
Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

August 30, 2016

In our drugstores here in Croatia, complete contour palettes are hard to find (although there are some right now as I'm writing this post), so I tend to use bronzers and even eyeshadows that are the right shade and undertones to contour with. The newest member of my contour & highlighting army is Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette. I've been eyeing this palette on Pink Panda webshop for a long time and I never actually bought it because the shades looked too orange and more like actual bronzers to me. Then it was on sale the other day and I thought this is a chance to try it and see for myself.

As many of the newer MUR palettes, it comes in a black matte cardboard box with gold writings on it. As I said many times now, I really like this minimalistic packaging and I like to keep them in the boxes they come with.

Kako u našim drogerijama kompletne palete za konturiranje nisu česte (iako ih se pojavljuje sve više), najčešće za konturiranje koristim bronzere ili čak sjenila koja mi nijansom odgovaraju. Odnedavno, najnovi član moje contour & highlighting vojske je Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette. Dugo sam ju gledala na Pink Pandi ali se nikada nisam odlučila kupiti ju jer su mi se nijanse činile više kao bronzeri, a onda je bila na sniženju pa sam odlučila isprobati.

Kao i većina novijih MUR paleta, dolazi u crnoj mat kartonskoj kutiji s zlatnim natpisom. Kao što sam već puno puta rekla, volim ovo minimalističko pakiranje i većinom sve palete čuvam u kutijama u kojima dolaze.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

The colors of each pan is shown on the back of the box and, as you can see, they aren't that accurate. Luckily, because the shades here are too orange to contour with.

Na pozadini su prikaza nijanse i, kao što možeš vidjeti, nisu baš najtočnije. Sreća pa nisu, jer ovo je prenarančasto za konturiranje.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

There are a total of 8 shades in the palette, 3 of them are supposed to be like highlighting and setting powders, 3 shades for contouring and bronzing and 2 of actually shimmery highlighters.

U paleti se nalazi ukupno osam panova, od toga bi tri trebala biti za setanje određenih dijelova lica i lagano highlightanje, tri nijanse za konturiranje i bronzanje te dva prava sjajna highlightera.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

All 6 shades (not counting the actual highlighters) are very smooth, buttery and you can't really feel them under your fingertips.

Svih šest nijansi (ne računajući highlightere, o njima nešto kasnije) su poprilično mekane i gotovo da se ne osjete ppod prstima.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Two of the remaining highlighter shades look really pretty in the pan, especially that first shade with all that gold stuff in if. Even at the first look, you can see the difference in the texture: the first one has glitter in it and that makes it less smooth and buttery than the other one.

Dvije preostale highlighter nijanse izgledaju jako lijepo ovako na prvi pogled, pogotovo prva s ovim zlatnim po sebi. Već na prvi pogled se primijeti razlika u teksturi: prvi sadrži šljokice i samim time malo grublji, dok je drugi mekaniji.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Let's go through each shade individually. The first group of shades are mean to be setting powders (I think) for setting the under eye concealer, the chin, the middle of the forehead etc. All of the parts you want to be lighter then the rest of the face, but not actually glowing.

The first shade - pale pink, and the second one - pale yellow are both matte. I use them mainly to set the under eye area. Actually, I apply the concealer, set it with the translucent powder and if it seems that it is not as light as I want that area to be, I go in with these two. They aren't chalky and you can't see any pink or yellow after you apply them.

The third shade, beige one is supposed to be matte, but it isn't at all. It gives a nice glow, without being shimmery and glittery. So, I use it only to highlight the cheekbones etc. like I do with actual highlighters.

Prva skupina nijansi, tzv. setting powders su osmišljeni za korištenje za npr. setanje korektora ispod očiju, čela, brade... Svih onih dijelova lica za koje želiš da budu malo svijetlije, highlightane, a opet ne želiš baš da se jako sjaje. 

Prva, svijetlo roza nijansa te druga, svijetlo žuta su mat nijanse, a koristim ih prvenstveno na području ispod očiju i to tako da nanesem korektor, prozirni (translucent) setting powder i tek onda jedan od ova dva ako mi se čini da taj dio lica nije dovoljno svijetal. Nisu kredasti te se boja ni ne vidi nakon što se nanese na lice.

Treća nijansa, bež bi također trebala biti mat, ali nije. Daje lagani sjaj, ali nema šljokice. Zato ju ne koristim u istu svrhu kao i prethodna dva, već kao suptilni highlighter na vrhovima jagodica itd.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

The second group of shades are the ones for contouring and bronzing the face. All of them are matte.

The third shade is the warmest one, the second one is the coolest, and the first one is the mix between the two. I suggest you pick the shade that suits your undertone and how much of a tan you have. Right now, I use all of them for both contouring and bronzing because I am tan now. Also I like to mix the shades.

Druga skupina su nijanse za konturiranje i bronzanje. Sve nijanse su mat.

Treća nijansa je najtoplija, druga je najhladnija, dok je prva neki miks između te dvije. Koju nijansu ćeš odabrati, ovisi koliko imaš taman ten i kojeg si podtona. Trenutno ih i za konturiranje i za bronzanje mogu koristiti sve jer mi je koža tamnija i često miješam nijanse.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Third group of the shades are real highlighters and I use them for highlighting cheek bones, brow bone etc. The shades, but also the finish of these two is very different.

The first shade is pearly white shade with a hint of gold. You can't actually see that gold in the swatch because there is too little in it. I knew even before I got the palette that I won't be using this shade because I don't really like white highlighters. If you are fair, you will like it though. This is an intense one because it also has glitter in it that actually tend to fall all over the face when you apply and try to blend it. Also, it is a bit chalky. 

The second shade is a lot more subtle, by colour and the glow it gives to the skin. This is a gold, beige, brown, champagne shade (I don't know how to describe it), that has no glitter or shimmer in it. It is even more subtle than the third shade in a row, that I said it was suppose to be matte, but isn't. I like to use it on a lager area of the face, for example, all over my cheekbones, blending with the blush, and then I add some more intense highlighter just on the highest part of the cheekbones for that extra glow.

Treća grupa nijansi su pravi highlighteri te ih koristim za nalašavanje jagodica, ispod obrva i slično. Nijanse, ali i finiš ove dvije nijanse su različiti. 

Prva nijansa je baš bijela bijela s mrvicu zlatnog. To zlatno u njemu se ni ne primijeti jer ga ima toliko malo. Odmah sam znala da ovu nijansu neću baš koristiti jer nisam ljubitelj biserno bijelih highlightera. Mislim da će više pasati nekome tko ima jako svijetal ten. Ovo je intenzivan highlighter te sadrži sitne šljokice koje mogu padati po licu i izgubiti se tijekom blendanja. Pomalo je kredast.

Druga nijansa se puno suptilinija, što bojom što sjajem koji daje. Ovo je bež, zlatno, smeđa, šampanjasta nijansa (ne znam kako ju opisati), koja nema niti šljokice, niti jako sjaj. Čak mi se čini da je manje intenzivna i od treće nijanse po redu, za koju sam rekla da bi trebala biti mat ali nije. Volim ju koristiti na većem području, npr. preko cijelih jagodica obraza, da prelazi lagano na rumenilo, a onda na najistaknutiji dio dodam intenzivniji highlighter za taj dodatni sjaj.

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Makeup Revolution Ultra Contour palette

Even though it doesn't seems like anything extra special, this palette is really good. I like the colour selection, besides the highlighters, but let's be real, I already own too many highlighters. All of the shades are easy to blend, last all day, not too pigmented, which is good, because it is easy to overdo the contour. The only downside is, which I notice on all MUR palettes, it that the palette isn't that large. It contains 13g of the product and I think I will hit the pan on many shades soon.

The price is around 11,00 € on the Pink Panda webshop (currently on the sale for 6,00 € - link here), or 8,00£ on MUR webshop (link here).


Iako mi se na prvi dojam nije činila kao nešto posebno, paleta je sasvim dobra. Sviđa mi se izbor nijansi, osim highlightera, ali realno, ionako ih već imam previše. Sve nijanse se lijepo blendaju, traju cijeli dan, nisu ludo pigmentirane, što je i dobro, jer je lako pretjerati s konturiranjem. Jedina zamjerka, ali to je valjda sa svim MUR paletama, je ta da su zapravo jako male. Ukupno sadrži 13g proizvoda i čini mi se da ću brzo dotaknuti dno većini nijansi.

Cijena joj je 82,90 kn na Pink Panda webshopu (trenutno je na sniženju za 44,99kn - link ovdje), ili 8,00£ na MUR webshopu (link ovdje).

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5 komentari

  1. Cini se dobro, ali previse toplih tonova, ne znam kad sam zadnji put naisla na neku dobru paletu hladnih tonova!!

    1. Istina, iako meni sada odgovaraju sve ove nijanse :)

  2. Uu želim!! :) Tonovi lijepo izgledaju. Al s obzirom koliko ja koristim konture, dvije nijanse bi mi bile dovoljne. Super je paleta


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