Essence lipsticks - 03 Come Naturally & 06 Barely There!
January 17, 2016
Essence is affordable makeup brand that launches new collections pretty often, but their lipsticks never fascinated me, mostly because of the not so good pigmentation.
When the new line replaced that old one, I was pleasently suprised because they changed the formula of the lipsticks and now they are much better.
I like the darker nude shades and this two I had to buy. The first one is 03 Come Naturally, and the other one is 06 Barely There!. At the first glance, the shades are similar, but Come Naturally is mush cold toned. This is dusty mauve pink shade that looks a bit purple, while Barely There! is more warmer, reddish shade.
Essence je pristupačan brend koji često izbacuje nove kolekcije, ali njihovi ruževi me nikad nisu posebno fascinirali, najviše zbog slabe pigmentacije.
Kada su ovi novi zamijenili staru kolekciju, ugodno me iznenadilo što su promijenili i formulu ruževa te se ne mogu usporediti sa starom kolekcijom.
Kako su mi najdraže tamnije nude i nijanse boje mesa, ova dva ruža sam morala kupiti.
Prvi od njih je 03 Come Naturally, a drugi 06 Barely There!. Nijanse su slične na prvi pogled, ali Come Naturally je hladnijeg tona. Ovo je prljavo rozo - siva nijansa i vuče na ljubičasto, dok je Barely There! toplija, crvenkasto smeđa tamno nude nijansa.
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Essence 03 Come Naturally & 06 Barely There! |
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Lijevo - 03 Come Naturally, desno - 06 Barely There! |
Both of the lipsticks have the same plastic minimal packaging, which I like because it looks simple and clean.
Come Naturally is from their "Nude" collection, and every packaging of those lipsticks are the same color as the shade of the lipstick inside.
Barely There is part of the "Long lasting" collection and the packaging is matte black with the stripe that shows the color of the lipstick inside. Both of them are sturdy and didn't break even though I dropped them a few times. :)
Oba ruža dolaze u istom plastičnom minimalističkom pakiranju, koje je meni osobno jako lijepo jer izgledaju čisto i jednostavno.
Come Naturally je iz njihove "Nude" kolekcije, a pakiranje svih njih je iste boje kao i nijansa ruža.
Barely There je iz "Longlasting" kolekcije, a oni dolaze u mat crnom pakiranju s crtom koja prikazuje nijansu ruža. Pakiranja su otporna na otiske prstiju i nisu se slomili iako su mi pali par puta :).
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Essence 03 Come Naturally & 06 Barely There! |
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Essence 03 Come Naturally & 06 Barely There! |
The lipsticks are creamy and easy to apply, but at the same time a bit vaxy so they feel like you are applying a lip balm. They aren't sticky at all.
These aren't the most pigmented lipstick, but they aren't bad. You have to apply it in a few layers to ger the best color intensity if you wear them alone, so I suggest using the lip pencil underneath.
Also, they don't last that long, they won't stay on the lips if you are drinking / eating because of their creaminess, so again, the lip pencil helps.
Što se tiče teksture
ruževa, kremasti su i lako se nanose, pomalo voskasti pa imam osjećaj kao da nanosim balzam za usne. Nisu ni malo ljepljivi.
Ovo nisu najbolje pigmentirani ruževi na svijetu, ali nisu ni loši. Moraju se nanijeti u par slojeva da bi se postigao pravi intenzitet nijanse ako ih nanosiš same, pa svakako predlažem olovku za usne ispod.
Trajnost im također nije jača strana, neće ostati na usnama ako jedeš / piješ baš zato što su jako kremasti, tu ponovno pomaže olovka.
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Lijevo - 03 Come Naturally, desno - 06 Barely There! |
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Lijevo - 03 Come Naturally, desno - 06 Barely There! |
For me personally, these two shades are everyday shades that I like to wear because I don't feel them on my lips, but their low price is also a great thing.
Za mene su ovo odlične neutralne svakodnevne nijanse koje volim nositi jer ih ne osjećam na usnama, a dostupnost i cijena su im svakako još jedan plus.
Essence ruževe možeš pronaći u svim drogerijama po cijeni od 19,90kn za 3,8 grama proizvoda.

1 komentari
ja sam s ovim 03 ružem izgledala ko zombi zbog te sivo ljubičaste nijanse, bolji mi je 05.