New in #2
February 01, 2016
"Where did all your money go? I'm either wearing it or I ate it." Sounds like me. What can you do, everyone spends their money on something else. Because of my recent spendings on makeup, today I bring you the new New in post. So let's go.
Catrice was having sale on some products, they were around 16,00 kn and are being discontinued. Sadly, I didn't get the one thing I wanted the most - Prime and Fine Healthy Look primer, the orange one. I told my friends to search drugstores in Rijeka i Dubrovnik to find it but there was none left on the shelves. Nada.
To compensate on the loss, I had to buy something else. Although the sadness for the orange primer weren't smaller, they are tolerable now. :)
Here is what I bought:
"Where did all your money go? I'm either wearing it or I ate it." Tako i ja. A šta ćeš, svatko troši na nešto. Upravo radi mog trošenja na šminku, sad ti, dragi čitatelju, pišem novi New in post. No, krenimo.
Catrice ima sniženje nekih stvarčica na oko 16,00 kn koje izlaze iz asortimana. Na moju žalost, ono što sam najviše željela, nisam ugrabila - Prime and Fine Healthy Look primer, onaj narančasti. Prijateljice sam zaposlila da obiđu Rijeku i Dubrovnik da mi ga nađu i ništa. Nada.
Kako bih nadoknadila ovaj gubitak, morala sam kupiti nešto drugo. Iako tuga i žaljenje za primerom nisu umanjene, podnošljivije su. :)
Evo što sam kupila:
List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Catrice Nude Illusion foundation - 03 Nude Beige
- Catrice 12h Matt Mousse foundation - 020 Nude Rose
- Catrice Defining Blush - 080 Sunset Avenue
- Catrice Defining Blush - 010 Toffee Fairy
- Catrice Illuminating Highlighter Pen
- Catrice Velvet Matt Eyeshadow - 040 Al Burgundi
- Loreal Lumi Magique light infusing Foundation - D/W3
- Manhattan Soft Mat Loose Powder - Natural 1
- Essence The Gel Nailpolish - 14 Do you speak love?
- Eveline Mini Max Nailpolish - 102
- Eveline Pure Control SOS Specialized Moisturizing Cream
- Freeman Facial Clay Mask - Avocado & Oatmeal
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Catrice Nude Ilusion foundation |
Catrice Nude Illusion is a great foundation, lightweight, for every day, but this isn't my shade. At least not right now this season. I bought it mainly for mixing with other lighter shade foundations and with heavier ones.
Catrice Nude Ilusion je odličan puder, lagan, svakodnevan, ali ovo nikako nije moja nijansa. Bar ne trenutno. Kupila sam ga najviše radi miješanja sa svijetlijim nijansama i s malo "težim" puderima.
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Catrice 12h Matt Mousse foundation |
Catrice 12h Matt Mousse foundation is a wonderful little thing and one of my first foundations (the old formula). I always have one backup and I use it when my skin feels greasier than usual but I want it to be matte and nothing but matte. This shade isn't the perfects, although none of them are 100% right shades for me but I'll make it work.
Catrice 12h Matt Mousse puder je jedna divna stvar i jedan od mojih prvih pudera (stara formula), uvijek imam bar jedan na zalihi koji koristim one dane kad mi je koža masnija, a želim da bude mat i ništa drugo nego mat. Nijansa nije 100% savršena, ali za mene nikad nijedna nije, tako da... I'll make it work.
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Catrice Defining Blushes |
Everyone knows that Catrice has great blushes. To be honest, I don't really like wearing blushes, especially the pink, red and orange ones. These two are completely different story. Sunset Avenue is light mauve pink, sometimes brownish shade, wonderful! It has some sheen in it so I'll try to use it as a highlighter when I get a tan. Toffee Fairy was love at first sight. The perfect neutral nude brownish shade that goes with everything.
Odavno svi znaju da Catrice ima vrhunska rumenila. Evo iskreno, ne volim baš nositi rumenila, pogotovo ne roze, crvenkaste, narančaste i tako te boje. Ali ova dva su druga priča. Sunset Avenue je blago prljavo rozo, a ponekad i smeđkasto, ma divota! Ima šljokice pa ću ga koristiti i kao highlighter kad mi koža potamni, a Toffee Fairy je bila ljubav na prvi pogled. Savršena neutralna nude smeđa nijansa koja ide sa svime.
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Catrice Illuminating Highlighter Pen |
You can never have to many highlighters and I don't have any in the pen form. I got it despite that it is one of the "in your face" highlights that makes you shine like a disco ball.
Highlightera nikad dosta, a nemam nijedan u ovom obliku olovke. Uzela sam ga unatoč tome što jedan od onih "in your face" highlightera koji čine da blještiš kao disko kugla.
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Catrice Velvet Matt Eyeshadow |
All of the Catrice Velvet Matt eyeshadows are generally great, I already have one and I use it all the time, but there is no way I am going to buy another one. "Why?" you ask when I say that they are great. Well, you see, it is because Catrice is messing with us. The old one I got is much softer, with rounded top and contains 3,5 g of product, while the new ones are less velvety, with flat top and contain 3,3 g of product. It would be fine if only Catrice adjusted and corrected the prices according to the amount the product you get, but they didn't. The same price for the different amount of product. Did they think that we would notice?
They are 16,90kn in Kozmo and I got this burgundy color because I need it for upcoming look, but it isn't the real burgundy shade I wanted.
Sva Catrice Velvet Matt sjenila su općenito odlična, već imam jedno i koristim ga stalno, ali nakon njega nema šanse da bi kupila još koje. "Zašto?" pitaš kad su odlična. E pa zato jer na Catrice zeza (da ne upotrijebim neku ozbiljniju riječ). Ono jedno staro koje imam je puno mekše, zaobljenog vrha i sadrži 3,5 g proizvoda, dok su novi malo manje "velvety", ravni i sadrže 3,3 g. Sve bi to bilo ok da je cijena smanjena zajedno s gramažom, ali nije. Ista cijena za različitu količinu. Zar su mislili da ljudi neće primijetiti?
Iako su sva na 16,90 kn u Kozmu, uzela sam samo ovu burgundy nijansu jer mi treba za jedan look koji planiram raditi, a čak ni ona nije prava burgundy nijansa koju sam htjela.
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Loreal Lumi Magique light infusing Foundation |
Like I said - I like to mix foundations to get the perfect shade, finish and coverage so I bought Lumi Magique. It is, again, a shade that doesn't match me and it will have to wait for the summer, but it has yellow undertone and I can now mix it when I want to make any other foundation more yellow. Also it has dewy finish, which I like.
Kao što već rekoh - volim miješati pudere, što zbog nijansi, što zbog finiša i moći prekrivanja, kupila sam i Lumi Magique. Opet nijansu koja mi trenutno ne paše - pričekat će ljeto, ali je žućkastog podtona, tako da ga sad mogu miješati s ostalim puderima. Također, dewy je finiša, što volim.
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Manhattan Soft Mat Loose Powder |
I have almost used all of the Essence loose powder so I needed a new one. In this Manhattan one you get a lost of product and it seemed soft so I got it.
Pred kraj sam Essenceovog loose pudera, pa sam trebala novi za rezervu. Ovaj Manhattan je u dosta velikom pakiranju i činio se dosta fino mljeven, pa eto, nek' se nađe.
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Essence The Gel Nailpolish i Eveline Mini Max Nailpolish |
Essence nailpolishes aren't the best ones, but they are cheap and have o many colors to choose from. I have to say that this it the second time I bought this pretty dark red shade.
Eveline has nice nailpolishes, especially in the quick dry collection. This shade brought my attention right away, I like weird colours. This is the mix of purple, grey and blue, hard to catch on camera, so when you have the chance, see it in Kozmo for yourself.
Essence lakovi nisu najbolji na svijetu, ali su jeftini i imaju ogroman izbor boja. Dovoljno je reći da ovu nijansu kupujem već drugi put, divna tamnija crvena.
Eveline ima dobre lakove, pogotovo ove iz quick dry linije. Ova nijansa me privukla odmah, volim te čudne boje. Ova je ljubičasto sivo plava, teško ju je uhvatit na kameri, pa kad budeš imala prilike pogledaj ga u Kozmu.
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Eveline Pure Control SOS Specialized Moisturizing Cream |
Eveline Pure Control cream I bought so many times and it is my biggest discovery of 2015. I am one of thoose that gets a pimple and when it goes away, there is darker spot that I have to deal with for months. It says "against spots and blemishes" and it surely is.
Eveline Pure Control kremu kupujem po ko zna koji put i ovo je moje otkriće 2015. godine. Jedna sam od onih koja dobije prištić i kad taj prištić prođe, ostavi za sobom mrlju koju liječim mjesecima. Na kremi piše "against spots and blemishes" i taj posao obavlja i više nego odlično.
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Freeman Facial Clay Mask |
My dear friend Čokolina from Kako Nina Na blog told me to use face masks with clay, that they are helping her with her skin and I should try it. When Čoksa tells you to try something and that you need it, then you really need it in your life.
I bought this Freeman one after reading postivive reviews and now I hope that clay is good for my skin as it is for others.
Draga prijateljica Čokolina s bloga Kako Nina Na (klik na link koji te odvede na njen blog) mi je rekla da koristi masku za lice s glinom, da joj pomaže i da probam, a kad ti Čoksa kaže da nešto probaš i da ti treba, onda ti to zaista treba i od životne je važnosti.
Kupila sam ovu nakon čitanja pozitivnih recenzija o Freemanovim maskama i sad se stvarno nadam da će i za mene glina biti dobra koliko i za sve te ljude što su napisali pozitivne recenzije i za Čoksu.

2 komentari
Meni je Catrice puder jako los, sjajim se nakon sat vremena, oksidira i sav mi je narancast na licu :/ gdje ima freeman maski? Super blog, pratim! pozz :)
Koji, tekući ili u pjeni? Freeman maske možeš naći u Kozmu. Hvala ti! :)