Empties #1
June 19, 2016
I was thinking of making the "Empties" category on the blog to be something like a group review of the products I've used up, or I want to throw away for various reasons. I will also include some recommendations and suggestions would I repurchase every mentioned product or no and why is that so.
Also, I will include decorative and preparative cosmetics, along with some other beauty related stuff. So let's get started...
Ovu "Empties" kategoriju posta sam zamislila da bude nešto kao skupne mini recenzije proizvoda koje sam potrošila u poslijednje vrijeme, ili kojih ću se riješiti iz određenih razloga, sa savjetima da li ću kupiti proizvod ili ne, te zašto da (ili ne). Sadržavat će kozmetiku, preparativu i ostale beauty vezane stvari. Pa krenimo...
Ados Extra long lasting nailpolish in the shade 503 - great polishes, takes a bit loner to dry, but they have a nice color selection.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
I bought Flormar Super Neon colors nailpolish in the shade 02 in a period I loved blue polishes. Unfortunately, it dried out because I didn't use it for a long time.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Gabrini Elegant nailpolish in the shade 34 something (can't see the last number) - a decent one.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Moment nailpolish in the shade 19 - the pretties red shade with a hint of purple (that isn't showing on the photo at all). I spent ever last drop of it.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Farmasi nailpolish that doesn't have a number of shade - it still has some of polish inside, but it dried out so I am throwing it away. I got it as a gift and the shade is not one of my favorite - it has a pearly white shine.
Would I repurchase? No.
Maybelline Dr. Rescue all in one nailpolish is the one you can use as a base or top coat. It is nothing special and I didn't use all of it because the brush isn't long enough to get to the bottom of the bottle.
Would I repurchase? No.
Essence The Gel nailpolish base coat
- even though it says it will make your polish last longer - it doesn't. I would suggest you buy the top coat because it really gives a nice shine and gel effect to the nails.
Would I repurchase? No.
Two fo the Eveline 8in1 nailpolishes -
I've been using this polish for 4 years as a base coat and it really does wonders, but it is not that good for regular everyday use. The nails become hard and that makes them prone to breaking (they don't bend under pressure and just break off). I will write a post about them because I know that everybody loves them, but don't know that much about what they actually do to the nails.
Would I repurchase? Yes, for occasional use.
I am getting rid of the Essence Nail art special effect topper in the shade 02 Circus confetti because it changed color and I haven't really used it in long time. The glitter was pretty, though.
Would I repurchase? Yes and no. (Essence often has new toppers with various effect that I find more interesting).
Eveline Mini Max nailpolish in the shade 253 was a good one - pigmented and quick drying.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Eveline Mini Max nailpolish in the shade 371 - just like the previous one.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Essence Colour & Go nailpolish in the shade 144 Black is back - a regular black polish. It dried out and the old Essence polishes chipped the next day after application.
Would I repurchase? No.
I held on this Essence Colour & Go nailpolish in the shade 168 Love me, cupcake just because of the shade that got discontionued (and I can't find anything like that in our drugstores). Like the previous one, it dried out in a short period of time and chipped quickly.
Would I repurchase? Yes, just because of the shade.
Two of the Essence The gel nailpolishes in the shade 05 Sweet as candy are beautiful - I use them all the time on their own and over some other polishes to lighten them.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Maybelline Colorama nailpolish in the shade 303
is a great peachy nude shade that sometimes I wore on its own, and sometimes I topped it off with the previous mentioned shade to make it more pink.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Maybelline Colorama nailpolish in the shade 261 is such a pretty dark red shade, almost black. You have to look very closely to see that it is actually red. This is my favorite fall / winter shade, but I can't find it anymore so I guess it got discontinued.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Ados Extra longlasting lak u nijansi 503 - super lakovi, malo se sporije suše, ali imaju dobar izbor nijansi.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Flormar Super Neon colors lak u nijansi 02 sam kupila za vrijeme kada sam voljela plave lakove. Nažalost, osušio se jer ga nisam dugo korisila.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Gabrini Elegant lak u nijansi 34 nešto (izbrisao se poslijednji broj) - solidan.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Moment lak u nijansi 19 - najljepša crvena boja s malo ljubičaste koja uopće nije dobro i realno prikazana na fotografiji. Potrošila sam do zadnje kapi.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Farmasi lak koji nema oznaku nijanse - nije potrošen, bacam ga jer se osušio. Dobila sam ga na poklon i nijansa nije jedna od onih koje najradije nosim - ima sedefasti sjaj.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Maybelline Dr. Rescue all in one lak je lak koji se može koristiti i kao top coat ali i kao baza. Ništa posebno ne radi, nije potrošen do kraja jer je četkica kratka i ne možeš zahvatiti sav lak.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Essence The Gel nailpolish base coat - iako obećava da će lak duže trajati, nije me uvjerio. Radije kupi top coat koji stvarno daje lijepi sjaj i efekt geliranih notkiju.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Dva Eveline 8in1 laka - koristila sam ih dobre 4 godine kao base coat i stvarno djeluje - nokti budu predivni, ali nije dobar za konstantno korištenje. Naime, od njega nokti postanu tvrdi i samim time lakše pucaju (ne saviju se priliko udarca i lako pucaju). Svakako ću napisati post o ovim lakovima jer ga svi vole, ali ne znaju svi puno o njima i efektima koje imaju na nokte
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, za povremeno korištenje.
Rješavam se Essence Nail art special effect topper u nijansi 02 Circus confetti jer je promijenio boju, a ionako ga duuugo nisam koristila. Šljokice su bile lijepe.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da i ne. (Essence svako malo ima nove toppere sa svakakvim efektima koji su mi zanimljiviji).
Eveline Mini Max lak u nijansi 253 je bio odličan lak - pigmentiran i brzo se suši.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Eveline Mini Max lak u nijansi 371 - kao i prethodni.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Essence Colour & Go lak u nijansi 144 Black is back - solidan crni lak. Osušio se i stari Essence lakovi su se brzo gulili s noktiju.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Essence Colour & Go lak u nijansi 168 Love me, cupcake sam čuvala samo radi nijanse koja je ukinuta (a danas više ne mogu naći ništa slično u našim drogerijama). Kao i prethodni lak, osušio se i brzo se počeo guliti s noktiju.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, samo radi nijanse.
Dva Essence The gel laka u nijansi 05 Sweet as candy su predivni - koristim ih i samostalno, ali i preko drugih lakova koje želim posvijetliti.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Maybelline Colorama lak u nijansi 303 je odlična breskvasto nude nijansa koju ponekad nosim samu, a ponekad preko njega stavim gore spomenuti lak da bi bio malo više rozi.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Maybelline Colorama lak u nijansi 261 je predivna tamno crvena nijansa, gotovo crna. Moraš se baš zagledati da bi vidio da je ustvari crvena. Ovo mi je najdraži jesensko - zimski lak, ali ne mogu ga pronaći u drogerijama pa mislim da je ukinut.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
I've been repurchasing Balea 15% Urea body lotion for years now because it helps with my keratosis pilaris that sometimes I have on my arms if I don't scrub my skin for a while or when I don't use lotions with urea. This is a great product, I don't really like the scent but, luckily, it doesn't stay long on the skin.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Balea 5% Urea body lotion doesn't help with the previous mentioned problem, but it does smell better than the one with 15% and it does nourishes the skin, so I used it on the rest of my body.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
I've also been repurchasing Balea 3in1 makeup removing wipes for years. They are the best makeup removing wipes from the Balea line. The wipes don't have any particular scent, don't irritate the skin, they are thick and feel really high quality.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Balea 15% Urea losion za tijelo kupujem već nekoliko godina jer mi pomaže u rješavanju keratoze pilaris koja mi se pojavljuje na rukama ako dulje vrijeme ne radim grubi piling i ne koristim kreme s ureom. Odličan proizvod, miris mi nije jedan od najdražih, ali ne ostaje dugo na koži.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Balea 5% Urea losion za tijelo ne pomaže kod prije spomenutog problema, ali miriši bolje nego ovaj sa 15% i njeguje kožu, pa sam ga koristila na ostatku tijela.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Balea 3in1 maramice za skidanje šminke također kupujem godinama. Ovo su najbolje vlažne maramice za skidanje šminke od svih koje Balea ima u ponudi. Same maramice nemaju neki poseban miris, ne iritiraju kožu, debele i kvalitetne, onako kao mali ručnici.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Biobaza Body&Hair 3in1 shower gel is one pretty good, nice smelling shower gel that really cleans the hair from all the bulit up products (hairspray etc.). It does have really intense scent, so I suggest you go and smell it before you buy it to make sure it doesn't bother you.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Schwarzkopf Gliss Ultimate Repair spray conditioner smells really good but it is a miracle product? Not really. When I don't use regular hair conditioners, I go for the ones in a spray like this to give my hair a little bit of extra boost.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
You know how much I love Afrodita shampoo with nettle and panthenol... This is the only shampoo I buy again and again and that really does what it says on the bottle. I go into details about this particular shampoo here.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Biobaza Body&Hair 3u1 gel za tuširanje je sasvim dobar, mirišljavi gel za tuširanje, a kosu zaista očisti od svih nakupljenih proizvoda (laka, pjene...). Miris mu je jako intenzivan, pa preporučam da ga svakako pomirišiš prije nego što ga kupiš i uvjeriš se da ti ne smeta.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Schwarzkopf Gliss Ultimate Repair conditioner u spreju jako fino miriši. Da li radi čuda? I ne baš, ali kada ne koristim klasični regenerator, koristim ove Schwarzkopf sprejeve da mi kosa ipak dobije nešto malo dodatne njege.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Znate koliko volim Afrodita šampon s koprivom i pantenolom... Ovo je jedini šampon koji kupujem ponovo i ponovo te koji stvarno radi ono što obećava. O njemu sam detaljnije pisala ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Garnier Oil Beauty body lotion is the body lotion that has the greatest scent. From all of them. Ever. It is great for dry skin, non greasy and non sticky. I love to use it in when it is colder outside because the scent is really warm and it lingers on the skin hours after you apply it.
Would I repurchase? Yes (currently I am using the oil version).
I bought Afrodita Acai berries body lotion just because of the scent. It turned out to not to be so nourishing to the skin so I didn't use it in the winter time when I got it because my skin is so dry during the winter.
Would I repurchase? No.
I buy Nivea nourishing body milk every now and then. It has classic Nivea scent that I have love - hate relationship with, it is thick and nourishing. I used it only when my skin was very dry.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Garnier Oil Beauty losion za tijelo je mazalica za tijelo koja najbolje miriši. Od svih. Ikad. Za suhu je kožu, koju njeguje, nije ljepljiv niti masan. Obožavam ga koristiti za hladnijih dana jer je miris dosta topao i zadržava se na koži nekoliko sati.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da (trenutno imam isto ovakvo ulje).
Afrodita Acai berries losion za tijelo sam kupila isključivo zbog mirisa. Ispostavilo se da nije toliko njegujući pa ga u vrijeme kad sam ga i kupila (preko zime), nisam ni koristila jer mi je tada koža jako suha
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Nivea nourishing body milk kupim svako toliko. Klasični Nivea miris, s kojim imam love - hate odnos, gust je i njeguje kožu. Korisila sam ga samo kada mi je koža bila posebno suha jer se sporije upija.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
I like Garnier Neo deodorant because it is creamy and smells good, but it doesn't last that long on the skin. And also, it is hard to squeeze all the product out of the tube and I think there is still some of it in it that I can't get to.
Would I repurchase? No.
Biobaza gentle cleansing gel for sensitive skin takes the makeup off perfectly, but there is one thing I can't get over - it leaves some ugly uncomfortable greasy layer on the skin. Every time I used it I would have to wash my face again with some other cleanser to get that grease off.
Would I repurchase? No.
Avon Clearskin Dual action cleanser with microbeads still hase some of the product left, but it is old and I have to get rid of it. It doesn't take of makeup that well and the miracle microbeads don't do anything, but for little light face cleaning in the morning worked pretty decent.
Would I repurchase? No.
Sun dance self tanning lotion is actually a great product and it doesn't give you that fake orange tan. The thing is - it has some ingredient that I am allergic to. Every time I used it, the skin on my hands got some red itchy dots, and the day after, the skin on my palms would literally peel off (especially between the fingers). But, the version of this product for the face doesn't have that ingredient in it so I use that one.
Would I repurchase? No, but yes to the one for the face.
Garier Neo dezedorans mi se sviđa jer je kremast i lijepo miriši, ali ne traje baš dugo na koži. Isto tako, teško je istisnuti sav proizvod iz ove tubice i dosta ga je ostalo.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Biobaza blagi gel za osjetljivu kožu super skida šminku, ali preko jedne stvari ne mogu prijeći - ostavlja ružni masni trag na koži. Svaki put kada bih ga koristila bih morala ponovno oprati lice nakon njega s nečin drugim, samo da se makne ta ružna masnoća s kože.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Avon Clearskin gel za lice s mikročesticama nije potrošen do kraja, ali je star pa ga moram baciti. Ne skida šminku i ove čudesne čestice ne rade ništa, ali za lagano umivanje i osjvežavanje lica ujutro je poslužio.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Sun Dance losion za samotamnjenje je zapravo odličan proizvod i od njega se ne dobije ona fejk narančasta boja. Problem je u tome što sadrži neki sastojak na koji sam alergična - svaki put kad bi mi ruke došle u dodir s ovim losionom, dobila bih crvene točkice po dlanovima koje su svrbile, a dan poslije bi mi se koža s ruku (pogotovo između prstiju) doslovno ogulila. No, u verziji ovog proizvoda za lice i dekolte, nema toga sastojka i odgovara mi, pa radije koristim njega.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne, ali verziju za lice da.
Ziaja Goat's Milk day cream is my favourite face cream when my skin is not that dry and I've been using it (not this particular, jar of course) for more than two years. It is not that thick, absorbes quickly, doesn't contain parabens or any artificall scents, but it does smell really nice. Even though it is not a thick cream, it nourishes the skin really well and it is good to use even under makeup.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
This mini jar of Nivea cream lived in my bag and went everywhere with me. This blue classic Nivea cream is one of the best creams ever, for the face and hands. It is greasy and doesn't absorb that quickly, which I like during the colder weather.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Babylove cream with zink and chamomile is the product that lasted me for a long time. That is because I used it only for spot treatment on pimples. I never applied it to the whole face because I noticed that it clogged my pores, just like the Hipp baby cream with panthenol, zink and almond oil. It does help to dry out the pimples and they go away in a day or two if you use the cream a few times a day. This is one of that thick and heavy creams that are hard to spread on the skin and that leave visible white cast.
Would I repurchase? Yes
Ziaja Goat's Milk day cream mi je omiljena krema za lice kada mi koža nije jako suha i kupujem ju već više od 2 godine. Lagana je, brzo se upija, nema parabena niti umjetnih mirisa, a ustvari miriši jako lijepo i ugodno. Iako nije gusta, dosta je hranjiva i dobra za ispod makeupa.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Ovo mini pakiranje obične Nivea kreme je živjelo u mojoj torbi i išlo di god sam i ja išla. Jedna od najboljih krema, kako za lice, tako i za ruke. Masna je i sporije se upija, što mi osobito paše u hladnije vrijeme.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Babylove krema s cinkom i kamilicom je jedna od stvari koje sam jako sporo trošila. Razlog tome je što ju koristim ciljano kao tretman za prištiće. Nikad ju ne stavljam preko cijelog lica jer mi je znala začepiti pore kao i Hippova zaštitna krema s pentenolom, cinkom i bademovim uljem. Pomaže isušiti prištiće te oni nestanu za dan - dva ako nanesem kremu nekoliko puta na dan. Ovo je jedna od onih gustih i teških krema koje se teško razmazuju i ostavljaju vidiljivi bijeli trag na koži.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
I've been repurchasing Essence Nail polish remover with coconut & papaya for a long time because of the scent. It is not that strong and uncomfortable like other nail polish removers, but neither does it smell like coconut, to be honest. It does a great job with removing nail polish and that is the only thing I look for in this type of a product.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Eveline proffesional nail therapy cuticle cream was ok. You apply it on your cuticles, leave for 30 seconds and push the cuticles back. To be honest, I don't think this type of product is neccesary - you can do this just as good when your hands are wet.
Would I repurchase? No.
Eveline Mega Size lashes mascara is something I didn't like that much. It doesn't give any extra volume to the lashes and it dried out fairly quickly.
Would I repurchase? No.
Eveline Volumix Fiberlast mascara (silver) is my holy grail mascara. The price point is on point and it makes my lashes longer. It does have a rubber wand that I like and is easy to apply, doesn't smudge or have any fall out.
Would I repurchase? Already did.
Eveline Volumix Fiberlast mascara (gold) is a good mascara. It gives a volume but it doesn't make the lashes longer so much like the silver one. It also has a rubber wand (but it is not here because I washed it and I've been using it with other mascaras that have crappy wands).
Would I repurchase? Yes, if the silver one is not available.
Essence Maximum Definition volume mascara is also an oldy but a goodie. It really gives such a nice volume to the lashes and has the greatest wand ever - rubber one with a tiny bristles that make it easy to grab on even the smallest lash. The only problem with this mascara is that it dries very quickly - in a month or even quicker. It is not that expensive though, so I forgive it.
Would I repurchase? Yes.
Eveline Celebrities eyeliner in black is one of the most loved and hyped product in our blogosphere. I personally don't understan why because this eyeliner is just bad. More like a disaster. It is not pigmented enough, it bleeds and every time I had to apply it, then wait for it to dry, then apply once more and then once again to get that colour payoff (in the meantime it would bleed in every small line in my skin so I had to go and clean around it to make the line sharp). It has a brush tip that is just as bad, after a while (of not using it that often), the bristles were spliting and I had to cut some of them off... A big no - no for me for this one. But, if you want to know what is the best eyeliner in our drugstores, click here.
Would I repurchase? No.
Essence odstranjivač laka za nokte s mirisom kokosa i papaje isto tako kupujem redovito i to isključivo zbog mirisa. Nije toliko neugodan kao ostali odstranjivači, ali ni ne miriši baš po kokosu. Isto tako, dobro skida lak za nokte, a to jedino i tražim od ovakvih proizvoda.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Eveline proffesional nail therapy krema za kožicu oko noktiju je bila sasvim solidna. Namažeš kutikule, ostaviš da djeluje 30 sekundi i štapićem ih lagano pritisneš prema natrag. Smatram da ovakvi proizvodi nisu nužno neophodni, te je ovo moguće napraviti i kada su mi ruke mokre.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Eveline Mega Size lashes maskara mi je nije svidjela. Ne daje nikakav poseban volumen kako obećava, a osušila se brzinski.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
Eveline Volumix Fiberlast maskara (srebrna) je moja najdraža maskara. Cijena joj je super i jako produži trepavice. Ima gumenu četkicu koju također volim. Lako se nanosi i ne trusi se niti razmazuje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Već jesam.
Eveline Volumix Fiberlast maskara (zlatna) je dobra maskara. Daje volumen trepavicama, ali ih ne produžuje baš kao srebrna verzija. Također ima odličnu gumenu četkicu (koje ovdje nema jer sam ju oprala i koristim ju za druge maskare koje nemaju toliko dobre četkice).
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da, ako nisam u mogućnosti kupiti srebrnu verziju ove maskare.
Essence Maximum Definition volume mascara je također jedan stari favorit. Zaista daje divan volumen trepavicama i ima najbolju četkicu ikad - gumenu i s kratkim čekinjama s kojom lako mogu obuhvatiti i najmanje trepavice. Problem kod ove maskare je taj što se jako brzo osuši - u roku mjesec dana, ako ne i brže. Pristupačna je cijenom, pa joj to mogu i oprostiti.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Da.
Eveline Celebrities eyeliner u crnoj boji je jedan od obožavanijih tuševa u domaćoj blogosferi. Osobno je razumijem zašto jer je ovaj tuš jednostavno loš. Preloš. Niti je dovoljno pigmentiran, razlijeva se svud i doslovno sam morala staviti, pričekati da se osuši, pa prijeći još jednom, pa još jednom (u međuvremenu bi mi se razlio svud u svaku sitnu liniju na koži), pa bi ga još dodatno morala čistiti da linija bude oštra. Ima kistić koji je također loš, nakon nekog vremena (ne toliko čestog korištenja), dlačice su se počele razdvajati, pa bi ih morala rezati... Veliki minus i razočarenje kod mene. Ako želiš čuti za najsavršeniji tuš u našim drogerijama klikni ovdje.
Da li bih kupila ponovo? Ne.
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