Empties #2
February 07, 2017
Balea Med 15% Urea body lotion - I mentioned this product in last Empties post. This is my favorite body lotion.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Balea Luxury Red Love gel - this is actually a bubble bath gel but I loved the scent and I used it as a shower gel. I think this was a limited edition line, correct me if I'm wrong, so if you can still find it in Dm - go and smell it.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Balea Med 15% Urea losion za tijelo - već sam ga spomenula u prošlom Empties postu. Ovo je moj najdraži losion za tijelo.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Balea Luxury Red Love kupka - ovo je zapravo kupka ali mi se miris svidio i koristila sam ga kao gel za tuširanje. Mislim da je bio dio limitirane kolekcije (ispravi me ako sam u krivu), pa ako ga pronađeš - idi pomiriši.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Alverde Tagescreme Wildrose - I have a love-hate realtionship with this face cream. It does moisturize the skin and it didn't do any harm to my skin, but it leaves some kind of a greasy and sticky film on the skin that lasts for hours.
Would I repurchase? Yes, if I couldn't find better cream.
Cien Gentle facial wash - just regular face wash, didn't do anything special for my skin. I used it mostly in the mornings, when I don't need to take any makeup off.
Would I repurchase? No.
Alverde Tagescreme Wildrose - imam love-hate odnos s ovom kremom. Hidratizira kožu i nije mi napravila nered na licu, a opet ostavlja taj neki masnjikavo ljepljivi trag na koži koji se osjeti satima kasnije.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, u nedostatku bolje kreme.
Cien Gentle facial wash - sasvim solidan gel za umivanje, ali nije napravio ništa posebno za moju kožu. Koristila sam ga najviše ujutro, odnosno kad ne trebam skidati šminku.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Afrodita Calendula hand cream - great hand cream, absorbs quickly and doesn't feel greasy.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Hipp Wundschutz cream - I bought this a long time ago and used just for drying out the pimples. And it did help. Then I moved on on some other creams and forgot about it. It changed the texture since then and I have to throw it out.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Afrodita Calendula hand cream - odlična krema za ruke, brzo se upija i ne ostavlja masni trag.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Hipp Wundschutz cream - kupila sam ju davno i koristila ciljano na dijelovima lica koji su mi bili problematični i pomogla mi je kod prištića. Onda sam otkrila neke nove kreme i zaboravila na ovu. Od tada je promijenila teksturu i moram ju baciti.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Nuxe Prodigieux body lotion - I used up this tester in one application so I don't really know what to think. I did like the scent though.
Would I repurchase? Yes, just to try it out more.
Eveline Art Scenic makeup base - really good silicone face primer. I wrote a review here if you want to know more.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Nivea BB cream - meh. Nothing special really. Too sheer and watery, goes on a bit patchy
Would I repurchase? No.
Nuxe Prodigieux body lotion - iskoristila sam ovaj tester u jednom nanošenju, pa ne znam što misliti. Ipak, svidio mi se miris.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, samo da ga malo bolje isprobam.
Eveline Art Scenic makeup base - odličan silikonski primer. Napisala sam recenziju ovdje ako želiš saznati više.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Nivea BB cream - meh. Ništa posebno, zaista. Nema nikakvo prekrivanje i vodenasta je, ne nanosi se ravnomjerno.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Maybelline Baby Lips Intense care - I really don't know why I keep giving the Baby Lips so many chances. Bad, just bad.
Would I repurchase? No.
Would I repurchase? No.
Eveline Caviar prestige night cream - when I bought it, I had no idea that it has such cool packaging. It is a decent cream, it is not too heavy so you can use it during the day too. It also smells good. I haven't noticed any improvement in my skin, but it didn't make it worse either.
Would I repurchase? No, I found better face creams.
Neutro Roberts extra delicate deodorant - Powder Fresh - I love this deodorant and I keep repurchasing it. This scent is also my favorite one.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Maybelline Baby Lips Intense care - ne znam žašto Baby Lipsima dajem šansu. Loše, loše.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Eveline Caviar prestige night cream - kada sam ju kupila, nisam imala pojma da je pakiranje ovako fora. Krema je dobra, nije preteška i može se koristiti i preko dana. Miris je također odličan. Nisam primjetila poboljšanje, ali ni pogoršanje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne, pronašla sam i bolje kreme za lice.
Neutro Roberts extra delicate deodorant - Powder Fresh - volim ovaj dezedorans i uvijek mu se vraćam. Ovo mi je najdraži iz cijele linije.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Catrice Prime and Fine smoothing refiner primer - it was nice while it lasted. It blurs the pores and smooths the skin but I didn't like the jar packaging. I hated digging my fingers in it and getting it under my nails.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Essence Pure Skin anti spot compact powder - 01 Beige - I actually broke it and threw it all away. But I'm not sorry. This is not a good product. It is too stiff and you couldn't get any product on the brush or on your finger either. Just no.
Would I repurchase? No.
Catrice Matt Mousse foundation - 011 Light Beige - this is an old packaging and it still has some of the product left, but I think it is time to throw it away. It was ok, I like to use it during the summer, when my skin is not that dry. It has one downside though - the shade range (everything is a bit orange).
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Catrice Prime and Fine smoothing refiner primer - bio je dobar dok je trajao. Popunjava pore i zaglađuje kožu, ali mi se nije sviđalo pakiranje.Ne volim zabadati prste u njega i onda mi uđe pod nokte...
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Essence Pure Skin anti spot compact powder - 01 Beige - zapravo mi je pao i slomio se, pa sam ga bacila. Ali nije mi žao. Ovo nije dobar proizvod. Pretvrd je i ne ostaje ni na prstu, a kamoli na kistu.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Catrice Matt Mousse foundation - 011 Light Beige - ovo je staro pakiranje i još uvijek ima proizvoda u njemu, ali je vrijeme da ga bacim. Bio je ok, koristila sam ga ljeti, kada mi koža nije toliko suha. Jedina zamjerka je izbor nijansi - sve su pomalo narančaste.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Eveline Color edition nailpolish - 914 - my favorite nailpolish ever. I can already see it in every Empties post because I just love everything about it.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Avon Extreme Gloss lip gloss - Blossom Shine - this is so old, it changed the scent. But I did like it at the time. Also, I like the shade.
Would I repurchase? Yes, but I'm sure it is discontinued.
Essence No makeup look nailpolish - 01 Powdery Rose - this is a very similar shade to the previous nailpolish and that drew me to it. It has semi-matte finish that I don't actually like, but it also dried in less than a month.
Would I repurchase? No.
Eveline Color edition nailpolish - 914 - najdraži lak. Već vidim da će se nalaziti u svakom Empties postu jer ga obožavam.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Avon Extreme Gloss lip gloss - Blossom Shine - ovo je toliko staro i promijenilo je miris, ali dok sam ga koristila bio mi je dobar. Također, i nijansa mi se sviđa.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, iako se vjerojatno više niti ne proizvode.
Essence No makeup look nailpolish - 01 Powdery Rose
- jako slična nijansa prethodnom laku i to me i privuklo. Ovaj lak ima
neki polu-mat finiš što mi se ne sviđa, a i osušio se u roku mjesec
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Essence Stay all day 16h concealer - 10 Natural Beige - I liked using it at days when I don't have too much makeup on and it works fine.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer - 020 Light Beige - my favorite drugstore concealer. Covers the imperfections very well and I like the shades.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Catrice All Matt plus foundation - 010 Light Beige - for me, this is a great foundation for everyday. This is the lightest shade and it is too light for me, so I used it for lightening up other foundations.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Essence Stay all day 16h concealer - 10 Natural Beige - volim ga koristiti kao svakodnevni korektor ispod očiju, kada ne nosim previše šminke.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer - 020 Light Beige - ovo je moj nadraži drogerijski korektor za ispod očiju. Ima dobro prekrivanje i sviđaju mi se nijanse.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Catrice All Matt plus foundation - 010 Light Beige - meni je ovo odličan svakodnevni puder. Ovo je najsvijetlija nijansa i meni je čak presvijetla, pa sam ga miješala s puderima koji su mi pretamni.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Catrice Re-touch light reflecting concealer - 005 Light Nude - this is a good lightweight concealer that doesn't feel drying on the under eyes. The big downside if the amount of the product you get - 1.5 ml. I used it up in a few applications.
Would I repurchase? No.
Essence liquid eyeliner - doesn't have a name because it is really old. I kept it for this long just for the reference for future eyeliners - it had the best brush applicator ever!
Would I repurchase? Yes, but I'm sure it doesn't exist anymore.
Catrice liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black - my current favorite eyeliner. Review is here.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Catrice Re-touch light reflecting concealer - 005 Light Nude - dobar lagani korektor koji ne isušuje područje ispod očiju. Velika mana je količina proizvoda koju dobiješ - 1.5 ml. Potrošila sam ga u nekoliko korištenja.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Essence liquid eyeliner - nema ime jer je jako star. Jedini razlog zašto sam ga čuvala ovoliko dugo je radi usporedbe s novim tekućim tuševima - imao je najbolji kistić ikad!
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, iako više ne postoji.
Catrice liquid liner - 010 Dating Joe Black - trenutni najdraži tuš. Recenzija je ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
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