New in #1
January 21, 2016
In this post I will show you the things I bough during last few weeks, there is enough for a New in post.
U postu predstavljam neke nove stvari koje sam kupila kroz prošlih par tjedana, skupilo se toga za jedan New in.

List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Catrice Prime and Fine anti-red base
- Beauty UK Pro Gel eyeliner - Espresso Brown
- Nivea Men After shave Balm
- Essence Pure Skin compact powder - 01 Beige
- Catrice Matt bronzer LE Nomadic Traces - review here
- Beauty UK Baked Blush - 03 Halo
- Beauty UK Baked Bronzer - 04 Godess
- Essence Lashes to Impress lash glue
- Eveline 3D Slik Effect lipgloss - 249
- Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage concealer - 010
- Maybelline Lash Sensational lash multiplying mascara - Extra black
- Essence Merry Berry Scented Gold Dust powder
- Catrice Liquid Camouflage cream concealer - 10 Natural beige
- Catrice Re-touch Light reflecting concealer - 005 Light Nude
- Essence longlasting lipliner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino
- Look by Bipa lipliner - 1 Wood
- Look by Bipa lipliner - 3 Hazel
- Balea Luxury Golden Glamour oil
- Byphasse Face soft toner lotion
- Byphasse Nourishing body milk
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Catrice Prime and Fine anti-red base |
I always have hard time covering the redness on my face so I am trying color correcting. Since green neutralizes red, I am hoping this primer will help.
Oduvijek muku mučim s crvenilom lica, pa isprobavam color correcting i nadam se da će ovaj mint zeleni Catrice primer pomoći.
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Nivea Men aftershave balm |
Everyone is going crazy for this aftershave applied as a primer. I had to buy it. Now I can't wait to try it!
Svi lude za ovim aftershaveom i koriste ga kao primer. Morala sam ga kupiti i jedva čekam slijedeće šminkanje da vidim da li stvarno djeluje kao što kažu.
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Beauty UK Pro Gel eyeliner |
Beauty UK has some pretty good gel eyeliners, I have the blue one and I use it often. This brown one I bought for that times when I want a bit more subtle eyeliner than the black one. Also the eyeliners in gel form are the easier and quicker to apply.
Beauty UK ima dobre eyelinere, imam plavi i koristim ga često. Ovaj smeđi sam kupila jer ponekad poželim nositi malo manje upadljiv eyeliner od crnoga, a volim eyelinere u gelu, puno se jednostavnije i brže nanose.
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Essence Pure Skin compact powder |
I am always on the search for good setting powder and all of the ones I tried so far have are translucent or white. Essence says that this one should lighten spots and blackheads and I don't believe in that but we shall see...
Također sam uvijek u potrazi za dobrim setting puderom, a sve koje dosad imam nemaju boje, odnosno ili su bijeli ili prozirni (translucent). Essence kaže da bi ovaj trebao posvjetljivati mrlje i smanjiti mitesere, ne vjerujem da je tako ali...
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Catrice Matt Bronzer Nomadic Traces LE |
Catrice Matt Bronzer Nomadic traces is the prettiest bronzer I have ever seen. The product itself but also the packaging. I already know I will like this one and that I will be sad because it is a part of limited collection.
Catrice Matt Bronzer Nomadic Traces je najljepši bronzer koji sam ikada vidjela, kako sam proizvod tako i pakiranje u kojem se nalazi. Već vidim da će mi se svidjeti i da ću žaliti što je dio limitirane kolekcije.
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Beauty UK Baked blush & bronzer |
This Beauty UK baked blush is going to be such a pretty highlighter, but for the bronzer... It seems a bit dark for my skin tone right now. It is going to have to wait for the summer.
Ovo Beauty UK baked rumenilo se čini kao da će biti jako lijep highligher, dok za bronzer ne znam baš... Čini se pretaman za mene trenutno pa će pričekati ljeto.
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Essence Lashes to Impress lash glue |
I needed some lash glue to practice applying false lashes and this one was cheap. :)
Trebala sam ljepilo za umjetne trepavice tek da se naučim stavljati ih, a ovo je bilo među jeftinijima :).
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Eveline 3D Silk Effect lipgloss |
You can go wrong with the nude lip gloss, am I right? This
Eveline lip glosses aren't that sticky and I always avoid wearing lip glosses
because of the stickiness.
S nude sjajilom ne možeš pogriješiti, zar ne? Ova linija
Eveline sjajila nije jako ljepljiva, a inače izbjegavam koristiti sjajilo baš
zbog te ljepljivosti.
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Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer |
Catrice Camouflage cream in a little jar is my holy grail product. When Catrice came out with the liquid version, I waited for reviews before I bought it. As it turns out, some are saying that this liquid version is better than the old cream one so I am excited to try this.
Catrice kamuflaža u posudici je moj "holy grail" proizvod. Kada sam čula da Catrice izbacuje i tekuću verziju, pričekala sam recenzije prije kupovine. Ispostavilo se da je nekima i bolji od one stare verzije i veselim ga se probati.
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Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara |
The most popular mascara in 2015, everyone loves it and everyone is writing reviews on it. I have high expectations after reading them but Maybelline mascaras weren't that good for me... We'll see.
Najpopularnija maska 2015. godine, svi ju vole, svi ju recenziraju. Imam velika očekivanja nakon svih recenzija, ali dosada mi nijedna Maybelline maskara nije pasala... Vidjet ćemo.
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Essence Merry Berry Scented Gold Dust Powder |
From all the Essence Merry Berry limited edition collection, I got only this Scented gold dust powder. I was going to buy the lipsticks, they looked great on the photos, but in person... Not good, the pigmentation is not that great. So that I don't leave empty hands, this cute bottle find its place in my cart. Partly because it is glitter, partly because of the packaging.
Iz cijele limitirane Merry Berry Essence kolekcije, kupila sam samo ovaj Scented gold dust powder. Mislila sam uzeti ruževe, odlično su izgledali na slikama, ali uživo... Ma grozni su, pigmentacija je jako loša. Da ne odem praznih ruku, ovaj presladak proizvod se našao u mojoj košarici. Što zbog šljokica, što zbog pakiranja.
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Essence Camouflage Cream Concealer |
Essence too came out with camouflage concealer. I hope it is going to be as good as the Catrice one formula wise, but here you even get two shades in one.
I Essence je izbacio svoju kamuflažu. Nadam se da će biti i upola dobra kao Catrice, što se tiče formule, a ovdje dobiješ čak i dvije nijanse u jednome.
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Catrice Re-touch Light-reflecting concealer |
I have heard that this is the best concealer for dry under eyes. It doesn't have high coverage and this is the only downside. For now, I like the twist up and brush applicator.
Čula sam da je ovaj korektor najbolji korektor ako imaš suho okoloočno područje. Nema veliku moć prekrivanja, što mu je jedina mana. Zasada mi se sviđa aplikator na odvrtanje i mali kistić.
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Essence Longlasting lipliner & Look by Bipa lipliners |
We all know that Essence lip pencils are the best ones out there but I didn't try the new line. Lovely Frappuccino seemed like the one to try because I like to try the nude shades first.
Look by Bipa lipliner I have also tried so I know that they are good.
Znamo da su Essence olovke za usne najbolje olokve na tržištu. Zasada nemam ni jednu iz nove linije. Lovely frappuccino se činio kao dobar potez s obzirom da volim prvo isprobati nude nijanse.
Look by Bipa olovke također imam, znam da su dobre.
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Balea Luxury golden Glamour oil |
Glitter, glitter... What more can I say?
Šljokice, šljokice... Što više reći?
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Byphasse Face toner & Body milk |
Byphasse in the new brand in Croatian Dm. I've decided to thy out this body milk and face toner because they smell good.
Byphasse je relativno nova marka u DM-u. Odlučila sam isprobati mlijeko za tijelo i toner jer divno mirišu.

4 komentari
Probala sam ovaj Catrice primer i uzasno sam se razocarala. Sama konzistencija proizvoda je precudna, kao da sadrzi nekakve sljokice i nimalo ne sluzi svrsi. Imala sam dosta visoka ocekivanja i mislila sam da ce mi zaista smanjiti crvenilo, buduci da je onaj drugi Catrice primer prime and fine koji sam koristila bio odlican, ali jednostavno ga vise nisam mogla koristiti.
ReplyDeleteI meni se čini da sadrži šljokice, ne vidim čemu služe u ovakvom proizvodu. :( Ne koristim ga po cijelom licu, samo na par mjesta gdje mi izbija crvenilo, ali ni tu ne vidim veliku razliku, nažalost..
DeleteKakva je ova nova Maybelline maskara? I ako ju možeš usporedit s onom prvotnom verzijom?
ReplyDeletePrva mi je bila super, a sad moram kupiti opet pa ne znam da li da se držim stare ili probam tu novu :)
Odlična je, recenzija je na :) Ako budem imala prilike, usporedit ću ih, iako sad kad ih gledam i čitam recenzije, ne vidim nikakve razlike :)