
Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

January 04, 2017

Eyeshadow primers are that one thing I usually skip in my daily makeup routine. That is mostly because I tend to wear neutral and matte shades and I find that setting the concealer with some loose powder that I use on my face does the job. And I don't have a problem with fading because I don't have oily eyelids. But there are some times when I want more intense pigmentation or the sparkle in the eyeshadow to pop and to put over a stronger, "sticky" base. At that times I go for Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer that works much better than other primers I've tried so far.

Baze za sjenila, odnosno primeri su stvar koju često zaboravljam u svojoj makeup rutini. Ponajviše jer najčešće nosim neutralna mat sjenila te mi tada "podloga" od korektora kojeg setam puderom u kamenu bude sasvim dovoljna, a i općenito mi sjenila dugo traju na očima jer nemam problema s masnoćom na kapcima. Ipak, tu i tamo se dogodi da želim intenzivnu pigmentaciju ili da te šljokice u sjenilu baš budu uočljive i tada mi treba neka jača, "ljepljiva" baza. U tim trenucima posežem za Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primerom koji svoj posao obavlja bolje nego ostali primeri koje sam isprobala.

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

It comes in a cardboard box that shows you the real size of the product inside. The primer itself is in a black and white plastic tube with a wider lid, so it can stand up straight on the vanity, which I appreciate.

Sam primer dolazi u kartonskoj kutijici na kojoj je prikazana stvarna veličina pakiranja. Inače se nalazi u crno - bijeloj tubici sa dnom koji se širi, pa bez problema može stajati uspravno, što mi se i sviđa.  

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

It is a rosy beige color, thicker in texture and easy to blend. Even though it has some color in it, it is not enough pigmented to cover the imperfections on the lid - discoloration, veins and things like that, so if you have that problem, this primer won't do it for you. It does mattify the skin and it is silicone based, but also dries fairly quickly. It is the best to apply the eyeshadow while it is still wet and tacky, so it grabs on the primer. But be warned - it is hard to blend anything then. The way I do it to avoid patchiness is to apply the transition color in the crease first and blend very well, and then I go in with the primer just on the lid or the center of the lid, depending on where I want the eyeshadow to be more intense and then tap the eyeshadow over the primer. Then if there are some unblended edges, I go in with the smaller blending brush.

Comparing it to the face primer from the same black and white line, this primer doesn't smell like glue, but it does have a slight chemical scent that doesn't linger on the skin after application.

Bež - roze je boje, gušće teksture te se lako razmazuje. Iako ima boje, nije dovoljno pigmentiran da bi prekrio nesavršenosti na kapku - diskoloraciju, žile i slično, pa ako imaš problema s ujednačavanjem tena na području oko očiju, ova baza ti neće pomoći. Matira kožu i na bazi je slikona, ali se brzo suši. Sjenilo je najbolje nanijeti dok je primer još mokar, tada se ono zalijepi na njega. Ipak, tada ga je malo teže blendati. Način na koji izbjegnem problem nejednakog nanošenja sjenila preko ovog primera je taj da prvo nanesem tranzicijsku boju u pregib kapka i dobro blendam, a potom primer nanosim na sami kapak ili samo na sredinu, ovisno gdje želim jači intenzitet boje i preko njega utapkam sjenilo. Eventualne neblendane rubove zatim popravljam kistom ako je potrebno.

Za razliku od primera za lice iz iste crno - bijele linije, ovaj ne miriši po ljepilu, već ima blagi neutralni miris koji se zapravo niti ne osjeti kad se nanosi.

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

In the photos below you can see how some eyeshadows look with and without this primer. The swatches are made in one cat and I used highly and less pigmented eyeshadows, so you can see what it really does (above: with primer, below: without primer).

Na slikama ispod možeš vidjeti kako sjenila izgledaju sa i bez baze. Swatchewi su napravljeni u jednom nanosu te sam koristila sjenila bolje i lošije kvalitete, odnosno pigmentacije kako bih bolje dočarala što ovaj primer zapravo radi (iznad: sa primerom, ispod: bez pimera).

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

Wet'n'Wild Photofocus eyeshadow primer

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