H&M Makeup Sponge
November 21, 2016
In a past few
years beauty sponges become so popular, but the first one that was so
hyped up was the original "Beauty Blender". As usual, many companies
then tried to replicate it and come up with many versions of it: in many
colors, shapes... I never got a chance to try the original one, but I
did try many affordable versions and this one is the best so far. It is
H&M Beauty Sponge.
U poslijednjih nekoliko godina beauty spužvice su doživjele pravi boom, a prva koja je postala svjetski popularna je bio originalni "Beauty Blender". Kako to već ide, svi su ga počeli "kopirati" i raditi svoje verzije, drugih boja, oblika, tvrdoće... Sama nisam imala prilike isprobati originalni Beauty Blender, a od onih jeftinijih i dostupnijih verzija koje sam probala, ova je najbolja. Riječ je o H&M Beauty Sponge.
H&M Beauty Sponge |
Look at it and tell me this isn't the cutest packaging ever? It comes in a clear plastic box, but it has the little cat face on it. It also comes in a beige/ white version that has the panda on it.
Pogledaj ju i reci da ovo nije najslađe pakiranje ikad? Dolazi u prozirnoj plastičnoj kutijici, a privlači pozornost s ovim naslikanim mačjim licem. Također postoji i bijelo / bež verzija s naslikanom pandom.
H&M Beauty Sponge |
H&M Beauty Sponge |
H&M Beauty Sponge |
The sponge doesn't have a classic "Beauty Blender" teardrop shape, and I noticed that it doesn't taper that much at the top - that turned out to be the only downside. I mainly use it to blend out the under eye concealer and this rounded top makes it harder to reach the area between the inner corner of the eye and nose.
Besides for concealer, I also use it for applying liquid foundation and for blending it after I apply it with a brush. When using this sponge you have to dab it on the skin, not drag. This way you get fuller coverage and more natural finish.
Spužvica nema klasični oblik "Beauty Blendera" - oblik kapljice, a ono što sam odmah primijetila je da ne ide previše u špic, a ispostavilo se da joj je to i jedina mana. Naime, koristim ju prvenstveno radi blendanja korektora na području ipod očiju, a ovakav zaobljeni vrh teže dohvaća područje između kuta oka i nosa.
Osim za korektor, koristim ju i za nanošenje tekućeg pudera i za blendanje pudera nakon što ga nanesem kistom. Prilikom korištenja treba utapkati proizvod u lice, ne vući po koži, a ovaj način nanošenja daje bolju prekrivenost i prirodniji finiš.
H&M Beauty Sponge |
H&M Beauty Sponge |
H&M Beauty Sponge |
The sponge is soft, a lot softer than many other beauty sponges I've tried, but you do have to use it wet. I put it under the faucet, soak it very well and they squeeze a couple of times to get most of the water out. When it gets wet, it expands a bit and becomes even softer - it reminds me of that marshmallow candy that looks like a sponge.
The next two photos show how bigger it gets when it's damp - it doesn't fit in the box anymore.
Spužvica je mekana, puno mekanija od većine ostalih koje sam isprobala, ali ju moraš koristiti mokru. Prije korištenja ju dobro namočim, par puta iscijedim vodu tako da se ne cijedi baš iz nje, ali da bude vlažna. Kada ju smočiš, naraste i postane još mekša - podsjeća me na marshmallow bombone koji izgledaju kao male spužvice.
Na slijedeće dvije fotografije sam pokušala prikazati koliko veća postane kada se smoči (više ne stane u kutijicu).
H&M Beauty Sponge - dry |
H&M Beauty Sponge - damp |
Where to find: in H&M stores
Price: 19,90 kn / about 2,5 €
Gdje kupiti: H&M trgovinama
Cijena: 19,90 kn
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