
Favorites #3 - Spring 2017

June 15, 2017

Even though the spring isn't officially over jet, for me the summer already begun a few weeks ago. These warm days are calling for the change in makeup routine and just like we usually do here on BW, it is time for me to share my favorite products from this spring.

I was suprised to see that I don't actually have that many products to share with you. But then again, most of the time this spring I was traveling from Novska to Rijeka because of the collage, so I keept reaching for the product I know I love and that I can do quick look with. These are them:

Iako proljeće još uvijek nije službeno gotovo, kod mene kao da je. Ove vrućine zahtjevaju promjenu šminke, a kako to već biva ovdje na BW, vrijeme je i da s tobom podijelim listu proizvoda koju sam najviše voljela ovo proljeće.

Začudila sam se koliko zapravo malo proizvoda imam. Ali opet, to je zato što sam dobar dio proljeća provela na relaciji Novska - Rijeka radi obveza na faksu, pa sam posezala samo za onim proizvodima koji mi pašu i s kojima se mogu na brzinu našminkati. Ovo su oni:

List of products / Popis proizvoda:

Catrice Nude Illusion foundation - 010 Nude Ivory
Catrice Nude Illusion foundation - 030 Nude Beige
Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige
Essence Get picture ready! brightening concealer - 10 Ivory
Makeup Revolution - Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair C01
Kiko Water eyeshadow - 208
Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette
Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant
Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude
Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish - 020 Jen & Berry's
Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish - 080 What's Your Atti-Nude?
Essence Longlasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart

Catrice Nude Illusion foundation - 010 Nude Ivory & 030 Nude Beige

The foundation I used and loved was, sadly, discontinued: Catrice Nude Illusion foundation. I am between the shades in this foundation also so I mix the two - 010 Nude Ivory and 030 Nude Beige

Until recently my skin was doing great, so I didn't feel the need to put on full coverage foundation, so this one was perfect. It also has that nice natural matte finish and looks great on the skin. Let me stop praising it... I doesn't really matter how great it is if you can't get your hands on it. Just maybe if some of you have some secret backups like I do, use it! :)

Puder koji sam koristila i voljela je, nažalost, ukinut: Catrice Nude Illusion foundation. Kako ni tu nemam idealnu nijansu, miješam dvije - 010 Nude Ivory i 030 Nude Beige

Donedavno mi je koža bila odlična, pa mi nije niti trebalo neko jako prekrivanje, što ovaj puder i daje. Također ima neki prirodni mat finiš i super izgleda na koži. Da ga ne hvalim sad... Nema smisla kada se više ne može kupiti, ali možda ga neke od vas imaju još na zalihama kao ja, koristite ga! :)

Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation - 010 Light Beige

On the days that my skin wasn't doing so great (I got some weird allergic reaction a week ago), I either ditched all the makeup all together or I went for something with full coverage. And that is exactly what Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation gives. I use the shade 010 Light Beige and it is a little bit too fair for me now that I have sme tan, but as always - bronzer saves the day!

This is one of my favorite foundations and I like to use it on clients because it is soooo longwearing.

Tijekom dana kada mi koža nije bila toliko dobra (prije tjedan dana sam dobila neku čudnu alergijsku reakciju na licu), ili se ne bih uopće šminkala ili bih koristila nešto što ima jako prekrivanje. Upravo je to Catrice HD Liquid Coverage foundation. Koristim nijansu 010 Light Beige koja mi je sada kada sam dobila mrvicu boje malo presvijetla, ali bronzer spašava stvar! 

Ovo mi je jedan od najdražih pudera, a volim ga koristiti i na klijenticama jer duuugo traje.

Essence Get picture ready! brightening concealer - 10 Ivory, Makeup Revolution - Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair C01, Kiko Water eyeshadow - 208

I switched my holy grail concealer (Catrice Luquid Camouflage) for Essence Get picture ready! brightening concealer - 10 Ivory. It doesn't have that full coverage but I love it for the shade. It is peachy pink salmon color (I'm so good at describing colors) and does a great job at brightening the under eye area.

I still love to use the Makeup Revolution - Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair C01. This spring I mostly used the highlight and blush shade. I wrote a review on it here, so you can see the swathes and read a little bit more about it.

When I wanted more of a gold-ish highlighter, I went in straight for the true gold - Kiko Water eyeshadow - 208. It is enough to say that this is one of the Kiko's bestsellers. The review is here.

Privremeno sam zamijenila svoj holy grail korektor (Catrice Liquid Camouflage) i to s Essence Get picture ready! brightening concealer u nijansi 10 Ivory. Nema toliko jako prekrivanje ali mi se nijansa jako sviđa. Nekako je breskvasto roza boja lososa (vidiš kako dobro opisujem boje) i baš lijepo "osvjetlava" područje ispod očiju.
Iz Makeup Revolution - Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair C01 sam koristila rumenilo i highlighter. O ovom kitu sam pisala ovdje, pa možeš pročitati malo detaljnije o njemu. Još uvijek ga volim i jako često koristim.

Kada bih poželjela malo više zlatni highlighter, uzela bi nešto pravo zlatno - Kiko Water eyeshadow u nijansi 208. Dovoljno je reći da je ovo jedan od opravdano najprodavanijih Kiko proizvoda. Recenzija je ovdje.

Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette, Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant

On the eyes I used some neutral shades that go well with and lipstick or outfit - Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette. I can't stop talking about this palette but it is so good! You get such a nice quality eyeshadows for 4,5€. The review is here.

Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant is in the "eyes" category because this Spring I only used the last 3 shades as eyeshadows. Can you believe that even I don't want matte eyes all the time? Anyway, the previous Essence palette doesn't have that intensely shimmer shades, I paired it with this Shimmer Brick. The review is here.

Na očima sam najviše koristila neutralne nijanse koje idu dobro uz svaki ruž i svaku odjeću - Essence All About Nudes eyeshadow palette. Ovu paletu ne mogu prestati hvaliti, za oko 35,00kn dobiju se toliko kvalitetna sjenila da je to nevjerojatno! Recenzija je ovdje.

Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick - Radiant je u kategoriji "oči" jer sam ovo proljeće koristila samo poslijednje tri nijanse kao sjenila. Možeš li vjerovati da ponekad čak ni ja ne želim mat oči? Kako prehodna Essence paleta nema toliko intenzivno svjetlucave nijanse, nadopunjavala sam ju s ovim Shimmer Brickom. Recenzija je ovdje.

Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude & 020 Jen & Berry's, Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish - 080 What's Your Atti-Nude?, Essence Longlasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart

And on the lips, also something different for me - glossy lips. Everyone knows that I don't like lipglosses because of the stickiness. But this product isn't sticky at all! Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish in the shades 020 Jen & Berry's and 080 What's Your Atti-Nude? I loved the shades and always wore them on their own. They do give you a little bit of color and aren't that pigmented (I applied too much on the swatches so you would be able to see the color).

And now the bad news - this product is also discontinued. I feel bad talking about products that you can't find in the stores anymore but we are honest here and I have to tell you my real favorites. Also, I am still on the hunt for good non sticky lipgloss and until I find one - I will use this Lip polishes!

When I wanted matte lips I went for Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude. Don't be fooled by the name, this isn't a lipgloss, but moussey cream lipstick that doesn't dry out your lips. The shade is super neutral but I wrote about all of them here. Essence tends to bring back these lipsticks in different packaging and slightly different formulas (both in regular collection and limited edition).

When I wanted colorful lips, I went for Essence Longlasting lipliner in the shade 02 Sweetheart. I also like to wear lip pencils on their own and Essence has some pretty good ones.

Na usnama također nešto drugačije za mene - sjajne usne. Svi koji me poznaju znaju koliko ne volim sjajila najviše radi ljepljivosti. Ali ovaj proizvod nema ni mrvicu toga! Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish u nijansama 020 Jen & Berry's i 080 What's Your Atti-Nude? Volim ove nijanse i nosila sam ih isključivo same na usnama. Ostavljaju mrvicu boje i nisu nešto pretjerano pigmentirani (na swatchu sam stavila malo više proizvoda da se nijansa bolje vidi). 

A sad loša vijest, i ovaj proizvod se više ne prodaje. Žao mi je pričati o stvarima koje se više ne mogu pronaći, ali ovdje smo samo iskreni i moram ti reći koji su moji realni favoriti. Isto tako, još uvijek sam u potrazi za ne-ljepljivim sjajilima i dok ih ne pronađem, ne puštam ove Catice Lip Polish-e!

Kada bih željela mat usne, koristila bih Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss u nijansi 06 Soft Nude. Ovo nije sjajilo, već pjenasto kremasti tekući ruž koji ne isušuje usne. Nijansa je super neutralna, a o svim nijansama sam već pisala ovdje. Essence često vaća ove ruževe u drugačijim pakiranjima i malo drugačijim formulama, kako u stalnoj ponudi, tako i u limitiranim kolekcijama.

Kada bih nosila usne u boji, onda bi to bio Essence Longlasting lipliner u nijansi 02 Sweetheart. Također, olovke za usne često nosim same, a Essence generalno ima dobre olovke.

Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish -  020 Jen & Berry's & 080 What's Your Atti-Nude?,Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, Essence Longlasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart

Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish -  020 Jen & Berry's & 080 What's Your Atti-Nude?,Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude

Catrice Made to Stay smoothing lip polish - 080 What's Your Atti-Nude?,Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss - 06 Soft Nude, Essence Longlasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart

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2 komentari

  1. Moram isprobati ove proizvode izgledaju predivno. Obožavam Essence i Catrice jer su im proizvodi jako pristupačni i stvarno dobre kvalitete. Već sam par puta vidjelu ovu Essencovu paletu i nikako da ju kupim. Isprobala sam Catrice Matt paletu i ostala sam malo razočarana. Ako te zanima više o njoj napravila sam recenziju na blogu. xx

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

    1. I ja jako volim Catrice i Essence, nađe se super proizvoda za malo novaca :)


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