Odgovor je uvijek - Maybelline Color Tattoos. Iako imam samo četiri nijanse, tri od njih (ove mat) koristim često umjesto primera.
Nijanse koje imam su: Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold i 40 Permanent Taupe.

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, 65 Pink Gold, Creme de Nude 93 & 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, 65 Pink Gold, Creme de Nude 93 & 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, 65 Pink Gold, Creme de Nude 93

Maybelline Color Tattoos - 65 Pink Gold, Creme de Nude 93 & 40 Permanent Taupe

If you are not familiar with Maybelline Color Tattoos, these are very pigmented long lasting cream shadows that are hard to remove. Just like the name suggests, they are made to last 24 hours. Now, I don't know about that because I never wore makeup for that long, but they do last all day long on my eyelids (or at least 10 hours).

They come in small glass pots that are, I must say, very resistant. I don't even remember how many times I've dropped them and, so far, nothing ever happened to them. After using them, make sure to close the lid very well because they might dry. On every lid, there is all the info and name of the shade and every sticker shows (more or less accurate) what shade it really is.

Ako nisi upoznata s ovim sjenilima, to su zapravo vrlo pigmentirana i dugotrajna kremasta sjenila koja je malo teže ukloniti. Kao što samo ime sugerira, napravljena su da izdrže 24 sata. Ne znam baš da li je to istina, jer nikada nisam nosila šminku toliko dugo, ali istina je da na mojim kapcima izdrže cijeli radni dan (ili barem 10 sati).

Dolaze u malim staklenim posudicama koje su, moram reći, dosta otporne. Naime, niti ne brojim koliko su mi puta već ispali iz ruku i nikada im ništa nije bilo. Nakon korištenja, potrebno ih je dobro zatvoriti kako se proizvod ne bi osušio. Na svakom poklopcu su navedeni svo podaci te naziv nijanse, a i svaka od naljepnica je (otprilike) iste boje kao i sjenilo koje je unutra.

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, 65 Pink Gold, Creme de Nude 93 & 40 Permanent Taupe

The shade Creme de Rose 91 is from Creamy Mattes line. I like to use this shade as a eyelid base when my skin gets darker or when I plan on using pink, purple or mauve shades.

Nijansa Creme de Rose 91 je dio Creamy Mattes linije. Ovu nijansu volim koristiti kao bazu kada potamnim ili kada planiram koristiti roze, ljubičaste ili mauve nijanse.

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Rose 91

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Rose 91

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Rose 91

The next shade from the Creamy Mattes line is Creme de Nude 93. This is a light yellow shade that I like to use as a base when I'm the palest. Also, I like to use it when I am doing a cut crease.

Slijedeća nijansa iz Creamy Mattes linije je Creme de Nude 93. Ono je blijedno žuta nijansa koju volim koristiti kao bazu kada mi je koža najsvjetlija. Također, koristim ju i kada radim cut crease.

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Nude 93

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Nude 93

Maybelline Color Tattoo - Creme de Nude 93

The only shade I own that is not matte is 65 Pink Gold. Although the name suggest that this would be more of a rose gold shade, it isn't. This is light pink shade with sheen, but it doesn't have glitter. I use it when I want to use pink shades on my eyes, especially with the MUR Iconic 3 eyeshadow palette (dupe for Urban Decay Naked 3 palette).

Jedina nijansa koju posjedujem, a da nije mat finiša je 65 Pink Gold. Iako ime nijanse sugerira da će biti nešto kao rose gold, ona to nije. Ova je sjajna svijetlo roza, ali ne sadrži šljokice. Koristim ju zajedno s rozim sjenilima, pogotovo s MUR Iconic 3 paletom (dupe za Urban Decay Naked 3 paletu.

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 65 Pink Gold

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 65 Pink Gold

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 65 Pink Gold

The darkest shade is 40 Parmanent Taupe. This is ashy, cool toned gray shade with a hint of brown. I like to use it as a base for grey and brown shades and for a smokey eye. Also, you can use it for filling in the eyebrows.

Najtamnija nijansa je 40 Permanent Taupe. Ovo je hladna, pepeljasto siva nijansa s mrvicu smeđeg. Volim ju koristiti kao bazu za siva i smeđa sjenila ili za smokey eye. Također, može se koristiti i za oblikovanje obrva.

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoo - 40 Permanent Taupe

The consistency is a bit harder, not like the Kiko Cream Crush eyeshadows (review is here), they are a bit harder to spread on the skin and are very quick drying. And, once they are all dry, they don't smudge - you have to blend quickly. When I am applying them, I use flat shadow brush to get a bit more product out of the jar, blend at the same time and I always work on one eye at the time. 

Tvrđe su konzistencije, odnosno nisu mekani kao npr. Kiko Cream Crush sjenila o kojima sam pisala ovdje, te se malo teže razmazuju i jako brzo suše. A jednom kada se osuše, to je to, što si blendala - blendala si, što bi značilo da s njima trebaš raditi brzo. Kada ih nanosim, koristim ravni plosnati kist kako bi zagrabila što više proizvoda, u isto vrijeme blendam i uvijek ih nanosim na jedan po jedan kapak.

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

In the photo below, I wiped the swatches with Nivea baby wipe (which I use to remove my makeup), and only the shimmer shade smudged a bit.
In the next photo, I put a bit more pressure and all of them came of but they did leave a stain on the skin.

Na fotografiji ispod, swatcheve sam obrisala Nivea baby vlažnom maramicom (s kojom inače skidam šminku), te se samo shimmerasta nijansa pomalo obrisala i razmrljala. 
Na slijedećoj fotografiji, jače sam protraljala maramicom i razmrljali su se svi swatchevi, ali je vidiljiv trag svakega od njih.

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

Maybelline Color Tattoos - Creme de Rose 91, Creme de Nude 93, 65 Pink Gold & 40 Permanent Taupe

They are around 5,2 € and you can find them at most drugstores.

Cijena im je oko 40,00 kn, a mogu se pronaći u većini drogerija.

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2 komentari

  1. Prelijepe sve nijanse, treba mi jedna creme de rose i u praskastom izdanju. :D

  2. Creme de Rose mi je posebno lijepa, morat ću je nabaviti :)


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