
Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

October 19, 2016

Recently I received a package from Makeup Revolution with some of their newer releases. Amongst them there were 5 of their lipsticks - Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks in the shades Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend and Chauffer. To be honest, until now, I wasn't really impressed with their lipsticks, mainly because of the lack of pigmentation, but as soon as I read "matte", I secretly hoped that these will be different. They turned to be one of the best MUR lipstick and also one of the best matte lipsticks I tried so far.

Nedavno sam dobila paketić od Makeup Revolutiona s nekoliko proizvoda, a između njih je bilo i pet ruževa - Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks u nijansama Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend i Chauffer. Dosada nisam imala bajna iskustva s MUR ruževima, najviše radi slabije pigmentacije, ali sam se potajno nadala da će s ovima biti drugačije čim sam pročitala da su mat. Ispostavilo se da su ovo jedni od boljih MUR ruževa, a također od mat ruževa koje sam dosad isprobala.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

They come in a matte black bullet packaging and obviously were inspired by MAC lipsticks. The also have rose gold part on the inside that you can see in the middle of the lipstick even when it is closed. The bottom part shows the shade but they do have a sticker also with the name of the shade. They close very well and you can hear that "click" when you close them.

Dolaze u mat crnom pakiranju i obliku metka te me podsjećaju na MAC ruževe. Imaju rozo zlatnu unutrašnjost koja se može vidjeti po sredini i kada je ruž zatvoren. Donji dio prikazuje nijansu, te također imaju i naljepnicu na kojoj se vidi naziv. Dobro se zatvaraju te se čuje onaj "klik".

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

They have hat artificial vanilla scent that I personally don't mind, and also it doesn't last long after you apply the lipsticks.

Also, they have a bit dry texture, which is normal for matter lipsticks, but they do glide nicely on the lips.

The pigmentation is god, the shades Diamond Life and Red Carpet have a great color pay off in one application, but the shades Best Friend and Chauffer require some building up. I also noticed that the pink shade, Best Friend tend to sink in the lines on the lips.

They last a really long time. On me, they stayed on up to 5 hours without smudging and bleeding even when I was consuming beverages. I had to re-apply them in the inner part of the lips that left a stain on the glass over time. They last a lot longer if you use a lip liner underneath them.

They do have a tendency to dry out the lips and to emphasize the lines on your lips so I recommend using a scrub and to hydrate the lips before applying the lipsticks. But, that dryness is nothing compared to liquid lipsticks, but if you are used to creamy lipsticks, I though you should know.

Imaju umjetni slatkasti miris vanilije koji meni osobno ne smeta, a niti se na zadržava dugo na usnama. 

Tekstura im je dosta suha, što je i za očekivati od mat ruževa, ali se lijepo razmazuju. 

Pigmentacija im je dobra, nijanse Diamond Life i Red Carpet daju potpuno prekrivanje u jednom nanosu, dok je nijanse Best Friend i Chauffer potrebno malo nadograditi. Primijetila sam da se roza nijansa, Best Friend zna skupljati u linijama na usnama.

Trajnost ruževa je odlična, izdržali su mi i do 5 sati na usnama bez razmazivanja dok sam konzumirala pića, a morala sam ih ponovno nanijeti tek na unutarnji dio koji se preslikao na čašu tijekom vremena. Trajnost im se puno produžuje ako ih naneseš preko olovke za usne.

Lagano isušuju usne i naglašavaju svaku liniju na usnama, pa prepručujem da prije nanošenja svakako napraviš piling i dobro hidratiziraš usne. Ipak, to isušivanje je ništa naspram tekućih mat ruževa, ali ako si navikla samo na kremaste ruževe, bolje da ti napomenem.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

When I saw the shades they sent me, I was pleasently suprised. 3 of them were totally my cup of tea and something I would pick for myself. Just that pink one... I'm not that into that one because I don't wear neon colors on my lips but I did try it.

Kada sam vidjela nijanse koje su mi poslali, bila sam ugodno iznenađena. 3 od njih su nešto što bih i ja sama odabrala za sebe. Samo ta roza... Ne nosim često (čitaj: nikako) neonse nijanse na usnama ali sam ga ipak isprobala.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

The shade Diamod Life is a dark red, burgundy shade with a hint of purple. I like to wear these kind of dark vamp shades all year around, but especially in the fall.

Nijansa Diamond Life je tamno crvena, bordo nijansa sa mrvicu ljubičaste. Volim nositi ovakve tamne vamp nijanse tijekom cijele godine, a pogotovo u jesen.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life

The shade Red Carpet is a classic blue toned red that makes your teeth whiter. When I do wear brighter red shades like this, I usually go for the ones that have a matte finish so this is the shade I wore the most out of the 4.

Nijansa Red Carpet je klasična crvena s hladnim podtonom koja čini zube bijelima. Kada nosim ovakve jače crvene nijanse, obično posežem za mat finišem kao što je ovaj ruž. Od ova 4 ruža, ovu nijansu sam najčešće nosila.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Red Carpet

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Red Carpet

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Red Carpet

The shade Best Friend is my least favorite and I wore it only once, but this doesn't mean it is a bad lipstick. This is a white based bright neon pink that I don't find to be most flattering on my skin tone.

Nijansa Best Friend mi se najmanje sviđa i nosila sam ju samo jednom, ali to ne znači da je ovo loš ruž. Ovo je jaka neonska roza nijansa koja je jaka baš radi te bijele baze. Ne sviđa mi se kako izgleda na meni.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Best Friend

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Best Friend

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Best Friend

The shade Chauffer is the only nude shade that I got. I am picky when it comes to the nude shades that I like to wear. I like them to be a bit darker because my lips are pretty pigmented naturally and more pinky nude, which this shade isn't. It is more brown, I even notice a hints of gray or purple in it. But, I do like it and I am wearing it a lot.

Nijansa Chauffer se jedina nude nijansa koju sam dobila, a poprilično sam izbirljiva kada biram nude nijanse za sebe. Volim da su tamnije jer su mi usne prirodno jače pigmentirane i da imaju mrvicu rozog u sebi, što ova nijansa nema. Više je smeđa, čak primijetim i mrvicu sive ili ljubičaste. Ipak, sviđa mi se i nosim ju.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Chauffer

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Chauffer

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Chauffer

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life, Red Carpet, Best Friend & Chauffer

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Diamond Life

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Red Carpet

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Best Friend

Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro lipsticks - Chauffer

The price is £2.49 on TAM Beauty webshopu (link here).

Cijena im je £2.49 na TAM Beauty webshopu (link ovdje).

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5 komentari

  1. Isto kao i tebi, svi mi se sviđaju osim rozog :))

  2. Ni ja nemam dobra iskustva s njihovim ruževima pa ih ugl izbjegavam. No Chauffer ću si nabavit, odlično izgleda.

    1. Lijepo je vidjeti da izlaze s novim, boljim formulama. Oni prvi, obični su bili baš loši. :)


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