New in #3
February 20, 2016
I had to write this months New in post because I want to use so many of these products but I have to wait to take photos of them while they are still intact and pretty. So this is a collective new in and that means that all of this was bought in many visits to Kozmo. Kozmo is only drugstore in my city and they have new products rarely. Even when the get something, they are months late on new collections.
Recently they had 30+10% off on makeup and you will see that I bought many Essence stuff. That is because they have their own sale on the products that are being discontinued and I like Essence as a brand. They have some great and some not so great products but even when I buy something that is not that good, I don't regret it because they are so affordable. One big <3 for Essence.
Some of these products I won in a giveaway from Misha from Crossing Beauty. I had a privilege to meet her. She is very sweet, kind and so pretty and she writes one on my favorite beauty blogs so go and visit her.
Moram napisati ovomjesečni new in jer puno proizvoda želim koristiti, a ne mogu. Većina njih čeka da ih poslikam prije nego ih počnem koristiti, da budu lijepi na slikama, ne razmazani, oštećeni... Dakle, ovo je Collective New in, što znači da sve što vidiš na slici nije kupljeno odjednom, nego iz nekoliko posjeta Kozmu. Kozmo je jedina drogerija u mom gradu, a rijetko (čitaj nikada) ne mijenjaju ponudu. I kada izađe nešto novo, oni to zadnji dobiju.
Nedavno je Kozmo imao 30+10% popusta na makeup, a opet ćeš vidjeti da imam puno Essence stvari. To je zato jer i oni imaju proizvode na sniženju koji izlaze iz asortimana, pa su bili još dodatno sniženi, a i zato jer Essence volim kao brend. Imaju dobrih i loših stvari, pa čak i kad kupim loše, nije mi toliko žao jer im cijena nije visoka. Uglavnom, veliko <3 za Essence od mene.
Nešto od ovih proizvoda sam i dobila na poklon od Mishe s bloga Crossing Beauty. Imala sam je prilike upoznati uživo, jako je draga, lijepa i sva simpatična, a k tome piše i jedan od meni dražih beauty blogova, pa ju svakako posjetite.
List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Catrice Even Skin Tone beautifying foundation - 010 Even Vanilla
- Essence I <3 Extreme volume mascara - waterproof
- Aura Powder Blush - 213 Dollface
- Missha Love Secret hand cream
- Maybelline Color Tattoo 24h Creamy Mattes - Creme De Rose 91
- Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette
- Essence XXXL Nude lipgloss - 05 Just Nude
- Essence liquid lipstick - 01 Colour Party
- Essence Longlasting lipstick - 11 Nude Love
- Essence I <3 Nude eyeshadow - 05 My Favorite Tauping
- Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base
- Catrice Ultimate Colour lipstick - 020 Maroon
- Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030 Wood You Love Me
- Eveline Color Edition nail polish - 914
- Essence The Gel nail polish - 35 Engaged
- Essence Gel-look plumping top coat
- Essence I <3 Trends nail polish - 03 I'm Lost In You
- Essence I <3 Trends nail polish - 05 Pure Soul
- Essence I <3 Trends nail polish - 14 Sunny London
- Maybelline Baby Lips - Intense Care
- Maybelline Baby Lips - Hydrate
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Catrice Even Skin Tone beautifying foundation |
Catrice Even Skin tone beautyfying foundation is one of the products I got in a giveaway. I have been eying this foundation for quite some time now but Kozmo in my city doesn't carry new Catrice products. Since they discontinued their BB cream that I loved, I was hoping they would replace it with something similar. They didn't, but this foundation is close enough. Its consistency is similar to that BB cream and it has SPF 25. This is one of the products I will certainly buy for myself. Even the shade matches me perfectly.
Catrice Even Skin Tone beautifying foundation je jedan od proizvoda koje sam dobila na poklon. Ovaj puder gledam već dugo, ali ga nema u mom Kozmu. Odkako je Catrice povukao iz ponude svoju BB kremu, koja mi je bila najbolja BB krema, nadala sam se da će ju zamijeniti nečim sličnim. Nisu, ali je ovaj puder dovoljno blizu. Konzisentcija mu je jako slična kremi, a ima i SPF 25. Ovo je jedan od proizvoda koji bih, da nisam dobila, kupila sigurno. Čak mi i nijansa odgovara.
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Essence I <3 Extreme volume mascara |
I also got this Essence I <3 Extreme volume mascara. Most of the time I avoid waterproof mascaras but I heard this one is good. Looking forward to try it.
Essence I <3 Extreme volume mascara je također dobivena na poklon. Inače izbjegavam vodootporne maskare, ali za ovu sam čula jako dobre stvari, pa ju se veselim isprobati.
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Aura Glorious Cheeks powder blush - 213 Dollface |
When I was opening the package and saw Aura blush, I think I screamed a little bit. I am still waiting for Aura to come to my Kozmo, and I know that won't happen any time soon. This is one of the products that I couldn't wait to swatch. Their blushes are popular for reason. They are very, VERY pigmented and they blend nicely.
Kada sam otvarala paketić i u njemu ugledala Aurino rumenilo, čini mi se da sam vrisnula od oduševljenja. Još uvijek čekam da Aura dođe u moj Kozmo, ali kako sam rekla da su jako spori na početku posta, ne nadam se da će to biti u skorije vrijeme. Ovo je jedan od proizvoda koji nije mogao dočekati slikanje za post i morala sam ga isprobati. Njihova rumenila svi hvale i to s razlogom. Jako, JAKO su pigmentirana i lijepo se blendaju.
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Missha handcream |
This Missha hand cream is another thing that made me smile because it has the same name as Misha who gave this to me. What a cute idea! :) This is the first time I've heard about this brand, it seems that it is Korean and cruelty free. It smells like baby powder, quite strong scent when it goes away a bit in a few minutes.
Missha krema za ruke je stvarčica koja me baš slatko nasmijala u poklonu jer nosi ime kao i blogerica Misha koja mi ju je poklonila. Koja odlična ideja! :) Prvi put u životu vidim ovaj brend, čini mi se da je korejski i proizvodi su im cruelty free. Volim male kreme za ruke koje stanu u torbu, a ova je rijetka, ali sdobro hidratizira kožu. Ima miris po baby puderu, dosta jak, ali jako lijep kada malo ispari nakon par minuta.
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Maybelline Color Tattoo 24h Creamy Mattes - Creme De Rose 91 |
I generally like Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 but I am sorry that we in Croatia don't have that many shades to choose from. The shade Creme De Rose is matte dusty rose with brown undertones and I will use it as a base.
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24h općenito volim, žao mi je što kod nas u Hrvatsku dolaze s jako malim izborom nijasni s obzirom koliko ih ustvari postoji. Nijansa Creme De Rose je mat, prljavo roza sa smeđim tonovima, a koristit ću ju kao bazu za sjenila.
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Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette |
Also I bought Essence All About Nudes palette because in one of her videos, Misha said that this is the only eyeshadow palette she carries with her when she travels. She said that the eyeshadows are creamy and great.
Essence All About Nudes paletu sjenila sam odlučila kupiti gledajući upravo Mishin What's in my bag video u kojoj je rekla kako je ovo jedina paleta sjenila koju nosi sa sobom na put, da su sjenila odlična, kremasta... Također je rekla da su kremasta i odlilčna.
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Essence XXXL Nudelipgloss - 01 Just Nude |
This Essence XXXL Nude lip gloss was abound 7,00kn. Most of the times I wear matte lipsticks so I decided to try something different. Besides from adding gloss, I was hoping that with this shade I can lighten and change colors on some of my darker nude lipsticks.
Essence XXXL Nude sjajilo je u konačnici koštalo oko 7,00 kn. Kako većinu vremena nosim mat ruževe, odlučila sam probati nešto drugačije. Osim dati sjaj, išla sam i na to da s ovom svijetlom nude nijansom mogu i posvijetliti i promijeniti boju tamnijim nude ruževima.
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Essence Liquid lipstick - 01 Colour Party |
Next one is Essence liquid lipstick in the shade 01 Colour Party. I already own one from this collection. Their formula is liquid, more like lipgloss so it can be applied over any lip pencil or lipstick.
Slijedeći je Essence liquid lipstick u nijansa 01 Colour Party. Već imam jedan iz kolekcije. Formula dovoljno rijetka, odnosno više je nalik sjajilu pa može ići preko bilo koje olovke ili ruža.
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Essence longlasting lipstick - 11 Nude Love |
Essence Longlasting lipstick are also on the sale because they are being discontinued. I bought this mainly to wear in combination with their XXXL lipgloss.
Essence Longlasting ruž, također snižen jer izlazi iz asortimana. Kupljen najviše da bi se kombinirao s gore navedenim sjajilom i tekućim ružem jer su slične boje.
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Essence I <3 Nude eyeshadow - 05 My Favorite Tauping |
I bought this Essence I <3 Nude eyeshadow because on one of the dupes profiles on Instagram I saw that it is a dupe for Nyx Taupe blush that many use for contour. This shade has cold greyish undertones so it could be perfect to contour with.
Essence I <3 Nude sjenilo kupljeno je jer sam na nekim dupe Instagram profilima vidjela da ih uspoređuju sa Nyx Taupe rumenilom koje mnogi koriste za konturiranje. Nijansa naginje na hladniji ton, odnosno sivo - smeđu boju.
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Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base |
This Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base is one od the products everyone should try, or so they say. Until now I have been using Essence I <3 Stage eyeshadow base which is great too, but it is too orange for me. This Catrice one is bege at first and has no color when you apply it to the lid.
Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base je jedan od onih proizvoda koji moraš imati, tako kažu. Do sada sam koristila Essence I <3 Stage bazu za sjenila koje također odlična, ali ostavlja tu neku nijansu na kapcima koja vuče na narančasto, pa ju ne mogu koristiti sada kada sam jako svijetlog tena. Ova Catrice je bijelo - bež, ali kada se razmaže, skoro je prozirna.
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Catrice Ultimate Colourlipstick - 020 Maroon |
Catrice Ultimate Colour lipstick in the shade Maroon is the perfect shade. Darker reddish nude, just the one I like.
Catrice Ultimate Colour ruž u nijansi Maroon je po meni savršeno pogođena nijansa. Tamnija nude, vuče na ciglasto - smeđe... Baš nijansa koju volim.
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Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick - 030Wood You Love Me |
Another lipstick. Catrice Ultimate Stay in the shade Wood You Love Me is different nude. More neutral, more beige and lighter than previous one.
Još jedan nude ruž. Catrice Ultimate Stay lipstick u nijansi Wood You Love Me je pak drugačiji nude. Neutralniji, više bež i svijetliji od prethodnog.
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Eveline Color Edition nailpolish |
Eveline Color Edition nailpolish in this colour is my favourite nailpolish ever. I bought it so many times and I use it on its own ow over the nailpolishes I want to lighten od give them that light baby pink shiny overlay. It is almost clear in one coat.
Eveline Color Edition lak za nokte baš u ovoj nijansi mi je najdraži lak na svijetu. Kupljen po tko zna koji put, koristim ga samostalno u nekoliko slojeva ili preko drugih lakova koje želim posvijetliti ili datim im taj svijetlo rozi sjajni finiš.
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Essence The Gel nailpolish - 35 Engaged |
This Essence nailpolish is being dicontinued as well, the colur I like, but I noticed that the glitter that it has make the nailpolish rough on nails when you touch it. That is why the previous pink nailpolish comes in handy.
Essence The Gel nailpolish u nijansi Engaged izlazi iz asortimana, boja je koja mi se sviđa, ali sam primijetila da se šljokice koje sadrži, mogu osjetiti pod prstima (ako se nanese u jednom sloju), odnosno površina nokta postane gruba i hrapava. Zato ga koristim na gore naveden način, u kombinaciji s Eveline rozim lakom.
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Za Essence Gel-look plumping top coat |
For this one I have high hopes - I hope it is going to be as good as Essence gel shine top coat. Theese kinds of nailpolishes are thicker and they should give the effect of gel nails.
Za Essence Gel-look plumping top coat se nadam da će biti dobar kao i njihov gel shine top coat. Gušće je konzistencije, a trebao bi se osušiti dajući izgled geliranih noktiju.
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Essence I <3 Trends nailpolishes |
Essence I <3 Trends collection has some pretty good shades of nailpolishes. The Nudes is my favourite, the shade I'm Lost In You is darker nude (obviously I like shades like this), mauve pink and brown... You know. :) The shade Pure Soul is a classic milky beige nailpolish, you can't go wrong with it, while the shade Sunny London is a special one. It is from The Pastels line and the shade is ligh grey and in the bottle looks almost white. Until you paint in on the nails.
Essence I <3 Trends lakovi imaju odličan izbor nijansi. The Nudes su mi najljepši, nijansa I'm Lost In You je tamna nude (očito je da padam na ovakve boje ), prljavo - rozo - smeđe... Ma vidiš i sama. :) Nijansa Pure Soul je klasični miječni bež lak, boja s kojom nikada ne možeš pogriješiti, dok je nijansa Sunny London malo posebnija. Iz The Pastels je linije, a ovo je svijetlo siva nijansa, koja u bočici izgleda gotovo bijelo. Tek se na noktima vidi da je lak ustvari siv.
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Maybelline Baby Lips |
I'm not the biggest fan of Maybelline Baby Lips.. I have few of the colored ones that don't moisturize my lips that much. I was talking to a friend of miny just before I went to the drugstore and she told me that the clear ones are better so I decided to give them a try. I like them so far. The only problem is - I have a feeling that they make the most od the lip balms in the way that they have that first layer that is great and different formula then the resto of the lip balm. So when you first try it, it is great, but then you come to the part that is not that great. I know, crazy theory, but sometimes I really think that.
Nisam veliki fan Maybelline Baby Lips balzama za usne. Imam ih nekoliko, sve nijanse ostavljaju boju na usnama, ali ih ne njeguju previše. Kako sam upravo prije odlaska u trgovinu pričala s kolegicom koja je rekla da su joj bezbojne verzije dobre, odlučila sam im dati šansu i mogu reći da sam zasad zadovoljna. Problem je u tome što ponekad imam osjećaj kao da većinu balzama za usne rade tako da vrh, odnosno gornji sloj balzama bude druge - bolje formule i kada ga tek probaš, bude odličan. Nakon nekog vremena, kako ga sve više trošim, bude sve lošiji i lošiji. Znam, luda teorija, ali ponekad mi se čini da je tako...

7 komentari
Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base kupujem prvom prilikom :)
ReplyDeleteBaby lips me razočarao jako,upravo to što si napisala i ja mislim da je tako, trenutno koristim melem i on je stvarno odličan..
Lakovi su super imam neke :D
Kupi, kupi, odličan je :)
DeleteI ja se uvijek vratim Melemu, nikad me nije razočarao :)
Odlicno!go girl :)
ReplyDeleteHvala ti! :)
DeleteHtjela bi probat catrice prime, jel icemu? :)
ReplyDeleteProbaj svakako, bolju bazu u životu nisam koristila :)
DeleteAaa super :)hvala :*