Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit
February 15, 2016
Hello hello. Today I have one product that disappointed me.
It is Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit in the shade Light Medium. The idea behind this product is good, it should be "all in one" product for eyebrow shaping, but why do I consider it a total failure? Keep on reading.
Helou helou. Danas ide jedan post o proizvodu koji me razočarao.
U pitanju je Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit u nijansi Light Medium. Ovo je dobro zamišljen proizvod, trebao bi biti "all in one" za potpuno oblikovanje obrva, a zašto smatram da je potpuni promašaj, pročitaj u nastavku posta.
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
The product looks great on the outside. It comes in a nice shiny plastic black box. Inside you have a full size mirror, 3 different shades shadows for filling in the eyebrows, wax for shaping them, small angled brush and small tweezers. So, it sounds like everything you would need for your eyebrows.
Proizvod super izgleda izvana. Dolazi u lijepoj sjajnoj crnoj plastičnoj kutijici. Unutar nje nalazi se veliko ogledalo, 3 sjenila za obrve različitih nijansi, vosak za oblikovanje, mali kosi kistić te mala pinceta. Znači, apsolutno sve što trebaš za obrve.
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
The brush that comes with it is tiny. You can use it if you are on the go and you don't have anything else and for touching ups during the day, but if you are planning to completely fill in the eyebrows, it will take a long time.
The tweezers are also tiny, almost useless. It makes it so hard for you to grab on the hairs and it is hard to pluck anything. I tried and I just couldn't use it.
If you can tell just by looking at this product why I don't like it, let me explain. The first two shades are not just too light and not pigmented, but they are for someone with really pale skin.Even if you do have that light of a skin, I don't think you would want to put something that is this color in your eyebrows.
The first shade is some peachy color shade. You can see for yourself. The second one is supposed to be some kind of beige with warm undertones. Maybe it will work for someone with light blonde hair with warm and yellow undertones. The third one you can even use if you are a red head or you have brown hair with warm undertones. This one is the best one in my opinion but the shade is not right for me. When I choose the shades for filling in my eyebrows, I stick to the cooler and neutral shades.
If you don't mind the color selection, the texture of them are pretty decent. They are soft and blendable. The wax is waxy, you know. :)
The pigmentation is good, in the photo below the swatches are made in two swipes, so it would show better on camera. The wax seems white in the pot, but when you apply it to your eyebrows, it goes on clear. You can't actually see anything but greasy eyebrows, and it doesn't even hold the hairs in place that well.
Considering how long they last on the eyebrows, I don't have to say anything because I never wore them longer the 5 minutes.
Kistić koji se dobije uz ovaj proizvod je jako malen. Može poslužiti ako nemaš uz sebe niti jedan drugi kosi kist i za sitne popravke, ali ako ćeš cijelu obrvu popunjavati njime, vjerojatno će ti trebati jako puno vremena.
Pinceta je također malena, gotovo beskorisna. Teško je uhvatiti dlačice obrve i teško ju je stisnuti jer je kratka. Probala i nisam uspjela ništa počupati s njom.
Ako ti već na prvi pogled nije jasno zašto mi se ništa iz ove paletice ne sviđa, objasnit ću ti. Prve dvije nijanse ne da su svijetle i nedovoljno pigmentirane, nego su za nekoga tko ima jako jako svijetlu kožu i ten. Ali i ako imaš takvu kožu, ne vjerujem da bi željela staviti na obrve nešto tonova poput ovih.
Prvo sjenilo je neke breskvaste boje. Da, dobro vidiš. Drugo bi trebalo biti bež s toplim tonovima. Možda bi i stajalo nekome tko ima plavu kosu s žutim i toplim podtonom, a treće čak možeš iskoristiti ako imaš smeđu kosu s crvenim tonovima ili jednostavno imaš crvenu kosu, ono je još najbolje, ali definitivno nije za mene. Kada biram s čim ću popunjavati obrve, biram hladnije i neutralnije nijanse.
Ako ne uzmemo u obzir izbor nijansi, sama tekstura sjenila je dobra i mekana su. Vosak je voskast, jel. :)
Pigmentacija je solidna, na slici ispod swatchevi su rađeni dva puta, da bi uoće uspjela prikazati nijanse na kameri. Vosak se čini bijel u posudici, na obrvama je proziran, odnosno ne vidi se ništa osim da su obrve masne i sjajne, a niti ne drži oblik dugo.
O trajnosti sjenila uopće neću pričati, jer ih nikada nisam nosila na obrvama duže od 5 minuta.
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Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix eyebrow shaping kit |
The truth is, this little palette is ordered online on Pink Panda, and you know how it is when buying something online. The shades are often very different in real life. My mistake you'll say. Yes it is, the shade I originally planed using on the eyebrows (the second one), on the website is shown as cooler shade ant I bought the whole kit just for that one shade, hoping it will be good. It didn't turn out to be, but it is not a complete waste of money - I use it as a compact eyeshadow palette. :) For the most of the products that aren't that good I find various uses, and I did that with this one too. It has all the shades you would need to create a simple neutral warm look. You can make it as light or as dramatic as you want because it has some lighter and darker shades.
I think it was a good idea but it didn't turn out good. I wouldn't recommend this product to you except for the ones out there who has very light or red toned eyebrows.
Istina je da je ova paleta naručena preko Pink Pande, a na internetu su nijanse često prikazane drugačije nego što su u stvarnosti. Moja greška reći ćeš. Da, na slici je druga nijansa koju sam mislila koristiti za početni dio obrva, prikazana kao hladnijeg tona i prvenstveno radi nje sam ovu paletu kupila. Ispostavilo se da je drugačije, ali, da nebi bila potpuna propast, koristim ju kao paletu sjenila. :) Većinom svim proizvodima koji su lošiji uspijem naći namjenu, pa sam tako i ovoj. Sadrži sve nijanse potrebne za jednostavan neutralni topli look, koji prema potrebi možeš učiniti dramatičnijim.
Sve u svemu, dobra ideja, jako loša izvedba i ne bi ti preporučila ovaj proizvod osim ako imaš jako svijetle ili pak voliš crvenkaste obrve.
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