Sleek i-Divine eyeshadow palette - Acid
March 04, 2016
Today I have the review on the one not so typical (for me) eyeshadow palette for you. This colorful palette has been living on my shelves for almost 2 years. At that time, I was in a phase when I was thinking that I don't use much colors on my eyes and I was searching for a palette that did not contain any neutral shades. I liked the Urban Decay Electric palette and I realized that Sleek has some similar ones. The one that stood out was Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette. It has some similar shades, but I wouldn't say that it is a complete dupe for UD Electric palette.
It comes in classic black matte Sleek packaging, one of those that you can see every fingerprint on it and gets dirty quickly. They are think but high quality and you hear that click sound when you close it.
Danas vam donosim recenziju jedne (za mene) netipične palete sjenila. Ova šarena paletica živi na mojim policama već neke 2 godine. Tada me uhvatila neka faza u kojoj sam razmišljala kako ne koristim dovoljno boja na očima i tražila sam paletu koja nema neutralna sjenila. Sviđala mi se Urban Decay Electric paletu i shvatila sam da Sleek u svojoj ponudi ima palete sličnih boja, a posebno se isticala Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette. Sadrže nekoliko nijansi koje su slične, ali ne bih rekla da je ova paleta potpuni dupe za UD Electric paletu.
Dolazi u klasičnom Sleek crnom mat pakiranju, jednom od onih na kojima se svaki otisak poznaje i brzo se uprljaju i izgrebu. Tanke su i kvalitetne, čuje se onaj klik kada ih zatvaraš.
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
It comes with 12 shades, 8 matte, 3 shimmers and 1 duo chrome (first one in first row - it has some blue shiny pigment in it). It came with the broken orange one and I fixed it with the rubbing alcohol. I crushed it, soaked id rubbing alcohol and leave it to dry over the night. It doesn't look pretty, but it can be used as normal.
Paleta sadrži 12 sjenila, od toga 8 mat, 3 shimmera i 1 duochrome (prvo u prvom redu - ima plave pigmente u sebi koji se presijavaju). Narančasto je došlo puknuto, uspjela sam ga spasiti tako što sam ga smrvila što sam više mogla, natopila medicinskim alkoholom i ostavila da se osuši. Ne izgleda lijepo, ali se može koristiti.
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
Inside you have big mirror that can be used for applying makeup, and a classic sponge applicator. I don't usually use them, but my friend Čokolina (Kako Nina Na)said to use it when applying bright colors and she was right. It does apply the colors better than the brush.
Unutra je i veliko ogledalo koje može poslužiti za šminjanje, te klasični spužvasti aplikator. Inače ih ne koristim i bacam, ali prijateljica Čokolina s bloga Kako Nina Na me savjetovala da je te jake boje bolje nanosit spužvicom nego kistom i bila je u pravu.
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
Most of the shades are chalky and powdery, especially the matte ones, while the shimmers are a bit softer. They have a lot of fallout (see on the photos below and swatches). There is another problem, when you try to blend the shades, they disappear so you have to apply them again and again to get the color to show up.
The pigmentation is good, but it varies from color to color. The shimmers are more pigmented, but the white shade, the second one, is almost impossible to pick up on a brush and apply. On the swatch I had to go over and over the same place and apply it a few times to gt the color to show up on camera.
They don't last a long time on the lids. I suggest not to use it alone, but with the good eyeshadow base or primer because they tend to fade after a few hours.
Većina sjenila je dosta kredaste i puderaste teksture, pogotovo ona mat, dok su shimmeri malo mekaniji. Mrve se i (vidljivo je na slici ispod i na swatchevima) ostavljaju dosta fallouta - padaju po licu kada ih pokušaš nanijeti. Postoji problem kod nanošenja sjenila jer čim ih pokušaš blendati, boja izblijedi.
Pigmentacija im je dobra, ovisi od boje do boje. Shimmeri su dosta dobro pigmentirani, dok je bijelo, drugo sjenilo po redu, gotovo nemoguće uhvatiti na kist i nanijeti. Ostavlja jedva vidljiv trag i na swatchu sam ga morala nanijeti nekoliko puta da bi se uopće vidjela boja.
Trajnost im je loša. Nikako ih je ne preporučam nanijeti bez dobre baze jer izblijede već nakon par sati.
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
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Sleek i-Divine Acid eyeshadow palette |
Even thought this palette catches the eye, on the second look you realize that the colors aren't that wearable. I used the palette in this look - I used the black and a white shade to set the face paint. Both of them have very low pigmentation. The best shade in this palette is the silver one. It has a metallic finish and I can even deal with it having a lots of fallout because the color is different shade (darker) of silver than usual.
If you really want and need some of this shades and you know you will use them, I think you can find other palettes that are higher quality than this one. But if you know you will use them not that often (like me), this palette is a good option. Although I think that the price is too high for what you're getting, considering I payed 70,00 kn for it - which was still too much, and ordered it from Pink Panda. Another proof that they raised their prices. I know, they moved and changed their location and warehouse... How do I know? I know because they are always sending me emails with special offers and discounts because of the warehouse cleanup and moving to another one. Is the price increase justified? I don't know. I only know that now it is more affordable to order makeup from official sites and if you worry about shipping, you can always place your order with some friend and split the shipping costs.
Iako ova paleta upada u oči, na drugi pogled vidiš da boje nisu baš nosive svaki dan. Koristila sam ju u ovom looku - crno i bijelo sjenilo za setanje boje za lice. Oba su razočaravajuće slabo pigmentirana. Najbolje sjenilo u cijeloj paleti je srebrno. Ima metalic finiš i čak mu mogu progledati kroz prste to što se mrvi jer je boja malo drugačija i tamija od većine drugih srebrnih sjenila.
Ako baš želiš i trebaš neku od ovih ludih boja i znaš da ćeš ih koristiti, vjerujem da možeš pronaći slične kvalitetnije palete, a ako ih planiraš koristiti rijetko (kao i ja), ova paleta je sasvim solidan izbor. Iako smatram da joj je cijena previsoka za ono što dobiješ, uzimajući u obzir da sam ju ja tada platila oko 70,00 kn - što je i tada bilo dosta skupo, također s Pink Pande. Još jedan dokaz da su podigli cijene na očigled. Znam, preselili su se u novo skladište nedavno... Kako znam? Znam jer mi stalno šalju mailove s nekim ponudama radi čišćenja skladišta i preseljenja u novo. Da li je poskupljenje opravdano? Ne znam. Znam samo da se trenutno više isplati naručivati šminku s službenih stranica, a što se tiče poštarine, ovisi o svoti, ali uvijek možeš naručiti zajedno s nekim pa podijelite troškove.
Cijena je 98,90 kn za na Pink Pandi ili 11,99 $ na službenoj Sleek stranici.
2 komentari
Ovo za Pink Pandu se slažem, pogotovo mi ti mailovi idu na živce. Super ti je blog ^^
ReplyDeleteAdriana R.
Hvala ti :)