
L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay line

April 13, 2017

If you like to spend your time on social networks, I'm sure you noticed that everyone is taking pictures and talking about new L'oreal line called L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay collection that has a hair mask, shampoo and conditioner. There is also a dry shampoo within the line.

This line has 3 types of clay and it is suppose to help with greasy roots and purify the hair, but it also claims to make the hair as nice just as it was on the first day for next 3 days.

Ako si poslijednjih nekoliko mjeseci često na društvenim mrežama, nisi mogla ne primijetiti da svi slikaju i pričaju o novoj L'oreal liniji maske, šampona i regeneratora pod nazivom L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay collection. Sadrži još i šampon za suho pranje koji nisam isprobala.

Linija sadrži tri vrste gline koje bi trebali pomoći kod masnog vlasišta i temeljito očistiti kosu, ali obećava i da će nakon trećeg dana kosa biti svježa kao prvog dan nakon pranja.

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay collection

The first this you would want to use is a mask. This is a pre-shampoo treatment that is supposed to go on the roots of the hair, so it could soak up the greasiness and deep clean the roots. It is a thick, creamy mask that has an uncommon scent. I find it to be pretty pleasant actually.

I apply it with my fingers because I find it to be easier to apply all over the scalp. Usually, I leave it for 15 to 30 minutes. It makes the hair hard and crunchy, but rinses easily. And also it leaves the hair close to the roots feeling softer.

Prva koju koristiš je maska. Ovo je tretman prije pranja i koristi se na korijenu, a trebao bi upiti masnoću iz kose i očisti vlasište. Maska ima teksturu kao gušća krema, miris je neobičan ali meni ugodan.

Ja sam ju nanosila prstima jer mi je tako najlakše doći do tjemena. Ostavljala sam ju 15-ak minuta do pola sata. U to vrijeme se skori na kosi, ali se lagano ispire. Taj dio kose uz korijen je osjetno mekši, što zapravo ova maska niti ne obećava.

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Mask

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Mask

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Mask

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Mask

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Mask

The shampoo is pretty concentrated and foams up easily. It washes out the mask residue completely and has a light fresh scent. I shampoo my hair twice and use just a small amount of product.

After you rinse it off, you can feel that the hair is clean - you don't feel any product residue under the fingers, but it doesn't make the hair dry.

Šampon je dosta koncentriran i lako se zapjeni, bez problema ispire ostatke maske i ima lagani, svježi miris. Kosu šamponiram dva puta i to s vrlo malom količinom proizvoda.

Nakon ispiranja, osjeti se da je kosa čista, odnosno ne osjetiš nikakve ostatke proizvoda pod prstima, a opet nije isušena.

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo

The conditioner is liquidy, just like most of the L'oreal conditioners. When I apply it, I tend to put my hair in a towel and leave it like that for at least 15 minutes and then I wash it out. It makes the hair a bit softer, but it doesn't make it feel like there is something on your hair. The scent is similar to shampoo.

Regenerator je vodenast, kao i većina drugih L'oreal regeneratora. Kad ga nanesem, zamotam kosu u ručnik te držim barem 15 minuta, te tada isperem. Kosa je mekša na dodir, ali se ne osjeti kao da imaš nešto u kosi. Miris je sličan kao i šamponu.

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

L'oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Conditioner

Let's get on the most important question - does it make the 3-day-hair the same as the first day you washed it?

First, let me tell you about my hair. Usually my hair is the same 2 days after washing it, but on the 3rd day I notice that it is just a little bit greasy on the top of the head and around the face (because of my skincare). If I go through that day without putting it in a ponytail or a bun, on the 4th day I have to because you can see that it is greasy.

Since I've been using this trio, I didn't notice that I get an extra day or two of non-greasy hair. But lets be realistic here, that comes from the inside, because I don't use any extra special products that would make my hair greasy. It would be silly to expect for something that I use on the outside to make a big difference.

But, my hair is noticeably softer, not so dry and I don't get that many flyaway little hair strands that are shorter than the rest of the hair and pint out of my head, if you know what I'm talking about. The hair seems more smooth.

Idemo na najbitniju stvar - da li je kosa nakon tri dana ista kao nakon pranja? 

Najprije da ti kažem kakvu kosu imam. Inače mogu izdržati dva dana nakon pranja da se ne masti, dok se već treći dan primijeti da je malo masnija i to najviše uz lice (radi svega što koristim za njegu lica) i visoko na tjemenu. Ako izdržim taj treći dan da ju ne vežem u rep ili punđu, četvrti dan to svakako napravim jer je tada već vidiljivo masna uz korijen.

Ipak, odkako koristim ovaj trojac, nisam primijetila da dobijem extra dan ili dva ne-masne kose. Budimo realni, to dolazi iznutra, jer ne koristim nikakve posebne proizvode na kosi koji bi u zamastili, pa nije ni za očekivati da će nešto što koristimo izvana napraviti veliku promjenu.

Ali, kosa je primjetno mekanija, nije toliko suha i ne "leti" toliko kao prije. Nema onih malih dlaka koji su kraće od ostale dužine kose koji strše, već je kosa nekako zaglađenija. 

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1 komentari

  1. Slažem se s tobom, i ja sam imala jednake dojmove! Proizvodi mi nisu produžili vrijeme između pranja, ali je zato kosa bila jako zaglađena i svježa. :)


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