Favorites #1 - summer 2016
September 23, 2016
Favorites of Summer 2016 are here.
Favoriti ljeta 2016. su spremni.
List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
- Aussie 3 minute miracle - moisture
- Byphasse Solution Micellaire
- Biobaza Golden Sun super tanning golden marmelade
- Avon Naturals body spray - Vanilla & Sandalwood
- Avon Naturals body spray - Jasmine
- DIY Fix + spray
- Balea Golden Shine body spray
- Balea Golden Glamour body oil
- Essence The Gel nail polish - 33 Wild White Ways
- Essence Colour & Care strenghtening nail polish - 03 Happy Nails
- Kiko Quick Dry nail lacquer - 802
- Essence Gel eye pencil waterproof - 01 Black Blaze
- Cien lip gloss - 39 Fairy Tale
- Cien lip gloss - 30 Nude Lips
- Kiko Smart lip pencil - 700
- Kiko Smart lip pencil - 703
- Essence lip liner - 11 In the Nude
- Essence Long lasting lip liner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino
- Loreal Lumi Magiqe light infusing foundation - D/W3
- Cien BB cream - light
- Manhattan Soft Mat loose powder - Natural 1
- Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze
- Essence The beach house beach glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun
- Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit
- Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be my Highlight
- Makeup Revolution - Iconic Pro 1 eyeshadow palette
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Aussie 3 minute miracle - moisture, Byphasse Solution Micellaire, Biobaza Golden Sun super tanning golden marmelade, Avon Naturals body spray - Vannila & Sandalwood and Jasmine, DIY Fix + spray |
I've been using Aussie 3 minute miracle Moisture since July and I've been loving it since the first time I used it. So, my hair is getting longer and by that, drier and this particular conditioner is the only thing that makes it soft. And - it smells like a bubble gum. I use it after I wash my hair with a shampoo and I leave it on the hair for at least 15 minutes and rinse off.
Byphasse Solution Micellaire is the thing I've also been using since July. It takes all of my makeup off in seconds.
I wrote about Biobaza Golden Sun super tanning golden marmelade here, so if you already seen it, you know that it really works and how much I love it.
Avon Naturals body spray - Vanilla & Sandalwood i Jasmine are scented body sprays. They don't last that long on the skin since they aren't perfumes, but are perfect for on the go use during the day. They have a bunch of other scents and I also spray them on the clothes.
How I make my DIY Fix + spray is described here and I use it as a setting spray, to intensify the eyeshadows etc.
Aussie 3 minute miracle Moisture koristim od srpnja, a obožavam ga odkako sam ga prvi put isprobala. Što mi je kosa duža, imam sve većih problema sa suhoćom, a ovaj regenerator ju jedini ostavlja mekanom. Plus - miriši po žvakaćim gumama. Koristim ga nakon pranja te držim barem 15 minuta na kosi, zatim isperem.
Byphasse Solution Micellaire također koristim od srpnja te savršeno skida svu šminku s lica.
O Biobaza Golden Sun super tanning golden marmelade sam pisala ovdje, pa ako si pročitala post, znaš da stvarno djeluje i koliko ju volim.
Avon Naturals body spray - Vanilla & Sandalwood i Jasmine su mirišljavi sprejevi za tijelo. Ne traju dugo jer nisu parfemi, ali su odlični za korištenje tijekom dana. Imaju hrpu mirisa za izabrati i nisu skupi, a sprejam ih i po odjeći.
Kako radim svoj DIY Fix + spray sam opisala ovdje, a koristim ga kao završni sprej na licu, za dobivanje intenzivnije nijanse sjenila i slično.
Both of these Balea glitter body things I reviewed here and I've been using them all summer on my legs, shoulders, chest... I usually use them together because one has subtle glitter and the other one has bigger glitter particles so they work perfect together.
Essence The Gel nail polish - 33 Wild White Ways is the nail polish that I used all the time to paint my toes. And when I didn't use that one, I used Essence Colour & Care strenghtening nail polish - 03 Happy Nails. Kiko Quick Dry nail lacquer - 802 was so many times on my nails. It is a summer peachy shade with gold reflex.
Oba Balea proizvoda sa šljokicama sam opisala u ovom postu, a koristila sam ih cijelo ljeto na nogama, ramenima, dekolteu... Obično ih kombiniram zajedno jer jedan ima sitne, a drugi veće šljokice te se savršeno nadopunjuju.
Essence The Gel nail polish - 33 Wild White Ways je lak kojim sam stalno lakirala nokte na nogama. A ako nisam koristila njega, koristila sam Essence Colour & Care strenghtening nail polish - 03 Happy Nails. Kiko Quick Dry nail lacquer - 802 mi je najčešće bio na rukama jer je prava ljetna peachy nijansa sa zlatnim odsjajem.
I used Essence gel eye pencil waterproof - 01 Black Blaze all the time in the waterline because it just doesn't smudge or bleed during the day. I wrote about it here.
Cien lip gloss - 39 Fairy Tale i Nude Lips are a huge suprise to me. I don't usually like lip glosses, but these two are less pigmented, glossy and not sticky. These two are the only ones I also use at the moment.
I didn't experiment much with the colors this summer and most of the time I wore nude tones. About Kiko ones I wrote here. 700 is a brown nude shade and 703 is a orange red shade which I used the most during summer. Another two nude shades that I wore are Essence lip liner - 11 In the Nude and Essence Longlasting lip liner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino.
Essence Gel eye pencil waterproof - 01 Black Blaze sam često koristila u waterlineu jer ne blijedi i ne razmazuje se. O njemu sam pisala ovdje.
Cien lip gloss - 39 Fairy Tale i Nude Lips su pravo iznenađenje. Inače ne volim sjajila, ali ova su malo slabije pigmentiranja, sjajna i nisu ljepljiva. Ovo su jedina sjajila koja trenutno koristim.
Nisam nešto eksperimentirala s bojama te sam najviše nosila neutralne nijanse sa prethodno spomenutim sjajilima. O Kiko Smart lip pencil sam pisala ovdje. 700 je smeđa nude nijansa, dok je 703 crvenaksto narančasta i nju sam najviše koristila tijekom ljeta. Još dvije nude nijansa koju sam često nosila je Essence lip liner - 11 In the Nude i Essence Longlasting lip liner - 05 Lovely Frappuccino.
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Loreal Lumi Magiqe light infusing foudnation - D/W3, Cien BB cream - light, Manhattan Soft Mat loose powder - Natural 1, Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze |
Loreal Lumi Magiqe light infusing foundation - D/W3 is a lightweight dewy foundation, perfect for summer. The shade was the perfect for me when I came back from a vacation, but now I mix it with other lighter shades.
I used Cien BB cream at the beginning of the summer, when my skin wasn't so tan and I wanted just a bit of something on my skin. It is lightweight and non greasy.
Manhattan Soft Mat loose powder - Natural 1 is my favorite setting powder. It has a hint of color and keeps my skin matte the whole day.
I also wrote about Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze here. It is a part of a limited edition collection but I love it so much. I use it for bronzing and for contouring my face.
Loreal Lumi Magiqe light infusing foudnation - D/W3 je lagan, dewy puder, savršen za ljeto. Nijansa mi je odgovarala kada sam se vratila s mora, a sada, kako mi je koža sve svjetlija, miješam ga sa svjetlijim nijansama.
Cien BB cream - light je BB krema koju sam koristila početkom ljeta, kada mi je nijansa odgovarala, a kada sam željela mrvicu pokrivanja i boje na licu. Lagana je i nije masna.
Manhattan Soft Mat loose powder - Natural 1 je moj najdraži puder za setanje lica. Ima mrvicu boje u sebi, a lice cijeli dan bude mat.
Catrice Matt Bronzer - C01 Brave Bronze sam recenzirala ovdje. Iako je bio dio limitirane kolekcije, jako ga volim i često koristim i kao bronzer, i za konturiranje.
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Essence The beach house beach glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun, Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit, Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be my Highlight |
Essence The beach house beach glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun is a cream highlighter, more like a bronzer, because it is pretty dark and it does have glitter. I used it as a highlighter on the face, shoulder and collar bones.
Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit is another liquid highlighter. It is a lot less intense than the previous one and it doesn't have glitter. I used it (and I'm still using it) as a highlighter, but also I've been mixing it in with a liquid foundation to get that dewy look. I wrote a review here.
I use Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be my Highlight almost every time I do my makep and I have no intention to stop using it. Even though it doesn't look much in the pan, it is wonderful. It is not an intense highlighter and looks natural, but you can build it up. The shade is also perfect - gleden champagne that goes with any look and skintone.
Essence The beach house beach glow fluid - 01 Girls Just Wanna Have Sun je kremasti highlighter, odnosno više kao bronzer, jer je dosta taman i sadrži šljokice. Koristila sam ga kao hlightlighter na licu, ramenima i ključnim kostima.
Catrice Fluid Glow - C01 Golden Spirit je još jedan tekući highlighter kojeg sam se jedva dočepala. Puno je blaži i daje suptilniji sjaj od prethodnog jer ne sadrži šljokice. Koristila sam ga (i koristim još uvijek) kao highlighter, ali i miješala s tekućim puderom za dodatni sjaj. Recenzirala sam ga ovdje.
Essence Pure Nude highlighter - 10 Be my Highlight koristim gotovo svaki put kada se šminkam i ne mislim prestati. Iako ne izgleda kao nešto posebno ovako samo gledajući, predivan je. Nije jako intenzivan i zigleda prirodno, ali se može nadograditi. Nijansa je savršena - zlatno šampanjasta i ide uz svaki look i ten.
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Makeup Revolution - Iconic Pro 1 eyeshadow palette |
Makeup Revolution - Iconic Pro 1 eyeshadow palette is the only palette I brought with me on a vacation, but I continued to use it since i got back. It has a beautiful range of warm shades that I used for creating subtle but also more intense smokey looks. It has both matte and shimmer shades that compliment each other beaufitully. You can read more about it here.
Makeup Revolution - Iconic Pro 1 eyeshadow palette je jedina paleta koju sam nosila na more, ali sam ju nastavila koristiti i po povratku. Sadrži divne tople nijanse s kojima sam radila suptilne, ali i malo jače smokey lookove. Ima i mat i shimmer nijanse koje se lijepo nadopunjuju. Detaljnije od njoj sam pisala ovdje.

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