
New in #5

April 20, 2016

Today I decided that it is time for this months New in. I bought a lot of Essences new products, but there is some Catrice ones, even the false eyelashes and brushes from Ebay which I decided to include for all of you that have been asking where to buy inexpensive makeup brushes and lashes.

Danas ti donosim ovomjesečni New in. Kupovala sam puno novih Essence proizvoda, a našao se tu i neizostavni Catrice, pa čak i umjetne trepavice i kistovi s Ebaya koje sam odlučila uključiti za sve vas koje me pitate gdje kupiti jeftine kistove i umjetne trepavice.

List of products: / Popis proizvoda:
  • Makeup brushes set - 10 pcs
  • Essence eye blender brush
  • Essence smokey eyes brush
  • Essence eyeliner brush
  • Essence Long lasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart, 03 Yummy Berry, 07 Plum Cake
  • Essence Gel eye pencil waterproof - 01 Black Blaze, 07 Cloudy White
  • Foundation brush
  • Catrice Camouflage high coverage concealer - 020 Light Beige
  • Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer
  • Essence Make me brow eyebrow gel mascara - 01 Blondy Brows
  • Essence Liquid Ink eyeliner - The Darks: Purple, The Whites: White
  • Essence nail polish - 46 Black is back, 33 - Wild White Ways, 54 - Dream On, 48 - My Love Diary, 67 - Love Me Like You Do
  • Suddenly Diamonds perfume
  • False eyelashes - 10 pcs, 5 pcs
  • Essence Velvet Matt lipstick - 07, 24
  • Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black

Ebay 10pcs brush set

Ebay 10pcs brush set

Ebay 10pcs brush set

I get a lot of questions about the brushes that I use so I decided to include the set I recently ordered on Ebay (link). The set comes with 10 brushes - 5 face brushes and 5 eye brushes, they were around 5,5 $ and they were delivered in 3-4 weeks. I didn't really like this set the first time I opened them, especially the 5 smaller brushes. The first and the third one in the photo have so little hairs on them so you can't really use them to apply and blend eyeshadows.

Kako me često pitate koje kistove koristim, odlučila sam u ovaj post uključiti jedne koje sam nedavno naručila s Ebaya (link). Sastoji se od 10 kistova - 5 za lice i 5 za oči, cijena im je oko 5,5 $, došli su u roku 3-4 tjedna. Ovaj set mi se nije baš svidio kad sam ih otvorila, pogotovo ovih 5 malih za oči. Prvi i treći na slicu imaju toliko malo dlaka da se ne mogu koristiti na naošenje ili blendanje sjenila.

Essence makeup brushes

Essence makeup brushes

Another inexpensive brushes that always blow my mind are the Essence ones. The purple blending brush is very fluffy and soft and really good, the smaller ones too. I bought backups of some of them, that's how good they are.

Još jedni cjenovno pristupačni kistovi koji me uvijek oduševe su Essence-ovi. Ljubičasti kist za blendanje je jako fluffy i mekan i odličan, manji kistovi također. Neke od njih sam kupila duple, eto, toliko su dobri. Cijena im je od 10,00 do 13,00 kn. 

Essence Longlasting lipliner - 02 Sweetheart, 03 Yummy Berry, 07 Plum Cake

3 of the Essence lipliners found their way to my makeup collection. The shades I got are 02 Sweetheart, 03 Yummy Berry and 07 Plum Cake. 

Još tri Essence olovke za usne su naše put do mene. Nijanse koje sam uzela su 02 Sweetheart, 03 Yummy Berry i 07 Plum Cake.

Essence Gel eye pencil waterproof - 01 Black Blaze, 07 Cloudy White

Essence also came out with Gel eye pencils that are supposed to waterproof. I haven't found the eye pencil that will stay on my waterline yet, so I got the black and white one to test them out.
Essence je izbacio nove Gel olovke za oči koje bi trebale biti vodootporne. Još uvijek nisam pronašla olovku za oči koja će ostati na waterline-u više od pola sata, pa sam kupila bijelu i crnu za isprobati koliko su zapravo vodootporne.

Ebay foundation brush

Another interesting looking makeup brush from Ebay. It was around 2,30$ (link), although I can see that people are selling it for 20,00$ on Facebook in Croatia. It came in 4 weeks. I was suprised to see how small it really is and how dense the hairs are. I tried to apply liquid foundation with it and it really does the great job. The only problem is that it is so dense and it is difficult to wash out all of the foundation and clean it.

Još jedan zanimljivi kist s Ebaya za nanošenje tekućeg pudera. Koštao je oko 2,30$ (link), iako vidim da ga na nekim stranicama po fejsu prodaju za čak 50,00 kn. Došao je kroz 4 tjedna. Iznenadila sam se koliko je zapravo malen i koliko su dlake guste. Probala sam nanositi puder s njim i stvarno je dobar. Jedino problem je to što je toliko gust da je teško oprati sve ostatke pudera iz njega.

Catrice Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer - 020 Light Beige

I have the lighter shade of this concealer that is slightly more pink toned so I decided to get the other one which is more yellow and I plan using it now when my skin gets darker.

Isprobala sam svjetliju nijansu ovog korektora koja vuče malo više na rozo, pa sam odlučila kupiti i drugu koja je malo više žuta, pa ju mogu koristiti i dok mi koža potamni.

Catrice Prime and Fine Beautifying primer

I think this primer replaced that peach one that got discontinued and my friends and I searched the country for it. I didn't get that one and I really like this type of primers that make your skin more glowy, so I got this one instead. I couldn't resist and I already tried it as a primer. There was no big difference, but when I mixed it in with the foundation, then it worked. My skin was all pretty and glowy.

Čini mi se kako je ovaj primer zamijenio onaj narančasti koji je izašao iz asortima, a radi kojeg sam angažirala prijateljice diljem Hrvatske da mi ga pronađu. Kako nisam uspjela doći do njega, a sviđa mi se taj tip primera koji poboljšava izgled kože, kupila sam ovaj. Nisam mogla odoljeti da ga ne isprobam i mogu ti reći da kad ga koristim kao primer, nema neke velike razlike, ali kad ga pomiješam s puderom i nanesem zajedno, e onda daje onaj lijepi sjaj koži.

Essence Make me Brow eyebrow gel mascara - 01 Blondy Brows

Everyone likes and talks about this eyebrow gel so I decided to try it. I like the fact that the applicator is much smaller and more precise than the Catrice one that I was currently using.

Svi hvale ovaj gel za obrve, pa rekoh da i ja probam. Sviđa mi se što je aplikator poprilično manji i precizniji od Catrice-ovog gela za obrve kojeg sam do sad koristila.

Essence Liquid Ink eyeliner - White & Purple

I've been looking for the white eyeliner for quite some time now and here it is, Essence reads my mind! I also got this pretty purple shade because I don't have anything like that in my collection.

Već neko vrijeme sam u potrazi za bijelim tušem i evo ga, Essence zna što želim! Odmah sam uzela i ovu divnu ljubičastu nijansu jer nemam ništa slično u svojoj kolekciji.

Essence nailpolish - 46 Black is back, 33 - Wild White Ways, 54 - Dream On, 48 - My Love Diary, 67 - Love Me Like You Do

I already wrote about how Essence nail polishes are great and inexpensive. This time I bought the classic black and white shades that everyone should have, the beige one that I though will be great for spring and summer and two of my favorite shades form the collection. The shade 48 - My Love Diary is identical to the old one called English Rose that I loved and the shade 67 is more of a purpleish shade that everyone seems to love right now.

Već sam pričala kako su Essence lakovi dobri, a jeftini. Ovog puta sam kupila klasični crni i bijeli jer te nijanse uvijek treba imati, jedan bež koji mislim da će biti super sad za proljeće i ljeto te dvije nijanse koje su mi najdraže iz cijele kolekcije. Nijansa 48 - My Love Diary je identična kao stara English Rose nijansa koju sam obožavala, a nijansa 67 je više ljubičasta mauve nijansa koju sad svi vole.

Suddenly Diamonds perfume

Recently I posted the photo of a Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume dupe on Instagram that I've been using and repurchasing for years. Lild now has this one called Diamonds and I like the scent so I decided to mention it. It is 35,00 kn and the only downside is that it doesn't last that long (which is reasonable for that price).

Nedavno sam na Instagram stavila sliku jedne jeftine verzije Chanelovog Coco Mademoiselle parfema iz Lidla kojeg koristim već godinama. U Lidlu se pojavio i ovaj Diamonds i svidjelo mi se kako miriši, pa sam ga odlučila uključiti u ovaj post. Cijena mu je 35,00 kn, a jedina mana mu je što ne traje dugo na koži (što i nije za očekivati za tu cijenu).

Ebay false eyelashes

I recommend false eyelashes from Ebay to everyone. The selection is really good, they have dramatic ones but also more natural pairs. The last ones I ordered are theese 2 sets of 10 and 5 lashes. Th first ones are very dramatic and they were under 2 $ with shipping (link). I already used one pair and I can tell you, even though they are very pretty, they are not comfortable on the eyes. The second set that has 10 pairs has more natural lashes (link). They were around 1,60 $. I don't like that they have a thread band that is white, so you have to cover it with black eyeliner.

Veliki sam zagovornih umjetnih trepavica s Ebaya. Imaju stvarno odličan izbor, što dramatičnijih, što prirodnijih, a cijene su i više nego pristupačne. Zadnja sam naručila ova dva seta, prvi je malo dramatičniji i koštale su ispod 2 $ sa šipingom (link), jedan par sam iskoristila i, iako su jako lijepe, moram priznati da ih nije ugodno nositi. Drugi set od 10 pari je malo prirodniji (link), koštao je 1,60 $. Ne sviđa mi se što imaju končanu traku koja je bijela i koju moraš prekriti s eyelinerom da se ne vidi.

Essence Velvet Matt lipstick - 07, 24

Essence also came out with new Velvet Matt lipsticks and I got two of them. They sure ain't matte but the colours are pretty. The shade 07 is more sheer than the shade 24 and I think many of you will like them for spring.

Essence je također izbacio nove Velvet Matt ruževe, a ja sam kupila dva. Sigurno nisu mat ali nijanse su lijepe. Nijansa 07 je malo manje pigmentirana od nijanse 24 i mislim da će se ove dvije svidjeti većini za proljeće.

Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Intense Black

I already wrote a review on this mascara (here), and I can tell you - the more I use it, the more I love it. In that review I wrote that the only downside is the regular price of this mascara, but Muller had a discount on Maybelline, so I got one for backup.
O ovoj maskari sam već pričala i napisala recenziju (ovdje), i mogu ti reći da što ju više koristim, više mi se sviđa. U recenziji sam spomenula da joj je jedina mana redovna cijena, a Muller je imao popust na Maybelline, pa sam kupila još jednu da ju imam na zalihi.

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3 komentari

  1. Super new in.

    Što se tiče kistova, ti eBay su super zamijena ali kako bih rekla.. mislim da imam pozamašnu kolekciju sada. Moram stati malo. Gledam ovaj bijeli tuš i sutra pičim u Bipu ili DM po njega.

    Super fotke :D

    1. Hvala ti puno :) same here, svako malo naiđem na neki set koji mi se čini dobar, a na kraju nekako nađu put do mene :) dobrih kistova nikad dosta. Tuš je odličan, ali što bih dala da je mat..

    2. Nažalost, nisam ga pronašla.


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